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Schedule M: hr 1 finish last scene; orals hr 2 scenes hr 6 orals/ act 5 T: Project Success W: finish orals act 5 Thursday: orals act 5 Friday: in class.

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Presentation on theme: "Schedule M: hr 1 finish last scene; orals hr 2 scenes hr 6 orals/ act 5 T: Project Success W: finish orals act 5 Thursday: orals act 5 Friday: in class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schedule M: hr 1 finish last scene; orals hr 2 scenes hr 6 orals/ act 5 T: Project Success W: finish orals act 5 Thursday: orals act 5 Friday: in class essay: comparing two passages from King Lear

2 Orals 2 nd hr no questions Literary criticism Lecture \ Act 5: looking at tone

3 Tragic Hero Tragic hero is a figure who occupies a high position of social rank and ultimately falls to desolation and disaster. Protagonist’s fate is determined by the tragic hero’s flaw, or hamartia.

4 Tragic Fall From high position because of: – an error in judgment – exaggerated hubris (excessive pride) –or the workings of fate.

5 Shakespeare’s tragedies Hero’s flaw is rooted within the protagonist Reveals itself through a failure or inability to act correctly or make the right decision

6 Hero is ultimately destroyed by forces he himself set in motion. Although reconciled with Cordelia, Lear must face the forces of his other two daughters.

7 “Waste of human potential” Central element of the Elizabethan tragedy. King Lear’s fate is determined by his inability to distinguish between honest love and flattery, and his disastrous decision to divide his kingdom and give up his power entirely.

8 Final scene Disguise is revealed (Kent and Edgar) Father and child reunited –Edgar-Gloucester –Cordelia and Lear Tragic hero dies Villain brought to justice

9 Terms to know Atmosphere: how the writing feels to a reader. (An author’s tone creates atmosphere) Tone: Tone illuminates speaker’s attitude toward a subject. Attitude is communicated through tone. Diction: Choice of words. Syntex: The arrangement and order of words to create meaning. Imagery that appeals to one’s senses

10 5.3 Cordelia and Lear arrested and put in jail

11 Act 5.3 Lear’s speech P. 235 Lines 4-20 How do Diction, syntax, imagery Contribute to tone? Atmosphere? –His attitude toward the subject of his speech –Imagery of “birds in a cage”?

12 Edmund’s order to captain Kill Lear and Cordelia Albany commends Edmund on the battle field Then accuses him of treason Goneril has poisoned Regan Edgar in disguise, fights Edmund P 250-251( line 249) “Burst smilingly” –Tone?

13 Has Edmund changed? P. 249: wounded by Edgar, he says, “The wheel has come full circle.” –What does he mean by this? P. 253: “I pant for life some good I mean to do.” –Tries to save Lear and Cordelia –But it is too late

14 Lear’s Speech Atmoshpere, tone, Diction, punctuation, syntax and imagery P. 255-end Line 308 “Howl, howl, howl

15 Final thoughts Central theme: education and transformation of lear. Gained insight and knowledge through suffering brought about by his own folly. Both Gloucester and Lear find “renewal” Order will be restored by Edgar/Albany

16 5.1 Regan concerned that Edmund loves Gonerial Albany not comfortable with fighting against Lear, but must since France is an invading power. Edgar enters as peasant, gives Albany the letter Gonreil wrote to Edmund.

17 5.2 Edgar sets Gloucester by tree

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