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Published byMaurice Jones Modified over 9 years ago
OKAA OKC Chapter HAP – Everything you wanted to know about plants but were afraid to ask. Well OK just enough to HAP them.
Requirements AQUATIC PLANT DEFINED An aquatic plant is one with a submerged or floating form, as a normal occurrence, at some time during the course of any one complete growing season. AQUATIC PLANT DEFINED An aquatic plant is one with a submerged or floating form, as a normal occurrence, at some time during the course of any one complete growing season.
Not Eligible The following plant species are considered noxious weeds in Oklahoma and therefore not eligible for HAP: The following plant species are considered noxious weeds in Oklahoma and therefore not eligible for HAP: Azolla pinnata, Caulerpa taxifolia, Eichhornia azure, Hydrilla verticillata, Hygrophila polysperma, Ipomoea aquatica, Lagarosiphon major, Limnophila species, Lythrum salicaria, Marsilea quadrifolia, Marsilea mutica, Marsilea minuta, Melaleuca quinquenervia, Monochoria hastata, Ottellia alismoides, Sagittaria sagittifolia, Salvinia auriculata, Salvinia biloba, Salvinia herzogii, Salvinia molesta, Solanum tampicense, Sparganium erectum, Glossostigma diandrum Azolla pinnata, Caulerpa taxifolia, Eichhornia azure, Hydrilla verticillata, Hygrophila polysperma, Ipomoea aquatica, Lagarosiphon major, Limnophila species, Lythrum salicaria, Marsilea quadrifolia, Marsilea mutica, Marsilea minuta, Melaleuca quinquenervia, Monochoria hastata, Ottellia alismoides, Sagittaria sagittifolia, Salvinia auriculata, Salvinia biloba, Salvinia herzogii, Salvinia molesta, Solanum tampicense, Sparganium erectum, Glossostigma diandrum
Requirements for Submission About 1/2 cup (not including water) must be submitted. For plants such as Wolffia arrhiza and other similar species, at least one heaping tablespoonful must be submitted. About 1/2 cup (not including water) must be submitted. For plants such as Wolffia arrhiza and other similar species, at least one heaping tablespoonful must be submitted. For bunch plants, the initial stem count shall be at least six stems, rooted or unrooted, and must be doubled as determined by the count of growing stems. * Exceptions are for larger stem plants such as Alternanthera species, Gymnocoronis spilanthoides, and Hygrophilia species including and similar to H. corymbrosa For bunch plants, the initial stem count shall be at least six stems, rooted or unrooted, and must be doubled as determined by the count of growing stems. * Exceptions are for larger stem plants such as Alternanthera species, Gymnocoronis spilanthoides, and Hygrophilia species including and similar to H. corymbrosa Reproducing by the means of runners, shall be recognized when three or more healthy plants are produced, which are capable of living independently from the parent plant. The parent plant must be alive and healthy. Reproducing by the means of runners, shall be recognized when three or more healthy plants are produced, which are capable of living independently from the parent plant. The parent plant must be alive and healthy. Flowering, when properly verified, shall be awarded extra points equal to the value of the asexual propagation of the particular plant species. Flowering, when properly verified, shall be awarded extra points equal to the value of the asexual propagation of the particular plant species.
Requirements for Submission Sexual reproduction will be recognized for one or more plant reproducing by sexual means from the aquarists own stock. Sexual propagation will be awarded 1.5 times the value of asexual propagation. Seeds and reproduced plants must be from the members parent plant(s) and not obtained from a supplier or nursery. The reproduction of those plants propagating form spores i.e. (ferns) will be considered a sexual reproduction and shall be awarded 1.5 times the point value of the asexual propagation of the particular plant species. Sexual reproduction will be recognized for one or more plant reproducing by sexual means from the aquarists own stock. Sexual propagation will be awarded 1.5 times the value of asexual propagation. Seeds and reproduced plants must be from the members parent plant(s) and not obtained from a supplier or nursery. The reproduction of those plants propagating form spores i.e. (ferns) will be considered a sexual reproduction and shall be awarded 1.5 times the point value of the asexual propagation of the particular plant species. Regrowth of a seasonal plant does not count as propagation, it is simply classified as a new growth. (Examples are the Aponogeton sp.) Regrowth of a seasonal plant does not count as propagation, it is simply classified as a new growth. (Examples are the Aponogeton sp.) For class G, growth that is simply continued growth of obtained plants does not count! Material turned in for AHAP must be from side shoots, new stems after trimming, or runners. For class G, growth that is simply continued growth of obtained plants does not count! Material turned in for AHAP must be from side shoots, new stems after trimming, or runners.
Submission Guidelines Completion of the HAP form in addition to one of the following. Completion of the HAP form in addition to one of the following. A. Plants Donated per form under the guidelines. A. Plants Donated per form under the guidelines. B. An article over the horticulture of the species for publication in the OKAA Newsletter. B. An article over the horticulture of the species for publication in the OKAA Newsletter. C. A talk over the propagation of the species in question with pictures or slides. C. A talk over the propagation of the species in question with pictures or slides.
Class A – Small Surface & Near Surface Plants Class Completion upon 5 approved submissions. Class Completion upon 5 approved submissions. 5 pts. All species of Lemna (duckweed), all species of Salvinia except auriculata & cucullata. 5 pts. All species of Lemna (duckweed), all species of Salvinia except auriculata & cucullata. 10 pts. Riccia, Spirodella, Wolffia and All species not mentioned elsewhere. 10 pts. Riccia, Spirodella, Wolffia and All species not mentioned elsewhere. 15 pts. None 15 pts. None 20 pts. Salvinia cucullata 20 pts. Salvinia cucullata Targets: None Targets: None
Class B – Large Surface & Free Floating Type Plants Class Completion upon 5 approved submissions. Class Completion upon 5 approved submissions. 5 pts. Ceratophyllum sp. 5 pts. Ceratophyllum sp. 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other point groups. 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other point groups. 15 pts. Pistia stratiotes and all Eichhornia sp. 15 pts. Pistia stratiotes and all Eichhornia sp. 20 pts. All Utricularia sp. 20 pts. All Utricularia sp. Targets: All Aldrovanda sp. Targets: All Aldrovanda sp.
Class C – Sagittaria & Vallisneria Type Plants Class Completion upon 5 approved submissions. Class Completion upon 5 approved submissions. 5 pts. Vallisneria spiralis 5 pts. Vallisneria spiralis 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other groups. 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other groups. 15 pts. Subularia aquatica 15 pts. Subularia aquatica 20 pts. Blyxa aubertii, Cyperus helferi 20 pts. Blyxa aubertii, Cyperus helferi Targets: Blyxa japonica and novoguineensis Targets: Blyxa japonica and novoguineensis
Class D – All Anubias, Aponogeton & Cryptocoryne Type Plants Class Completion upon 6 approved submissions. Class Completion upon 6 approved submissions. 5 pts. None 5 pts. None 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other groups. 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other groups. 15 pts. Aponogeton ulvaceus, Aponogeton undulatus and all Anubias species and most Cryptocoryne species 15 pts. Aponogeton ulvaceus, Aponogeton undulatus and all Anubias species and most Cryptocoryne species 20 pts. All Aponogeton species not mentioned elsewhere and all Lagenandra species 20 pts. All Aponogeton species not mentioned elsewhere and all Lagenandra species Targets: Aponogeton berierianus and madagascariensis, Ottelia species, Cryptocoryne nuri and auriculata Targets: Aponogeton berierianus and madagascariensis, Ottelia species, Cryptocoryne nuri and auriculata
Class E – Amazon Sword and Crinum Plants Class Completion upon 5 approved submissions. Class Completion upon 5 approved submissions. 5 pts. None 5 pts. None 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other point classes 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other point classes 15 pts. All Echinodorus species 15 pts. All Echinodorus species 20 pts. Samolus 20 pts. Samolus Targets: None Targets: None
Class F – Water Lily Type Plants Class Completion upon 2 approved submissions. Class Completion upon 2 approved submissions. 5 pts. Aponogeton distachys 5 pts. Aponogeton distachys 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other groups. 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other groups. 15 pts. Barclaya longifolia and all Nupar species, and all Nymphaea species. 15 pts. Barclaya longifolia and all Nupar species, and all Nymphaea species. 20 pts. All Orontium species. 20 pts. All Orontium species. Targets: All Brasenia species Targets: All Brasenia species
Class G – Stem Plants Class Completion upon 6 approved submissions. Class Completion upon 6 approved submissions. 5 pts. All Elodea species, Hygrophilia polysperma. 5 pts. All Elodea species, Hygrophilia polysperma. 10 pts. Hygrophilia species not mentioned in other groups. 10 pts. Hygrophilia species not mentioned in other groups. 15 pts. All Myriophyllum species. Ludwigia glandulosa, Cabomba caroliana 15 pts. All Myriophyllum species. Ludwigia glandulosa, Cabomba caroliana 20 pts. Hottonia palustris, Eusteralis diversifola and azurea, Ammania species, Nesaea pedicullata, Cabomba furcata and aquatica. 20 pts. Hottonia palustris, Eusteralis diversifola and azurea, Ammania species, Nesaea pedicullata, Cabomba furcata and aquatica. Targets: Ludwigia inclinata, Eusteralis stellata, Rotala wallichi and macrandra, Nesaea sp “red”, Blyxa alternifola Targets: Ludwigia inclinata, Eusteralis stellata, Rotala wallichi and macrandra, Nesaea sp “red”, Blyxa alternifola
Class H – Most Bog Type Plants Class Completion upon 6 approved submissions. Class Completion upon 6 approved submissions. 5pts. Sparganium species. 5pts. Sparganium species. 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other groups. 10 pts. All species not mentioned in other groups. 15 pts. Limnocharis flava. 15 pts. Limnocharis flava. 20 pts. None 20 pts. None Target: Regnelidium diphyllum. Target: Regnelidium diphyllum.
Class I – Creeping Shoot Plants Class Completion upon 4 approved submissions. Class Completion upon 4 approved submissions. 5 Pts. None 5 Pts. None 10 Pts. Hydrocotyle leucocephala and verticillata 10 Pts. Hydrocotyle leucocephala and verticillata 15 Pts. All plants not mentioned in other groups. 15 Pts. All plants not mentioned in other groups. 20 Pts. Hydrocotyle vulgaris and sibthorpiodes, Marsilea species, Pilularia species. 20 Pts. Hydrocotyle vulgaris and sibthorpiodes, Marsilea species, Pilularia species. Target: None Target: None
Class J – Aquatic Ferns and Mosses Class Completion upon 5 approved submissions. Class Completion upon 5 approved submissions. 5 Pts. Vesicularia dubyana, Ceratopterus species. 5 Pts. Vesicularia dubyana, Ceratopterus species. 10 Pts. Microsorium and Bolbitis species, all plants not mentioned elsewhere. 10 Pts. Microsorium and Bolbitis species, all plants not mentioned elsewhere. 15 Pts. Fontinalis antipyretica. 15 Pts. Fontinalis antipyretica. 20 Pts. None 20 Pts. None Target: Isotes species. Target: Isotes species.
Class K – A – Red Macroalgae 5 Pts. None 5 Pts. None 10 Pts. Galaxaura marginata 10 Pts. Galaxaura marginata 15 Pts. Galaxaura oblongata 15 Pts. Galaxaura oblongata 20 Pts. All species of red macroalgae not included in other point groups. 20 Pts. All species of red macroalgae not included in other point groups.
Class K – B – Green Macroalgae 5 Pts. Caulerpa mexicana, prolifera, racemosa, serulariodes, and Enteromorpha flexuosa. 5 Pts. Caulerpa mexicana, prolifera, racemosa, serulariodes, and Enteromorpha flexuosa. 10 Pts. All Bryopsis species, Caulerpa crassifolia, lanuginosa, serrulata, taxifolia, All Chadtomorpha species, Cladophora prolifera, Codium decorticatum. 10 Pts. All Bryopsis species, Caulerpa crassifolia, lanuginosa, serrulata, taxifolia, All Chadtomorpha species, Cladophora prolifera, Codium decorticatum. 15 Pts. Batophora oerstedii, Caulerpa cupressoides, verticillata, All Chadtomorpha species, All Cladocephalus species, Codium repens, Dasycladus vermicularis, Dictyophaeria cavernosa, Neomeris annulata, All Penicillus species, All Rhipilea species, and all Ulva species 15 Pts. Batophora oerstedii, Caulerpa cupressoides, verticillata, All Chadtomorpha species, All Cladocephalus species, Codium repens, Dasycladus vermicularis, Dictyophaeria cavernosa, Neomeris annulata, All Penicillus species, All Rhipilea species, and all Ulva species 20 Pts. All species of Green Macroalgae not mentioned in other point catagories. 20 Pts. All species of Green Macroalgae not mentioned in other point catagories. Targets: All Chamaedons species, Cymopolia barbarta, Halimeda lacrimosa, opuntia, Ulvarua oxysperma Targets: All Chamaedons species, Cymopolia barbarta, Halimeda lacrimosa, opuntia, Ulvarua oxysperma
Class K – C – Brown Macroalgae 5 Pts. None 5 Pts. None 10 Pts. None 10 Pts. None 15 Pts. None 15 Pts. None 20 Pts. All species of Brown macroalgae not mentioned in other point classes. 20 Pts. All species of Brown macroalgae not mentioned in other point classes. Targets: Dictyota barayresii, divaricata, linearis, Lobophora variegata, Rosenvingea intricata, and all Turbinaria species. Targets: Dictyota barayresii, divaricata, linearis, Lobophora variegata, Rosenvingea intricata, and all Turbinaria species.
Class K – D – All other Marine Plants 5 Pts. None 5 Pts. None 10 Pts. All species of Marine Plants not mentioned in other point classes. 10 Pts. All species of Marine Plants not mentioned in other point classes. 15 Pts. Halophila englemannii. 15 Pts. Halophila englemannii. 20 Pts. Halophila decipiens. 20 Pts. Halophila decipiens. Targets: Any species reproduced by sexual reproduction, producing flowers, seeds, and seedlings. Targets: Any species reproduced by sexual reproduction, producing flowers, seeds, and seedlings.
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