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Welcome to Physics Jeopardy KEYBOARDING. Final Jeopardy Question Electrostatics Electric Materials 100 Electricroscope Electric Field 500 400 300 200.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Physics Jeopardy KEYBOARDING. Final Jeopardy Question Electrostatics Electric Materials 100 Electricroscope Electric Field 500 400 300 200."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Physics Jeopardy KEYBOARDING

2 Final Jeopardy Question Electrostatics Electric Materials 100 Electricroscope Electric Field 500 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 500 Electric Forces

3 Back Electrostatics 100 pts How do charges interact with each other?

4 Like charges repel Opposite charges attract Back Electrostatics 100 pts Answer

5 What happens when a charged object approaches a neutral object? Back Electrostatics 200 pts

6 Attracts because the neutral object Rearranges its charges Back Electrostatics 200 pts

7 A conductor can obtain a temporary charge by? Back Electrostatics 300 pts

8 Polarization Back Electrostatics 300 pts

9 Back What is conservation of charge? Electrostatics 400pts

10 Charge is never created nor destroyed it is just separated and transferred to another object Back Electrostatics 400 pts Answer

11 Objects A receives a positive charge by rubbing against object B. What is the charge on object B? Back Electrostatics 500 pts

12 Back Electrostatics 500pts Answer Negative

13 Back Electric Materials 100pts Materials that allow the flow of electrons

14 Conductors Back Electric Materials 100 pts

15 Back Electric Materials 200 pts Electric materials that restrict the flow of electrons.

16 Back Electric Materials 200pts Answer insulators

17 Acetate rubbed with cotton gives acetate what kind of charge? Back Electric Materials 300 pts

18 Back Electric Materials 300 pts Positive

19 Back Vinyl rubbed with wool gives vinyl what Kind of charge? Electric Materials 400

20 Negative Back Electric Materials 400 pts Answer

21 A charged vinyl strip is brought near but does not touch a conductor, what is the charge at the far end of the conductor? Back Electric Materials 500 pts

22 Negative Back Electric Materials 500 pts Answer

23 Back Electric Forces 100 pts What happens to the force between two charges that are moved three times as far apart?

24 Decreases by a factor Of nine Back Electric Forces 100 pts Answer

25 Back What happens to the force between two charged conductors if the charge on both conductors are doubled and the distance between them decreases by a factor of three ? Electric Forces 200pts

26 Back Increases by 36 X Electric Forces 200pts Answer

27 Back Electric Forces 300pts The unit of charge is called?

28 Back Electric Forces 300pts Answer Coulomb

29 Back What does the force between two electrons depend on ?

30 Back The product of the electric charges divided by the Square of the Distance of the charges

31 Back Three positive charges are separated by equal distances. If the force between The first two charges is 2 N what is the Force and direction on the third charge With respect to the other two charges?

32 2.5 N to the right Back

33 A positive strip touches the knob of the electroscope and then removed. What happens to the leaves when it is removed? Back

34 They stay positively charged and apart. Back

35 What type of charge is left on a electroscope if it is charged by induction with a negatively charged object? Back

36 Positive

37 What type of material is an electroscope made of? Back

38 Conductor Back

39 It must be grounded? Back

40 What must be done to an electroscope to induce a positive charge before removing a negative charge?

41 What does the electroscope show when the electroscope leaves open? Back

42 The electroscope opens due To repulsion? Back

43 What is the unit for electric field? Back

44 N/C Back

45 What two properties must a test charge have? Back

46 1. Positive 2. small Back

47 What direction does the field lines take with respect to positive and negative charges? Back

48 Away from positive charges Toward negative charges Back

49 What is the electric field in a region a 1 uC test charge experiences a 200 N Force?

50 2 x 10 ^8 N/C Back

51 In a region of charge. What does the electric field depend on?

52 Back E = k Q / D 2 Q The charge in the region D The distance from the test charge To the charge distribution.

53 When was the internet developed? Back

54 1960’s Back

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