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Monday 22 nd September 2014 Welcome to Campbell College.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 22 nd September 2014 Welcome to Campbell College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 22 nd September 2014 Welcome to Campbell College

2 What is the aim of this evening ? -To consider, with your parents, the year ahead. -To discuss and set clear targets

3 GCSE results 2014  11% A* Grades (9% in 2013, 7% in 2012, 6% in 2011)  31% A*/A Grades (32% last year, 26% in 2012, 21% in 2011)  87% A* - C Grades (86% last year, 81% in 2012, 78% in 2011 )

4 GCSE results 2014  12 A*/A grades Alex Nagar  11 A*/A grades Malcolm Corry, Charlie Edgar, Josh Haslett and Ben Taylor (all with 9 A* Grades) John Crowther, Scott Dennis, David Isaac and Nicholas McMinn  In total, 25 boys achieved 7 A*/A grades or better

5 Raising the bar Over 130 Year 12 boys achieved the increased tariff for Sixth Form

6 Know your targets

7 Using data 1. Reading a graph for information

8 Action What do you do about it? DataInformation

9 Year 11 results Average % in Y11 exams (2012)

10 GCSE points 2013 (A*/A =3, B=2, C=1)

11 5 pts 23 pts Average % in Y11 exams (2012) GCSE points 2013 (A*/A =3, B=2, C=1)

12 Waste time William Y11 result – 59% Y12 – 5 pts Average % in Y11 exams (2012) GCSE points 2013 (A*/A =3, B=2, C=1)

13 Average Joe Y11 result – 58% Y12 – 15pts (5B’s and 5 C’s) GCSE points 2013 (A*/A =3, B=2, C=1) Average % in Y11 exams (2012)

14 Academic Albert Y11 result – 61% Y12 – 25 pts (3 A*s, 4 A’s, 2 B’s) GCSE points 2013 (A*/A =3, B=2, C=1) Average % in Y11 exams (2012)

15 Learning from the past










25 Learn from your mistakes… “Incremental improvement” Original Grade Plus 1 mark per unit Plus 2 marks per unit Plus 3 marks per unit Plus 4 marks per unit Plus 5 marks per unit Tom Smyth 205D CCCCC John Smyth 191D DDDDC Ian Smyth 343A* Alan Smyth 253B BBBBB Tom Smyth 199D DDCCC John Smyth 224C CCCCC Ian Smyth 241C CCCBB Alan Smyth 242C CCBBB Tom Smyth 258B BBBBB John Smyth 313A AAAAA Tom Smyth 255C BBBBB Ian Smyth 335A A*

26 Get credit in the bank… The significance of Controlled Assessment Student A - Double Award Science (Summer 2014) Exams (75%) Biology 1 47 b Chemistry 1 42 c Physics 1 45 c Biology 2 58 c Chemistry 2 57 c Physics 2 58 c Controlled Assessment (25%) 135 a* Overall gradesBB

27 Get credit in the bank… Student B - Physical Education (Summer 2014) Exam (40%) Knowledge & Understanding for the Active Participant 75 c Controlled Assessment (60%) The Active Participant176 a* Overall gradeA

28 Tonight You have the opportunity to discuss each subject grade with your son and come to agreement with them. The target grade will be recorded in school and progress monitored. “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time”


30 Year 12 Making your points prediction… A*/A = 3 pts B = 2 pts C = 1 pt 14 points (4 B’s, 6C’s) 22 Points (4 A’s, 4 B’s, 2 C’s) 30 Points (10 A’s)

31 Be SMART about your targets  Specific  Measurable  Agreed  Realistic  Time-bound

32 Be SMART about your targets Examples “Finish draft of ICT Controlled Assessment on time so that final draft can get an A grade” “Revise all of the Unit 1 Chemistry before Christmas.” “Complete two T3 Maths past papers before the Mock Exams” “Set aside 2 hours each week to revise History” …

33 KnowledgeSkillsPerseverance Influencing your own destiny

34 KnowledgeSkillsPerseverance Influencing your own destiny Mostly school Mostly you

35 KnowledgeSkills Note taking Note making Memory skills Summarizing Perseverance Helping yourself Course content Assessment Coursework Give up Lose your temper Blame someone else

36 Good practice encourages active learning. Learning is not a spectator sport. You learn as you talk about what you are learning write about it. and participate in class

37 Year 12 The Year Ahead 5 weeks Half Term 7 weeks Christmas 0 weeks Mocks 3 weeks Parents’ Evening 5 weeks Easter 4 weeks GCSE Exams 24 weeks120 days

38 Year 12 The Year Ahead 5 weeks Half Term 7 weeks Christmas 0 weeks Mocks 3 weeks Parents’ Evening 5 weeks Easter 4 weeks GCSE Exams 24 weeks120 days

39 Summer 2015 Remove the risk.

40 A final 4-letter word!


42 If you have any queries please do not hesitate to talk to any member of staff. Thank you for coming. After target-setting in your tutor groups, please join us for refreshments in the Dining Hall.

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