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2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt Food groups Where our food.

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Presentation on theme: "2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt Food groups Where our food."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt Food groups Where our food comes from Healthy food = Healthy body Filling our spoons Protecting our food supply

2 Question: Food Groups 1 pt Q: How many food groups are there?

3 A: Five Answer: Food Groups – 1 pt

4 Question: Food Groups 2 pts Q: How are foods divided into "food groups"? a) plant versus animal b) the nourishment they provide c) their origin d) all of these

5 Answer: Food Groups – 2 pts A: b) the nourishment they provide

6 Question: Food Groups – 3 pts Q: True or False: Fruits and vegetables are in the same food group.

7 Answer: Food Groups – 3 pts A: False

8 Q:The MyPlate graphic illustrates healthy ________ of the five food groups. Question: Food Groups 4 pts

9 Answer: Food Groups – 4 pts A: proportions

10 Question: Food Groups 5 pts Q: Name the five food groups.

11 Answer: Food Groups – 5 pts A: Fruits Vegetables Grains Protein Dairy

12 Question: Where our food comes from – 1 pt Q: True or False: All of the food we eat comes from two types of living organisms.

13 A: True. Plants and animals. Answer: Where our food comes from – 1 pt

14 Question: Where our food comes from – 2 pts Q: Most of the food we eat is grown on ______ or raised on ______.

15 Answer: Where our food comes from - 2 pts A: farms, ranches

16 Question: Where our food comes from – 3 pts Q: Which crop do farmers in the U.S. grow more ­­of than any other country in the world? a) soy beans b) wheat c) corn d) hay

17 Answer: Where our food comes from - 3 pts A: a) corn Part of the corn raised in the United States is shipped to other countries to help with their food supply. Of the corn grown in the U.S., cattle, hogs and poultry consume more than humans do.

18 Question: Where our food comes from – 4 pts Q: What term is used to describe land that can be cultivated for growing crops or raising livestock ? a) Arable land b) Productive acreage c) Undeveloped Zoning d) none of these

19 A: a) Arable land As of 2005 there were 174,448,000 hectares of arable land in the United States; reduced from 181,839,000 in 1995. Answer: Where our food comes from - 4 pts

20 Question: Where our food comes from – 5 pts Q: __________ such as corn or blueberries are both exported out to other countries and imported into the United States from other countries.

21 Answer: Where our food comes from - 5 pts A: Commodities

22 Question: Healthy food = Healthy body – 1 pt Q: Dairy products contain calcium to help build strong bones and teeth. Which of the following are dairy products? a) cottage cheese b) eggs c) yogurt d) milkshake

23 Answer: Healthy food = Healthy body – 1 pt A: a) cottage cheese c) yogurt d) milkshake

24 Question: Healthy food = Healthy body – 2 pts Q: True or false: Soybeans are in the protein group and are also used in the manufacture of cars and trucks.

25 Answer: Healthy food = Healthy body – 2 pts A: true

26 Q: Foods in the grains group are good sources of ______ for energy. Question: Healthy food = Healthy body 3 pts

27 Answer: Healthy food = Healthy body – 3 pts A: carbohydrates

28 Q: What food group supplies our bodies with the minerals iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium and the vitamins K, C, E, and B? a) vegetables b) fruits c) protein d) dairy e) grains Question: Healthy food = Healthy body – 4 pts

29 Answer: Healthy food = Healthy body – 4 pts A: a) vegetables Vegetables come in a variety of colors. Dark green vegetables are one of the healthiest foods to eat. Eat a variety of colors to get all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

30 Question: Healthy food = Healthy body – 5 pts Q: Vitamin _____ is essential for building connective tissue and healthy blood vessels. The best source of this vitamin is food from the ______ group.

31 Answer: Healthy food = Healthy body – 5 pts A: C, fruit Citrus fruits are the best source of vitamin C.

32 Q: Wheat is used to make bread, cereal and pasta. Over 2 million bushels of wheat are grown every year in the United States on more than 53 million acres of ______. Question: Filling our spoons – 1 pt

33 Answer: Filling our spoons – 1 pt A: soil

34 Question: Filling our spoons – 2 pts Q: True or false: Milk transported to the store today was still inside a cow two days ago.

35 Answer: Filling our spoons – 2 pts A: True Cows are raised on dairy farms. One cow can eat 90 pounds of food and make 100 glasses of milk in one day.

36 Question: Filling our spoons 3 pts Q: Poultry is a lean meat. The average American eats _____ pounds of poultry per year. a) 30 b) 40 c) 50 d) 60

37 Answer: Filling our spoons – 3 pts A: 50

38 Question: Filling our spoons – 4 pts Q. True or false: Your body needs fats and oils to be healthy.

39 Answer: Filling our spoons – 4 pts A: True. Fats and oils make fat soluble vitamins available for use in the body. Get fats from nuts, fish, and liquid oils like olive, soy or canola.

40 Question Filling our spoons 5 pts Q: Every cell in the body must have ______ to survive.

41 Answer Filling our spoons 5 pts A: a) water Water makes up almost 70% of your body weight.

42 Question: Protecting our food supply 1 pt Q: True or False: Most of the food we eat comes from animals.

43 Answer: Protecting our food supply 1 pt A: False Most of the food we eat comes from plants that grow in the soil.

44 Question: Protecting our food supply 2 pts Q: Food security is defined as; a) safety officials trained to work in the food industry b) the world's population having safe and nutritious food c) all of these d) none of these

45 Answer: Protecting our food supply 2 pts A: b) the world's population having safe and nutritious food

46 Question: Protecting our food supply 3 pts Q: ______ is called the staff of life.

47 A: wheat One bushel of wheat makes about 90 one-pound loaves of whole wheat bread. Answer: Protecting our food supply 3 pts

48 Question: Protecting our food supply 4 pts Q: Food supply is directly related to the carrying capacity of the ecosystem in which it is grown or raised. Factors affecting the carrying capacity of an ecosystem are; a) the amount of living space b) the supply of nutrients c) predators and/or competing organisms d) all of these e) none of these

49 Answer: Protecting our food supply 4 pts A: d) all of these

50 Question: Protecting our food supply 5 pts Q: Farmers and ranchers enact BMP's to protect and conserve natural resources such as soil and water. What does "BMP" stand for?

51 Answer: Protecting our food supply 5 pts A: Best Management Practices

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