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Published byConstance Harrell Modified over 10 years ago
Peripheral Vascular Disease in Cardiac Patients
Jason Finkelstein, M.D. Cardiology Fellow Tulane University HSC 9/23/03
P A D Characterized by arterial stenosis and occlusions in the peripheral arterial bed Can be symptomatic or asymptomatic Under diagnosed and under treated disease Patient and physician awareness is low
P V D Ranges in severity from intermittent claudication to limb ischemia Patients have a decreased quality of life due to a reduction in walking distance and speed leading to immobility Most cases of PAD are asymptomatic
Prevalence 27 million people in Europe and North America have PAD (16% of the population 55 yrs or older) 10.5 million are symptomatic 16.5 million are asymptomatic Three recent programs have demonstrated high PAD detection rates when specific populations were at risk for PAD were screened
POPADAD study 8000 patients 40 yrs or older with DM Type I or II
Had no clinical symptoms of arterial disease Results: 20.1% of patients had ABI < 0.9
PAD Awareness & Detection
Total of 6979 patients Ages 70 yrs or older or with diabetes or smoking history PAD was considered present if ABI< 0.9 or a h/x of limb revascularization CVD was defined as coronary, cerebral, or aortic aneurysmal disease Criqui, et al, JAMA 2001: 286;
Results: PAD was detected in 1865 pts ( 30%)
44% of these pts had newly diagnosed PAD only 366 pts had newly diagnosed PAD and CVD (35%) Among pts with PVD, classic claudication was distinctly uncommon PAD is relatively underdiagnosed by physicians PAD patients were less intensely treated than patients with CVD Criqui et al, JAMA
Natural History of PAD Associated with significant mortality because of association with coronary and cerebrovascular events including death, MI, and stroke 6x more likely to die within 10 yrs than patients without PAD 5 yr mortality rate in pts with claudication is about 30% Continued use of smoking results in a two fold risk of mortality
Prevalence Severity of symptoms has been found to correlate with survival San Diego Artery study Survival rates decreased with increasing severity Another study showed that patients with symptoms had a 22% survival rate over a 15 yr period compared to a 78% survival rate of pts w/o symptoms Belch et al, Arch Intern Med; April 2003;
Predictors of Mortality in PAD
297 patients 213 had intermittent claudication 84 had CLI defined by gangrene, ulcerations or persistent rest pain > 2 weeks All subjects had ABI < 0.9 Results Patients with CLI had a 1 yr death rate of 22% 3 yr survival was 52% compared to 86% in pts with intermittent claudication Data suggests that pts with advance PAD have widespread arteriosclerotic disease CLI was a stronger predictor of death than a low ABI Pasaqualini et al, Amer Jour of Cardio 2001;Vol 88:
Claudication Patients suffer from peripheral atherosclerosis
Symptomatic deficiency in blood supply to exercising muscle which is relieved by rest Largely a disorder of the elderly Only 1-2% of those ages 37-69 Clinical history extremely important
Risk Factors Diabetes mellitus Advanced age Hyperlipidemia
have worse arterial disease and poorer outcomes than non-diabetics Advanced age Hyperlipidemia Cigarette smoking Hypertension
Cardiac Risk Pts with PVD have a 60% risk of CAD
Up to 30 % of pts have correctable 3 vessel disease with reduced LVEF Patients with an ABI < 0.9 are twice as likely to have CAD
Clinical Presentation
Can vary from severe disabling discomfort at rest to a bothersome pain of seemingly little consequence Can present with buttock, thigh, calf or foot claudication singly or in combination Diminished pulses with occasional bruits over stenotic lesions Poor wound healing, unilateral cool extremity, shiny skin, hair loss, and nail changes
Claudication Calf Thigh Foot Buttock and Hip
Cramping in upper 2/3 usually due to SFA stenosis Thigh Usually occlusion of the common femoral artery Foot Occlusive disease of the tibial and peroneal vessels Buttock and Hip Aortoiliac occlusive disease (Lariche’s syndrome)
Diagnostic tests Ankle-brachial index
Measures the resting and post exercise systolic BP in both the ankle and arms Normal > 1.0 Below 0.9 has a 95 % sensitivity for detecting angiogram positive PVD 0.4 to 0.9 suggests arterial obstruction Highly predictive of morbidity and mortality of CV events linked to PAD Below 0.4 represents advanced ischemia
Diagnostic Tests Segemental limb pressures Duplex U/S MRA
> 20 mmHg reduction significant Duplex U/S MRA Conventional angiography
Angiography Indicated for: Defining vessel anatomy Evaluating therapy
Documenting disease
Long term survival 2, 296 patients reviewed from CASS found to have PAD Mean follow up period was 10.4 yrs Pts with PAD had a higher frequency of CV risk factors HTN, DM, CHF, previous CABG, or smoked Controlled for all independent risk factors Vascular disease retained a highly significant correlation with mortality Pts had a 25% increased risk of dying at any time during followup ( p< 0.001) Eagle et al, JACC 1994;23:1091-5
Premature PAD 59 male patients with premature PAD
Age of onset < 45 yrs of age PAD assessed by ABI and CAD assessed by exercise treadmill testing or coronary angiogram Mean ABI was 0.65 Arteriography performed in 56/59 pts Valentine et al, J of Vasc Surg (1994; 19; )
Premature PAD 30 month period of the study
43 patients had significant CAD (73%) 17 pts had single vessel disease 4 pts had 2 vessel disease 22 pts had 3 vessel disease 32 pts experienced an MI and 23 pts requires an intervention to help control angina 8% mortality rate in the study Valentine et al, J Vasc Surg (1994; 19: )
Management of PAD & CAD Close association of PAD and CAD
Pts with CAD undergoing PV surgery are at increased risk of early and late CV events Coronary revasc. is likely to improve outcome but mortality rate after CABG is not as good as in pts w/o PVD Recommends hemodynamic monitoring Definitive guidelines are not available Gersch et al, J am Coll Card; 1991;18:
PVD and Role of CRP 51 pts with PVD who underwent lower limb revasc. (screened 170 pts) 24 month f/u period 39 pts had PTA and 12 pts had bypass surgery CRP levels were measured pre-op All mortality, cardiac mortality and MI were considered major events Rossi et al, Circulation 2002; 105:
PVD and Role of CRP 34% incidence of fatal and nonfatal MI over 2 yrs
CRP > 9 predicted 60 % o f MI’s in pts undergoing lower limb revasc. ( p <0.04) Conclusion CRP level in pts with PVD severe enough for revasc. may give incremental information about CV events and had a high predictive value Pts may benefit from therapy modulating the immune response More studies needed Rossi et al, Circulation; 2002; 105:
PAD Management Anti-platelet agents Diabetic control Smoking cessation
Anti-hypertensives Statin therapy Exercise rehabilitation Revascularization/PTCA/stenting
Revascularization Indications for intervention (PTA)
Persistent limiting claudication that prevents patient from performing daily activities Rest pain Tissue loss Patients who are poor surgical candidates Long term success of PTA depends on site and length of the lesion Limited to focal, short segment occlusions No significant difference in outcome between PTA or surgery
Revascularization Lesions might be better treated surgically if:
Long segments Multi focal stenoses Long segment occlusions Eccentric, calcified lesions
Conclusion Need to increase awareness of PAD and its consequences
Improve the identification of patients with symptomatic PAD Initiate a screening protocol at high risk for PAD Improve treatment rates for those who have been diagnosed Increase the rates of early detection in asymptomatic patients
Summary PAD is a powerful indicator of systemic artherosclerosis
Mandates aggressive risk factor modification and pharmacologic therapy Goal is to improve the functional capacity of our patients and decrease morbidity and mortality Cardiologists need to take a more active role in treating PAD along with co-existing CAD
Case #1 Mr. EG is a 52 yr old male with PMHx of HTN, tobacco abuse and CAD with a 5 vessel CABG in June 2000 LIMA – LAD SVG to D1 SVG to OM1 & OM2 SVG to RCA
Case #1 Last cath was in April of 2001 which showed patent grafts and medical management was recommended Now pt has recurrent chest pain on exertion < 1 block Cardiolyte stress test revealed 1 mm ST depression and anterior ischemia. LVEF is 44%
Case # 2 Mr. JG is a 60 yr old male with PMHx of severe tobacco abuse, AAA, PVD with ischemic rest pain, Right CEA, HTN, who presents with occasional atypical angina Persantine Cardiolyte stress test showed reversible anterior and septal ischemia
Case # 2 TEE revealed normal LVEF with mild inferobasal HK
Moderate to severe eccentric MR Physical exam revealed b/l carotid bruits and 2/6 SEM
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