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Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme European Policy on Lifelong Learning and Older learners Martina Ní Cheallaigh IFA, Prague, 30 May 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme European Policy on Lifelong Learning and Older learners Martina Ní Cheallaigh IFA, Prague, 30 May 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme European Policy on Lifelong Learning and Older learners Martina Ní Cheallaigh IFA, Prague, 30 May 2012

2 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme Active citizenship indicator, 2002

3 Date: in 12 pts European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations The main objectives are to: promote active ageing in employment facilitate active ageing in the community promote healthy ageing and independent living enhance solidarity between the generations Lifelong learning programme

4 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme Participation trend by age

5 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme 55-64 years

6 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme Active Citizenship Norway Sweden Denmark Austria Ireland Belgium Netherlands Employment Rate Switzerland 78.6% Iceland 78.2% Norway 75.3% Netherlands 74.7% Denmark 73.4% Sweden 72.1% Austria 70.7%

7 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme Policy acquis at the EU level Lifelong Learning policy (since1995): includes formal, non-formal and informal learning (also used: life wide learning) Communication It is never too late to learn (2006) Action Plan on Adult Learning (2007) European Qualification Framework (2008) ET2020 Strategic Framework for European Cooperation (2009) Bruges Communiqué (2010) European Agenda for Adult Learning (2011) Europe 2020 – smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

8 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme EU Agenda forAdult Learning Adult learning - a means of up-skilling or re-skilling those affected by unemployment, restructuring and career transitions, an important contribution to social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development Vision for 2020: Well-developed learning provision for seniors, in order to promote active, autonomous, and healthy ageing, and which uses their knowledge, experience, social and cultural capital for the benefit of society as a whole Priority 2012-14: Enhancing learning opportunities for older adults in the context of active ageing, including volunteering and the promotion of innovative forms of intergenerational learning and initiatives to exploit the knowledge, skills and competences of older people for the benefit of society as a whole

9 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme What are the objectives? Basic skills Social inclusion Development of active citizenship Cultural engagement Health and well-being Learning to support older adults maintain social cultural and political involvement in their community and contribute to active ageing

10 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme - Adult Education Strand Multilateral projects, Networks and Learning Partnerships Opportunities for AE staff mobility: In-service training, Visits and exchanges, Assistantships Accompanying measures, Preparatory visits Workshops Senior volunteering projects

11 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme Grundtvig Strong social focus – Outreach to disadvantaged and marginalised groups – Citizenship, older people, inter-generational solidarity, environment – Social cohesion, inclusion of minorities Commitment to informal and non-formal learning alongside formal adult education Broad spread of participating organisations embracing NGOs, community groups and cultural organisations such as museums alongside specialised adult education providers

12 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme Grundtvig projects Inter-generational 98 Art, culture, media 84 ICT 83 Active ageing 66 Learning in later life 57 & Life transitions 10 Health 37 & sport 6 Inclusion 32 Citizenship 30 & Intercultural 30 Older workers 27 Care of the elderly 23 Family learning & solidarity 20

13 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme Grundtvig projects Gender/women 18 Languages 16 Environment/science 12 Disabilities 11 Minorities/ethnic minorities 10 Entrepreneurship 8 Transfer of practices 21 Volunteering 27

14 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme SeniorVolunteering Some figures 2009: 43 projects, 450 volunteers 2010: 63 projects, 643 volunteers 2011: 67 projects, 740 volunteers Strongly increasing applications 2009-11 25 countries in 2011 Profile of volunteers: 73 % women average age: 63 years old usually experienced local volunteers mainly retired people but not only

15 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme Other programmes Leonardo da Vinci –Older workers –Continuing vocational training –Apprenticeship Culture, European capitals Sport Streamlined programme 2014-20 - Erasmus for All

16 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme Thanks for your attention! Contact: DG EAC: policy/adult_en.htm policy/adult_en.htm programme/grundtvig_en.htm

17 Date: in 12 pts Lifelong learning programme Participation in non-formal education and training EU 32.7%

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