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California Scholarship Federation Oh Joy! It’s Spring! 103 days ‘til Graduation!

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1 California Scholarship Federation Oh Joy! It’s Spring! 103 days ‘til Graduation!

2 IMPORTANT!!! COPY DOWN NOW. ▫President’s Email: ▫Advisor’s:  ▫Club’s:  Email the club email this weekend, so you may start receiving updates. Thanks :)

3 Overview of the Point System Service (10 pts/semester) Events (2/semester) Fundraisers- 2 pts ▫Munchies, International Week Supplies- 2 pts max/event ▫Food/cutlery for socials or International Week, marker/paper for card-making Ink Toner/Cartridges- 2 pts/ea Charity- depends THIS SEMESTER WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING OUTSIDE HOURS FOR PTS. Pacific Symphony Card-Making Soup Kitchen Campus Clean-Up Etc. NOTE: Points do NOT roll over at the semester. There are no points for meetings.

4 This Month’s Fundraiser Cookies- 2 pts/10. From Tues 3/5-30. ▫Check them out with Ms. Nguyen ▫Sell for $1 per/package ▫Sell $20 worth of cookies and get a free t-shirt ▫Person who sells the most Munchies will get a free cookie cake from Mrs. Field’s! ▫SELL SELL SELL!

5 Charity for this Season March: ▫Change for Change- 2 pts/bottle  Bring in an empty water bottle and fill in with money.  Bring them into Ms. Nguyen’s room, E101, from now until March 3o th.  THEY MUST BE CLEAN. ▫Easter Baskets  There are thousands of families in California that can’t afford a decent Easter dinner. We can help.  3 pts/ea. 2 people, 1 basket, lots of food, happy family. Easy.  Turn in by Fri. 3/30 before school starts

6 Charity for this Season April: ▫Clothing Drive- 1 pt/item  Bring in an clean, gently worn clothes to donate to the less fortunate.  We will begin collecting after Spring Break.  THEY MUST BE CLEAN. ▫I CAN Make a Difference  Bring in empty tin cans (soda cans, soup cans, etc).  The cans will be exchanged for cash which we will in turn donate to charity.  We will begin collecting after Spring Break.  THEY MUST BE THOROUGHLY WASHED.

7 Other Service Point Opportunities International Week: March 19 th -23 rd ▫CSF will be selling chow mein and orange chicken Mon- Thurs. ▫Bring in Styrofoam plates and forks for 2 pts OR stick around and help sell during lunch (especially second lunch) for 3 pts. Sign up with Jen. After-School Tutoring ▫5-7 tutors. Now til the end of the semester. Tuesdays- Thursdays from 3-3:30 pm. ▫Help students with Algebra 2 homework, organization, and peer buddy. 2 points/day. Sign up with Ms. Nguyen.

8 Pacific Symphony-Save the Dates Saturdays, 8am-1pm @ Segerstrom Concert Hall in the OCPAC Family Concerts: act as ushers, run carnival booths, one free show, complimentary snacks and drinks 10 volunteers/ea, 5 pts/ea ▫10/22/11- A Halloween Whodunit ▫12/10/11- Nutcracker for Kids (BEST ONE) ▫2/4/12- Symphony in Space ▫3/3/12- Hansel & Gretel TOMORROW ▫5/12/12- Happily Ever After

9 Club T-Shirts Send in a design for a club t-shirt for 2 pts. Winning design earns the choice of either: ▫A free shirt! ▫OR excused points for this semester! ▫Send designs to

10 More Event Opportunities Senior Center Food Packaging ▫On McFadden. ▫Mondays and Tuesday- 4 Dates: 3/12, 3/13, 3/19, 3/20 CAHSEE Wall Covering ▫Friday, 3/9, after school. Meet in Ms. Nguyen’s room. ▫Assist Freshmen and Sophomore seminar teachers cover their walls before testing. Easter Basket Packaging ▫Friday, 3/30 (Modified Day), after-school in Ms. Nguyen’s room. ▫We will be packaging the Easter baskets and making cards also to go with them. Bring ribbon, markers, paper for 2 extra points.

11 Knott’s Conference All the CSF’s of Southern California will be present. Super fun! Today, March 2 nd. 7 pm-1am. Make sure to turn in your permission slips. Provide own rides. If you haven’t bought a ticket, you can still go. Tickets will $30.

12 Any Questions? Feel free to contact any of us by email or via Facebook. ▫Ms. K. Nguyen: ▫Sana Ahmed: ▫Selina Mendoza: ▫Michelle Nguyen: ▫Zainab Syeda: ▫Jennifer Quijas: ▫Melissa Sandoval:

13 byeee Hope to see your beautiful faces tonight. I’ll be creeping in the shadows. Next meeting will be Fri. 4/13.

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