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Exam 1Exam 2Exam 3 %w 2pt. C%w 1pt. C%w 4pt. EC 78.784.482.28577.886.7 A366827 B866487 C431342 D324220 F1 11 Mean without C or EC79.57 Mean with extra.

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Presentation on theme: "Exam 1Exam 2Exam 3 %w 2pt. C%w 1pt. C%w 4pt. EC 78.784.482.28577.886.7 A366827 B866487 C431342 D324220 F1 11 Mean without C or EC79.57 Mean with extra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam 1Exam 2Exam 3 %w 2pt. C%w 1pt. C%w 4pt. EC 78.784.482.28577.886.7 A366827 B866487 C431342 D324220 F1 11 Mean without C or EC79.57 Mean with extra pts.85.37 Intros 30pts% 23.6778.9 A3 B4 C7 D0 F1 Grade Distributions for PSYC-314.010

2 What’s left… ExaminationsCourse Components Exam #1= 35 pts.Introduction and References= 30 pts. Exam #2= 35 pts.Methods section= 20 pts. Exam #3= 35 pts.Resultssection= 20 pts. Exam #4= 35 pts.Final paper= 40 pts. Abstract (10 pts) Discussion (20 pts) Lab assignments= 10 pts. Research project (vMWM)= 10 pts. Attendance/Participation= 10 pts. Total Exam pts140Total assignment pts140 Total points for the course = 280

3 Grade distribution reminder Letter grades will be determined using the following scale: 94 – 100 %A(261 – 280 pts.) 90 – 93 %A-(252 – 260 pts.) 88 – 89 %B+(246 – 251 pts.) 82 – 87%B(230 – 245 pts.) 80 – 81%B-(224 – 229 pts.) 78 – 79%C+(218 – 223 pts.) 70 – 77%C(196 – 217 pts.) 67 – 69%D+(186 - 195 pts.) 60 - 66%D(168 - 185 pts.) Below 60%F(less than 168 pts.)


5 vMWM standard protocol Place acquisition – 20 trials with the submerged platform at a fixed location. Probe test – no platform in pool, trial timed out at 45 sec. Cued trials – 8 trials with the visible platform

6 Spring 2010 semester

7 Probe Test results by sex several previous semesters Female 1 group Male group

8 Large Small Large Small Male Female Figure 3. Movement paths during probe trial Display size x Sex

9 Figure 2. Latency to reach target platform during blocks of acquisition trials

10 vMWM panoramic view where was the platform?

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