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Název projektuModerní škola Registrační číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0526 Název aktivity III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název.

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Presentation on theme: "Název projektuModerní škola Registrační číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0526 Název aktivity III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název."— Presentation transcript:

1 Název projektuModerní škola Registrační číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0526 Název aktivity III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název vzdělávacího materiáluReálie Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_05_17 - United Kingdom Test Jméno autoraJaroslava Čejková Tegerová Název školy Střední škola živnostenská Sokolov, příspěvková organizace „EU peníze středním školám“

2 General knowledge test United Kingdom

3 1 Identify the place 2 points What is it called and where is it located?

4 2 Identify the place 2 points What is it called and where is it located ?

5 3 Identify the place 2 points What is it called and where is it located?

6 4 Identify the place 2 points What is it called and where is it located?

7 5 Identify the place 2 points What is it called and where is it located?

8 6 Identify the place 2 points What is it called and where is it located?

9 7 How is the UK divided and what are capitals of the individual parts? 8 points

10 8 What is the political system in the UK and who is the head of the country? 2 points

11 9 What are the most important addresses in London and who lives there? 2 pts

12 10 Fill the gaps: _________________ is the highest mountain of the UK and it is located in _______________. 2 pts

13 11 Fill in the gaps: 1 pts The National Park _____ _____ is located in the North-West of England. This area is connected with some poets e.g. William Wordsworth and the child writer and painter Beatrix Potter.

14 12 Which two statements are true? 2 pts A) Loch Ness is the largest lake in the UK. B) There is a rummour the monster Nessie lives in the lake depth. C) The Gaelic word „loch“ means „lake“ in English.

15 13 Which three statements are true? 3 pts A) Liverpool is on the river Mersey. B) It is a hometown of the pop group „Queen“. C) The city is home of two Premier League football clubs, Liverpool F. C. and Everton F. C. D) By the early 19th century, 40% of the world's trade passed through Liverpool's docks.

16 14 Explain What is the difference between Great Britain and the United Kingdom?

17 15 What are these geographical formations? 3 pts A) Severn, Clyde, Mersey, B) Pennines, Cambrian, Grampians C) Windermere, Lomond, Neagh

18 STOP The next picture shows answers

19 Answers 1Tower Bridge, London 2 pts 2 Stonehenge, Salisbury (Wiltshire) 2 pts 3 Edinburgh (Castle), Scotland 2 pts 4 Giant Causeway, Northern Ireland 2 pts 5 Shakespeare‘s birthplace / Stratford on Avon 2 pts 6 Cardiff, Wales 2 pts 7 England – London Wales – Cardiff Scotland – Edinburgh, Northern Ireland – Belfast 8 pts 8 Constitutional monarchy, the Queen Elisabeth II 2 pts 9 The Buckingham Palace – the Royal family, 10 Downing Street – the Prime Minister 2 pts 10Ben Nevis – Scotland 2 pts

20 Answers 11Lake District 1 pts 12 Correct is „B“ and „C“ ( „A“ it is the second largest lake in the UK) 2 pts 13 Correct is „A “ „C “ and „D “ („B “ hometown of the Beatles) 3 pts 14 Great Britain is the largest British Isle, where England, Scotland and Wales are extended. The United Kingdom includes all four parts - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 2 pts 15A) rivers, B) mountain ranges, C) lakes3pts Total37 pts

21 Sources  AUTOR NEUVEDEN. Loch Ness [online]. [cit. 31.8.2013]. Dostupný na WWW:  AUTOR NEUVEDEN. Liverpool [online]. [cit. 31.8.2013]. Dostupný na WWW:  AUTOR NEUVEDEN. Lake District [online]. [cit. 31.8.2013]. Dostupný na WWW:

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