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May 8, 2014 2 2 Nicole Kenny BSc, Assoc Chem Senior Director, Professional & Technical Services Virox Technologies Inc CLEAN FREAK................ IPAC-CSO.

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Presentation on theme: "May 8, 2014 2 2 Nicole Kenny BSc, Assoc Chem Senior Director, Professional & Technical Services Virox Technologies Inc CLEAN FREAK................ IPAC-CSO."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 8, 2014 2 2 Nicole Kenny BSc, Assoc Chem Senior Director, Professional & Technical Services Virox Technologies Inc CLEAN FREAK................ IPAC-CSO Charting the Course for Sustainable Health Facility Care: Cutting through the green hype to develop practical approaches for sustainable health facility care © 2014 PTS

2 Objectives  A review of NA Third Party Certification Programs  Review of the process by which products are registered  Beware of Corporate Marketing Campaigns – there are different shades of green!  Chemical disinfectants and cleaning products, their use within healthcare and how we can use sustainable alternatives  How a change in culture can improve sustainability © 2014 PTS

3 NA Third Party Programs  Terrachoice EcoLogo Program  Green Seal  GreenGuard Environmental Institute  EPA Design for the Environment (DfE)  Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System © 2014 PTS

4 Green Certification Programs Who can help weed through the muck.. © 2014 PTS

5 EcoLogo Program  Launched in 1988 by the Canadian Federal Government, a for profit program managed by TerraChoice, UL Environment  Recognized across NA with >120 categories  Thousands of EcoLogo-certified products from over 100 manufacturers © 2014 PTS

6 EcoLogo Program  Products are Certified for reduced environmental impact.  ECOLOGO Certifications are voluntary, multi-attribute, lifecycle based environmental certifications that indicate a product has undergone rigorous scientific testing, exhaustive auditing, or both, to prove its compliance with stringent, third-party, environmental performance standards. © 2014 PTS

7 EcoLogo Program  EcoLogo Certification Criteria Documents (CCDs) are developed in an open, public and transparent process  Broad base of stakeholder participation including user groups, product producers, environmental non- government organizations, and other environmental advocates  The criteria address multiple environmental attributes related to human health and environmental considerations throughout the life cycle of a product © 2014 PTS

8 CCD Criteria CCD CategoryTitleProduct Types UL 2845 (CCD 103)Personal Care ProductsSoaps, Shampoos, Body Wash, Moisturizers, Conditioner UL 2783 (CCD 170)Instant Hand AntisepticsWaterless hand sanitizers & antiseptics UL 2784 (CCD 104)Hand Cleaners – Industrial & Institutional Industrial Heavy Duty, Institutional UL 2776 (CCD 105)Liquid Laundry Detergent and Fabric Softeners Laundry Detergents UL 2759 (CCD 146)Hard Surface CleanersDishes, Bathroom, Degreasers, General Purpose, Window & Glass UL 2777 (CCD 147)Floor Care ProductsNeutralizers, Sealers, Floor Finish, Strippers, Restorers UL 2795 (CCD 148)Carpet & Upholstery CleanersCleaners (Carpet), Spot and Stain Removers UL 2794 (CCD 166)Disinfectants and Disinfectant Cleaners © 2014 PTS

9 Green Seal  Green Seal is a non-profit organization that has been actively identifying and promoting sustainability in the marketplace, and helping organizations be greener in a real and effective way since 1989.  Develop life cycle-based sustainability standards for products, services and companies and offer third-party certification for those that meet the criteria in the standard. © 2014 PTS

10 Green Seal Categories GS CategoryTitleProduct Types GS-37Industrial and Institutional Cleaners GP, Glass Cleaners, Bathroom, Carpet Cleaners GS-40Industrial and Institutional Floor Finishes and Floor Strippers Finishes and Strippers GS-41Hand Cleaners and Hand Soaps for Industrial and Institutional Hand Purposes Heavy Duty Hand Cleaners and Institutional Hand Cleaners GS-42Commercial and Institutional Cleaning Services © 2014 PTS

11 GreenGuard Certification  GREENGUARD Certification is part of UL Environment (same group as EcoLogo)  GREENGUARD Certification helps manufacturers create--and helps buyers identify--interior products and materials that have low chemical emissions, improving the quality of the air in which the products are used.  GreenGuard Children and Schools standard which evaluates the sensitive nature of school populations combined with the unique building characteristics found in schools © 2014 PTS

12 GreenGuard  GreenGuard Standards for Low-Emitting Products certifies Cleaners and Cleaning Maintenance Systems, Floor Finish - Applicable to:  General cleaners, Glass cleaners, Toilet cleaners, Floor cleaners, Carpet cleaners, Hard surface cleaners  Institutional cleaning systems, Maintenance systems  Aerosol products  Wood Floor Finishes, Hard Surface Floor Finishes © 2014 PTS

13 EPA Design for the Environment  EPA's Design for the Environment program helps consumers, businesses, and institutional buyers identify cleaning and other products that perform well, are cost- effective, and are safer for the environment. © 2014 PTS

14 EPA Design for the Environment  Formulator Partnership encourages partners to reformulate products to be environmentally safer, cost competitive and effective  Industrial/Institutional Cleaning Partnership is section that manufacturers submit products for review  Detergent Ingredients Partnership provides a tool that provides reliable identification of ingredients with optimal performance and environmental characteristics  DfE Antimicrobial Pesticide Pilot Project – moving towards the green of the pesticide spectrum using only Hydrogen Peroxide, Citric Acid or Lactic Acid as the active ingredient © 2014 PTS

15 LEED Green Building Rating System  LEED = Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design  A third party program and the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings  Recognizes performance in 5 areas:  Sustainable site development  Water savings  Energy Efficiency  Materials Selection  Indoor Environmental Quality © 2014 PTS

16 The LEED Program 16  There are 100 possible points distributed across 5 major credit categories & 2 additional categories: 1)Sustainable Sites 2)Water Efficiency 3)Energy and Atmosphere 4)Materials and Resources 5)Indoor Environmental Quality 6)Innovation in Design (6 points) 7)Regional Priority (4 points)  Building can qualify for four levels of certification:  Certified: 40–49 points  Silver: 50–59 points  Gold: 60–79 points  Platinum: 80 points and above © 2014 PTS

17 The 7 Sins of Greenwashing: Green, Greener, Greenest! © 2014 PTS

18 What is Greenwashing?  The act of misleading consumers regarding the environmental practices of a company or the environmental benefits of a product or service  Green Markets are strong and growing.  In 2010, the “ greener ” product offerings increased by 73% from 2739 product choices in 2009 to 4744 in 2010 Source: The Sins of Greenwashing Home and Family Edition 2010. © 2014 PTS

19 The Sin of Hidden Trade Off  S uggests a product is green based on a single environmental attribute or an unreasonably narrow set of attributes  Such claims are not false, but are used to paint a greener picture of the product than a more complete environmental analysis would support  Paper & Lumber products that promote their recycled content or sustainable harvesting practices without attention to manufacturing impacts such as air emissions, water emissions and global warming impacts © 2014 PTS

20 The Sin of No Proof  A claim that cannot be substantiated by easily accessible supporting information or by a reliable 3rd party certification  Personal care products that claim not to have been tested on animals, but offer no evidence or certification of this claim © 2014 PTS

21 The Sin of Vagueness  C ommitted by every claim that is so poorly defined or broad that its real meaning is likely to be misunderstood by the intended consumer  Chemical-free – nothing is free of chemicals, water is a chemical, all plants and animals are made of chemicals; All natural – arsenic, uranium, mercury and formaldehyde are all natural, but are poisonous © 2014 PTS

22 The Sin of Irrelevance  This sin is committed by making an environmental claim that may be truthful but is unimportant and unhelpful for consumers seeking environmentally preferable products  It is irrelevant and distracts the consumer from finding a truly greener option  CFC-Free, CFCs have been legally banned for almost 30 years, there are no products manufactured using CFCs © 2014 PTS

23 The Sin of the Lesser of Two Evils  T hese are green claims that may be true within the product category, but that risk distracting the consumer from the greater environmental impacts of the category as a whole  Organic cigarettes; Green insecticides and herbicides © 2014 PTS

24 The Sin of Fibbing  Committed by making environmental claims that are simply false  Shampoos claimed to be certified organic but research could not find certification support; A dishwasher detergent claimed 100% recycled paper but packaged in a plastic container © 2014 PTS

25 The Sin Worshiping False Labels  Committed by a product that, through either words or images, gives the impression of third-party endorsement where no such endorsement actually exists!  Aluminum foil with certification-like images that show the name of the company's own in-house environmental program for which there is no explanation. © 2014 PTS

26 Distribution of the Sins Source: The Sins of Greenwashing Home and Family Edition 2010. © 2014 PTS

27 Green Marketing Guidelines  Canadian Competition Bureau of CSA has released a Green marketing guideline titled “Environmental Claims: A Guide for Industry and Advertisers  The use of vague claims implying general environmental improvement are insufficient and should be avoided  Environmental claims should be clear, specific, accurate and not misleading  Environmental claims should be verifies and substantiated prior to being made © 2014 PTS

28 Virox’s Road to “Greenness” © 2014 PTS

29 Corporate Green Stance  Virox is committed to innovating, developing and improving peroxide based environmentally sustainable cleaners and disinfectants that allow our affiliates to reduce their environmental impact when consuming such necessary products. A focus on health and environmental sustainability is a legacy we will pass on to future generations. © 2014 PTS

30 How we Got to LEED Silver?  2007: AHP becomes Canada’s First EcoLogo certified green cleaner-disinfectant  2008: Virox was the only Canadian company awarded the Chemical Manufacturers and Product Formulators Champion Status, indentifying their patented Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide (AHP) technology as a sustainable technology.  2009: AHP Cleaners received Green Seal and GreenGuard certification  2010: Virox received ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) registration which measures and documents our environmental impact.  2014: First DfE Certified EPA Registered Hospital Grade Disinfectant © 2014 PTS

31 Virox LEED Projects  Mechanical system upgrades, to enhance occupant thermal comfort and energy efficiency.  Lighting upgrades to provide more efficient, more uniform lighting levels and better quality of light to all areas - manufacturing, warehousing and office.  Plumbing upgrades, to increase water efficiency and user-friendliness throughout the facility.  Installation of a BT Radioshuttle System to allow for high-density racking of manufactured goods. © 2014 PTS

32 Virox LEED Projects  Installation of a "Get Green System" which lowers fuel costs and reduces CO emissions.  Installation of KVAR Energy Controllers to reduce our electrical energy consumption and reduce electrical demand from the Electrical Grid.  Implementation of a robust sustainable purchasing program for continuing environmental choices on procurement. © 2014 PTS

33 Virox LEED Projects  Implementation of a single-stream recycling program that includes corrugate, plastic (bottles and shrink wrap) and paper across the company which has diverted over 25,000 kg of recyclable waste from landfill (240 garbage containers)  Implementation of a recycling program which converts the self-adhesive label backings and corrugate cores to material used for outdoor decking and diverted over 30,000 kg of waste from landfill (300 garbage containers)  Implementation of a Daylight Cleaning Program which utilizes the AHP-based EcoLogo certified products © 2014 PTS

34 Why go Green? © 2014 PTS  “It's the right thing to do.”  The Green Team was challenged to achieve LEED certification and through the process we created a company that has completely changed its culture and embraced the challenge of being the greenest of the green with such a passion that we achieved LEED Silver status.

35 Celebrating Earth Day 2014! © 2014 PTS

36 Questions? Nicole Kenny, B.Sc, Assoc Chem Senior Director, Professional & Technical Services Phone:1-800-387-7578 x118 Twitter:@nicolecronkenny LinkedIn: Talk Clean To Me groupTalk Clean To Me © 2014 PTS

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