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UCSD REACH Recognition for Excellence and ACHievement 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "UCSD REACH Recognition for Excellence and ACHievement 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCSD REACH Recognition for Excellence and ACHievement 2013

2 Purpose  Create TRUTH in advertising and provide a consumer report and transparency by:  Develop set of minimum standards  Recommend an action plan if a chapter fails to meet minimum standards  Provide campus resources  Encourage growth and development  Reward STRONG performance!!

3 Purpose  Preventative response to recent events. Call to action.  Chico  University of Central Florida  UPenn  Created with input from:  Experts  National Organizations  Students  Staff  Alumni Advisors

4 Score  Alpha Chapter - 90 to 100+  Beta Chapter - 80 to 89  Gamma Chapter - 70 to 79  *Chapters below 70 will work with the Greek Life Advisor (and their inter/national organization) to create a plan of action for improvement*

5 Process  Completed each year by each IFC, MGC, & PHC chapters.  Designed to be completed over time  Provide statistics and accountability  Document updated yearly by Greek Life office and student volunteer committee  Every chapter will meet to review scores and progress in Winter

6 Due Dates  Winter Quarter – April 1 Spring Quarter – June 7 Fall Quarter – December 6

7 REACH & Greek Awards  REACH now serves as the foundation for Awards – fair and tangible process  Alpha chapters only can apply for Greek Chapter of the Year (overall and within chapter)  Submissions will go towards Scholarship & Community Service awards

8 Improvement Plan  Chapters must meet Gamma level in ALL areas  If not they will create a written improvement plan  Chapters receiving a 0 in any category must also create a plan  Chapter will have 2 quarters to ensure improvement, or sanctions will be given

9 How to Submit?  Some are taken care of by Greek Life staff!  Turn in National Reports that fulfill same requirements  See standardized forms in Appendix or online  Fill in REACH document with materials

10 Scholastic Achievement  at or above the all-campus undergraduate mens’/womens’ average for the year– 5pts .0 to 2.75 GPA for the year– 3pts  2.75 to 2.5 GPA for the year – 1pt  at or below 2.5 GPA for the year – 0 pts  Submitted by Greek Life

11 Responsible Citizenships  10 or more hours per member per year (on average) – 5 pts  5 to 9 hours per member per year (on average) – 3pts  3 to 5 hours per member per year (on average) – 1 pt  Less than 3 hours per member per year (on average) – 0 pts  Philanthropy events do not count  See Community Service form in appendix  Compile a “Chapter Hour Summary”  Based on REACH submissions

12 Philanthropic Service  Individual Chapter Philanthropy  Other Greek Chapter’s Philanthropy  Philanthropic Financial Contributions  Bonus: 3 points for donating to a University Development Fund  Verified through TAP, photos, scanned checks

13 Responsible Leadership  Attendance at Fall Risk Management Program (Greek 101)  Attendance at Leadership Conference  Attendance at All-Presidents Meetings  Behavior of Chapter  TAPS, Greek Life Advisor, Council Leaders

14 Organizational Operation  Financial Status with Council/University  Advisor Participation  Council Participation  Event Registration  TAPS, Council, and Greek Life Office

15 Values and Ethics Integration  Member Development Programming (Professional development, leadership, communication, diversity, social justice, values, etc)  Health Education Programming (Alcohol Awareness, Stress Management, Hazing, Time Management, etc)  Academic Programming (On-Campus resources, study tips, etc)  Chapter attends or hosts 3 programs a year - 5 pts  Chapter attends or hosts 2 programs a year - 3 pts  Chapter attends or hosts 1 programs a year - 1 pt  Chapter attends or hosts 0 a year - 0 pts Host workshops in chapter meeting, submit program details (including attendance) within REACH packet, or Event Planning form

16 Membership  New Member Education Programming/Retention  IFC, MGC, or PHC Recruitment Numbers  Active Member Retention  Submit roster updates at each quarterly deadline  Recruitment policy violations will result in a 0 for all recruitment categories

17 Campus Engagement  % of Members that are Principal Members of a Student Org  % of members involved in 1 other outside student organization  Submit Campus Involvement sheet

18 BONUS points  Bonus Points can be earned as follows, up to 5 points total:  Membership in high profile organizations  (.5 point for each member) - Member on Associated Students - Member is a SILC - Member is an Orientation Leader - Member is a Tour Guide - Member is an Resident Advisor (RA) - Member is on the Student Foundation

19 BONUS points – up to 5  Other:  - Hosting an Alumni event (1 point) - Host a Parents Weekend Event (1 point) - Distributing a chapter newsletter to alumni (1 point) - Creating a NEW chapter education program dealing with risk management, diversity, or new member education (1 point) - Holding a membership development retreat (1 point) - Chapter partners with a cultural student organization for an event or workshop (1 point) - Receiving positive accolades in your organization’s Alumni Magazine (1 point) - Chapter receives an award from their inter/national organization (1 point) - Chapter creates a values based marketing event/flier/promo etc (1 point)

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