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M AIN T OPICS AND T ASKS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sehnaz Sahinkarakas.

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Presentation on theme: "M AIN T OPICS AND T ASKS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sehnaz Sahinkarakas."— Presentation transcript:

1 M AIN T OPICS AND T ASKS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sehnaz Sahinkarakas

2 P ORTFOLIO (M ID -T ERM ) You are going to read 4 articles and write reviews for them. After each review, there will be small-group discussions You will rewrite each review after discussions based on the feedback you have received You will present one of your reviews to the class

3 D UE DATES FOR PORTFOLIO 1st Article:Oct. 17 2nd Article:Nov. 7 3rd Article: Nov. 21 4th Article:Dec. 5 Porfolio Submission: Dec. 19

4 P ORTFOLIO C ONTENT Table of Content Your full name Name of the course All elements in the portfolio with relevant page numbers Tasks 4 Articles A Reflection for each article Final Reflection Write which article (review) you have presented in class Write a paragraph on why you selected that article/review to present

5 F INAL T ASK – A M INI Q UALITATIVE R ESEARCH (J UNIORS ) You will conduct a mini research (qualitative) You can use any of the qualitative data collection instruments and analysis techniques Deadline: Dec. 26

6 R EQUIREMENTS 1. Use a minimum of 5 sources 2. Use proper APA (6 th edition) 4. Use size 12 font, Times New Roman, double- spaced 5. 2.5 cm (1”) margins (top, bottom, left, right)

7 A SSESSMENT (F INAL -J UNIORS ) General: General quality of paper10 pts Content and Organization: Explanation of problem (background info)10 pts Research question(s)10 pts Quality of literature review15 pts Instruments and data analysis10 pts Margin, Citation, Punctuation and Bibliography (use of APA) 10 pts Analysis Quality of analysis and findings20 pts Quality of conclusion15 pts TOTAL100 PTS

8 F INAL T ASK – P ROPOSAL (S ENIORS ) Deadline: Dec. 26 Writing the proposal You will write briefly the main sections of your MA thesis. Introduction Problem Statement Purpose of the Study Research Questions / Hypothesis Operational Definitions Literature Review Method Research Design Sampling and Participants Instrumentation Procedural Details Data Analysis References

9 A SSESSMENT (P ROPOSAL ) Introduction Background info10 Problem statement10 Research question/Hypothesis10 Definitions5 Literature review15 Method Sampling and Participants 10 Instrumentation 10 Research Design and Data Analysis 10 Procedural Details 10 Margin, Citation and References (use of APA)10 TOTAL100 PTS

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