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Cornell Notes Nov. 19, Dec. 18, Jan. 13 Avg two (2) per week 12 pts per CN (216 total pts) 3 for proper set-up Name, date, title, format 3 for annotated.

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Presentation on theme: "Cornell Notes Nov. 19, Dec. 18, Jan. 13 Avg two (2) per week 12 pts per CN (216 total pts) 3 for proper set-up Name, date, title, format 3 for annotated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cornell Notes Nov. 19, Dec. 18, Jan. 13 Avg two (2) per week 12 pts per CN (216 total pts) 3 for proper set-up Name, date, title, format 3 for annotated Different color Circle key words/phrases Underline definitions/facts 3 for HOTS Higher Order Thinking Skills Notes are chunked w/ level 2 or level 3 questions 3 for summary 3-5 sentences paraphrasing notes and/or answers to HOTS Learning Logs Nov. 21, Dec. 12, Jan15 Weekly for each core class 12 pts per LL (108 total pts) 3 for proper set-up Name, dates, title 3 for paragraph form 3-5 sentences 3 for questions/projects Include info about projects/tests/questions unanswered 3 for summary Paraphrase work covered in class that week EQ: How will I earn my “A” in AVID? After all, it’s not Rocket Science!

2 Monthly Study Guide Due Nov. 21, Dec. 18, and Jan.15 50 pts each (150 total pts) Summary of how effectively did you use study time in AVID MUST include an essential question Must be in paragraph form Must be written daily (NOT weekly) Daily Participation 5 pts per day (120 pts total) Minus 1 for unexcused tardy Minus 1 for rude behavior Minus 1 for being off task for more than 50% of class Scholarships Dec. 12 & Jan 13 4 @ 25 pts each = 100pts Other Assignments Randomly assigned and collected 1-2 pts each

3 Grading Scale (2MP) 700 total points 630-700 = A 560-629 = B 490-559 = C 400-489 = D Below 400 = E LATE POLICY Every day it is late, grade is reduced 10% Day ends at midnight 1MP – last chance Oct. Study log CN Some credit is better than a ZERO!

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