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Office of Global Health and HIV (OGHH) Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) HIV Prevention Training Package Session 1: Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Global Health and HIV (OGHH) Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) HIV Prevention Training Package Session 1: Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Global Health and HIV (OGHH) Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) HIV Prevention Training Package Session 1: Introduction to HIV Prevention

2 Session Learning Objectives  Participants describe how five different socio-ecological factors contribute to HIV prevention.

3 The Peace Corps Health Sector Schematic FOCUS IN/TRAIN UP MENU HIV MITIGATION MATERNAL, NEONATAL AND CHILD HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH LIFE SKILLS FOR HEALTHY BEHAVIORS HIV Prevention (Behavioral, Biomedical, Structural) Support community capacities to apply life-saving interventions in addressing global health issues Foster Improved Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Support HIV Prevention and Care Advance Community Health Promote Healthy Living Global Sector Competency Sector Competencies HIV Care, Support, and Treatment Community Care of OVC 1 Improved Cookstoves Maternal and Neonatal Care Infant and Young Child Health and Development WASH: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Nutrition and NCD 2 Mitigation Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention Global Health Sector Training Package Project Areas Project Activities/ Training Packages Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Malaria Prevention and Control KEY to Abbreviations: 1 Orphans and Vulnerable Children 2 Noncommunicable Disease Note: This schematic represents the sector globally; a focused-in project would not attempt to work in all of these areas. Please refer to the Health Sector Guidance for more information regarding focusing in.

4 HIV Prevention Terminal Learning Objective  Based on assessed HIV prevention needs and risk factors at the individual and community level, participants will develop a strategy that uses evidence-based combination prevention (behavioral, biomedical, structural) approaches, national prevention priorities, and Peace Corps project frameworks to promote behaviors and services that prevent HIV infection and contribute to a reduction of community HIV incidence rates.

5 [Country] HIV Prevention Outcomes and Indicators  Post adaptation – include outcomes and indicators from project framework. Suggest the following format:  OUTCOME 1 – Indicator 1 – Indicator 2  OUTCOME 2 – Indicator 1 – Indicator 2

6 Global HIV Prevention Challenges  In 2011, 2.5 million people were newly infected ( >7,000 new HIV infections each day).  50% of people living with HIV do not know their status.  40% of HIV-positive pregnant women did not receive medicine to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission  6.8 million are eligible for treatment but not on treatment.  Women are at higher risk for HIV infection.  HIV prevalence and incidence among groups like sex workers, people who inject drugs, and men who have sex with men remain disproportionately high. (UNAIDS. 2012. World AIDS Day Report Results. Geneva: UNAIDS.)

7 Achieving the ‘Tipping Point’ amfAR and AVAC. An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Critical Actions to Begin to End the HIV/AIDS Pandemic. International HIV/AIDS Alliance, July 2012.

8 National Prevention Goals  Insert here

9 Socio-ecological Framework

10 Socio-ecological Framework - HIV Risk

11 Project Framework  Insert HIV-related goals/activities from country project framework

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