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Health Profile of Denmark Organization Financing of health care Trends in health care Current challenges Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Profile of Denmark Organization Financing of health care Trends in health care Current challenges Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Profile of Denmark Organization Financing of health care Trends in health care Current challenges Statistics

2 Organization State – ministry - policy Five regions – offering health care 98 municipalities – offering preventive health care and rehabilitation

3 Regional health care Primary sector.  GP, practicing specialists, dentists etc. Secondary sector  Hospitals


5 Financing of health care 80% covered by the state run insurance  Exceptions: dental care (50%), medicine, physioteraphy. Spending in 2006: 16 billion USD, apx. 3,000 USD pr capita


7 Current challenges Growth of private sector. Shortage of specialists and nurses Strike

8 Statistics Neonatal mortality rate 4,51 pr. 1000 births (2006 estimate) Fertility rate 1,8 child pr. woman (2004) Life expectancy Entire population: 79.0 Male: 76.0 Female: 81.0 (2006)

9 Statistics HIV-/AIDS-infection 5.000 people or 0,1 % of the entire population (estimate 2003 ) Incidence of tuberculosis 8.0 (per 100 000 inhabitants per year - 2006)‏ Per capita recorded alcohol consumption (liters of pure alcohol) among adults (>=15 years) 11.7 (2003) Number of physicians pr. 1000 inhabitants 3,66 (2000)

10 Statistics Causes of death (per 100 000 inhabitants – 2005)‏ 1. Neoplasms 273 2. CVD 199 3. Apoplexy 149 4. Lung diseases 95 5. Gastrointestinal diseases 51

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