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2009 SDAPA Awards Ceremony San Diego Chapter American Planning Association.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 SDAPA Awards Ceremony San Diego Chapter American Planning Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 SDAPA Awards Ceremony San Diego Chapter American Planning Association


3 City of San Diego General Plan 2008 long-range vision for projected growth and development to maintain qualities that define San Diego over next 20-30 years

4 City of San Diego General Plan 2008 long-range vision for projected growth and development to maintain qualities that define San Diego over next 20-30 years

5 City of San Diego General Plan 2008 City of Villages strategy focuses growth into mixed-use activity centers that are pedestrian-friendly districts linked to the transit system

6 City of San Diego General Plan 2008 strong sustainability focus through policies addressing items such as: clean technology industriesclean technology industries water and energy conservationwater and energy conservation green buildingsgreen buildings climate changeclimate change

7 NCTD Three Transit Station TOD Redevelopment Plans


9 improve efficiency of operations, transit user circulation and to support the reuse of land resources in order to generate potential operating funds and to increase possible transit ridership

10 NCTD Three Transit Station TOD Redevelopment Plans based on concepts of smart growth, walkable communities and transit supportive development

11 City of Oceanside Bicycle Master Plan


13 plan addressed issues other than physical facilities, such as recommendations to improve cyclist and driver education awareness, encouraging people to ride than drive and more directed enforcement of bicycling law

14 Childhood Psych Test

15 Garden Del Mar Specific Plan


17 the Garden Del Mar Specific Plan includes an innovative package of Exceptional Public Benefits as part of a density bonus and incorporates many Smart Growth and sustainable principles, such as the City’s first LEED-certified commercial building

18 Jane Clough-Riquelme, PhD. facilitated the involvement of tribal governments in the regional planning process, in particular transportation facilitated the involvement of tribal governments in the regional planning process, in particular transportation resulted in increased mobility of tribal communities through the creation of key institutional mechanisms for coordination in SANDAG, assistance in the pursuit of funding, and the development of a collaborative agenda resulted in increased mobility of tribal communities through the creation of key institutional mechanisms for coordination in SANDAG, assistance in the pursuit of funding, and the development of a collaborative agenda

19 Jane Clough-Riquelme, PhD facilitated the involvement of tribal governments in the regional planning process, in particular transportation facilitated the involvement of tribal governments in the regional planning process, in particular transportation resulted in increased mobility of tribal communities through the creation of key institutional mechanisms for coordination in SANDAG, assistance in the pursuit of funding, and the development of a collaborative agenda resulted in increased mobility of tribal communities through the creation of key institutional mechanisms for coordination in SANDAG, assistance in the pursuit of funding, and the development of a collaborative agenda

20 The Nolen Plan: Vision, Politics and Memory in San Diego


22 a documentary about the preparation, content, and implementation of San Diego’s first Comprehensive Plan The Nolen Plan: Vision, Politics and Memory in San Diego

23 2009 SDAPA Awards Ceremony Thanks for attending!

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