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Act 3 Scene 1 Main Characters: Banquo, Macbeth, and two murderers, and Lady Macbeth Setting: Forres, The Royal Palace Banquo opens the scene with a soliloquy.

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Presentation on theme: "Act 3 Scene 1 Main Characters: Banquo, Macbeth, and two murderers, and Lady Macbeth Setting: Forres, The Royal Palace Banquo opens the scene with a soliloquy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Act 3 Scene 1 Main Characters: Banquo, Macbeth, and two murderers, and Lady Macbeth Setting: Forres, The Royal Palace Banquo opens the scene with a soliloquy during which he expresses his suspicion that Macbeth has not acted honorably in becoming King. Macbeth enters, and he and Banquo have a stilted conversation, which clearly indicates they are no longer friends and confidants. Macbeth hires two assassins to kill Banquo and Fleance as they ride their horses before the big banquet Macbeth has planned.

2 Act 3, Scene 2 Characters: Lady Macbeth and Macbeth Setting: Forres, in the palace Lady Macbeth laments that, although they have exactly what they wanted, they are not happy. Macbeth joins her and reveals his tortured thoughts. He admits that he feels vulnerable as long as Banquo and his son are alive. He does not share his murderous plans with Lady Macbeth, but instead tells her to pay special attention to Banquo at the banquet.

3 Act 3, Scene 3 Characters: The two murderers, a third(!) murderer, Banquo and Fleance Setting: On the grounds outside the Royal Palace at Forres The murderers lay in wait for Banquo and Fleance when they are joined by a third murderer that Macbeth sent to help with the job, evidence that Macbeth trusts no one. They set upon Fleance and Banquo. Banquo is killed, but Fleance escapes.

4 Act 3, Scene 4 “The Banquet Scene”
Characters: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Ross, Lennox, Lords and Ladies all, and … the ghost of Banquo. Setting: In a banquet hall in the palace at Forres Macbeth and Lady Macbeth host their first official banquet as King and Queen. As they are welcoming their guests Macbeth learns that his hired assassins have killed Banquo, but have failed to kill Fleance. Immediately distraught, Macbeth comes undone. He sees Banquo’s ghost sitting in Macbeth’s place. No one else can see the ghost, and the guests quickly become alarmed at Macbeth’s behavior. Lady Macbeth does her best to try to get Macbeth to keep it together while distracting the guests, asking them to ignore Macbeth’s strange behavior. Finally she gives up and sends everyone away. Her banquet, a disaster.

5 Characters: Hecate and the three witches Setting: A heath
Act 3, Scene 5 Characters: Hecate and the three witches Setting: A heath A strange scene. Many people believe it was added later and not written by Shakespeare. Collaborative writing was common in the theater at the time. Hecate, the queen of the three witches, is angry that they have meddled in Macbeth’s affairs. She is also highly critical of Macbeth and promises to do some meddling of her own to assure his downfall.

6 Act 3, Scene 6 Characters: Lennox, and an unnamed Lord Setting: Forres, inside the palace An expository scene in which we learn that the Thanes are not loyal to Macbeth, but they are afraid of his many spies. Lenox is sarcastic and snide throughout the entire conversation, revealing his belief that Macbeth killed Duncan and Banquo. We also learn that Macduff has gone to England to join with Malcolm in attempting to remove Macbeth from the Scottish throne. “The gracious Duncan was pitied of Macbeth; marry, he was dead.”


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