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Vocabulary Created by: Gary Mills August, 2011 Crofton Meadows Elementary School Anne Arundel County Public Schools All content contained herein has been.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Created by: Gary Mills August, 2011 Crofton Meadows Elementary School Anne Arundel County Public Schools All content contained herein has been."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Created by: Gary Mills August, 2011 Crofton Meadows Elementary School Anne Arundel County Public Schools All content contained herein has been taken from approved materials provided by The McGraw-Hill Companies

2 Unit 6 ● Week 1 Vocabulary agreeable Sentence: The class liked the idea and seemed agreeable to it. Example: The smell of roses is very agreeable to me. Ask Your Partner: What smells, sights, or sounds are agreeable to you? Definition: something that is pleasant or nice

3 Unit 6 ● Week 1 Vocabulary banquet Sentence: All of that food will make a lovely banquet. Example: Our school had a banquet to honor the principal. Ask Your Partner: Have you ever been to a banquet? Definition: a large formal dinner for an important event or holiday

4 Unit 6 ● Week 1 Vocabulary curiosity Sentence: The dishes were a great curiosity to me. Example: I have always had a curiosity to learn new languages. Ask Your Partner: Do you have a curiosity to learn something new? Definition: the wish to learn about new, strange, or interesting things

5 Unit 6 ● Week 1 Vocabulary gaze Sentence: Mr. Ortiz watched me gaze at each dish. Example: Our gaze rested on the starry night sky. Ask Your Partner: Where has your gaze rested? Definition: a long steady look

6 Unit 6 ● Week 1 Vocabulary guests Sentence: What do you think about inviting our families to be guests at a foods-of-the-world festival? Example: Our guests stayed with us for two days. Ask Your Partner: When might guests come to your home? Definition: people who come to visit or share a meal

7 Unit 6 ● Week 1 Vocabulary untrusting Sentence: He thought I was untrusting. Example: We are usually untrusting of strange dogs. Ask Your Partner: What is a word that means the opposite of untrusting? Definition: don’t trust or believe in someone or something

8 New Word My Definition Actual Definition agreeable something that is pleasant or nice banquet a large formal dinner for an important event or holiday curiosity the wish to learn about new, strange, or interesting things gazea long steady look guests people who come to visit or share a meal untrusting don’t trust or believe in someone or something

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