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United States Military Academy Cadet Hostess Office Yearling Winter Weekend ROE* * Rules of Etiquette.

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Presentation on theme: "United States Military Academy Cadet Hostess Office Yearling Winter Weekend ROE* * Rules of Etiquette."— Presentation transcript:

1 United States Military Academy Cadet Hostess Office Yearling Winter Weekend ROE* * Rules of Etiquette

2 United States Military Academy Cadet Hostess Office SATURDAY EVENING EVENTS Class of 2008 Yearling Winter Weekend Banquet in Washington Hall Receiving lines at Eisenhower Hall Hop in Eisenhower Hall Ballroom Uniform for these events is FD over Gray – no hats, no gloves! Dress mess is an option for women cadets.

3 United States Military Academy Cadet Hostess Office FORMAL BANQUET Mess Hall doors open at 1800 hours. The banquet begins at 1900 hours sharp! Do NOT wait until the last minute to enter the mess hall. Know your table number in advance. Guide your guests to that table. Your places will be marked with place cards. When the banquet begins, you’ll be directed to “Charge your glasses.” This means fill the glasses with a beverage for the toasts. Follow your banquet program for the toast responses. At “take seats,” seat the lady to your right before seating yourself. If you are a female cadet, the male to your left should be seating you. Use common sense! Render assistance to anyone who needs it. Stay seated for the duration of the banquet. Restrooms are NOT convenient, and should only be used for emergencies!!!

4 United States Military Academy Cadet Hostess Office FORMAL BANQUET CONT. Place your napkin in your lap! Keep your elbows off the table! Tables will be more formal than usual, but dining is still “family style.” This means you will still be passing food around the table. Don’t begin eating until everyone is ready. At your place setting, liquids are to your right and solids are to your left. Work from the outside in with your silverware. When you have finished your meal, use the “10:20” position shown at right. Stop eating and turn your chair to face guest speaker when he/she begins speaking. Your table manners will be on display for all banquet guests. Take your souvenir glass with you!

5 United States Military Academy Cadet Hostess Office FORMAL BANQUET CONT. Your place setting will look like this.

6 United States Military Academy Cadet Hostess Office Receiving Lines Receiving Lines afford guests the opportunity to greet their host and hostess of the evening. Lead your guests to the receiving line in the following order: - Mom, then Dad - Grandma, then Grandpa - Sister, then brother - Girlfriend/boyfriend Step next to the line aide or “greeter.” Do not shake his/her hand. Tell him the names of each of your guests as they step past the aide. The aide will announce their names to the official host/hostess of the receiving line. Follow your last guest thru the line. Each guest shakes hands with the official party members in the line (look them in the eye!), offering a greeting such as “Good evening, sir/ma’am.” Remember, this is not the time for a long conversation! When you are thru the line, step away and enter the hop. Rule of Thumb: Ladies first!

7 United States Military Academy Cadet Hostess Office Receiving Lines BALLROOM EISENHOWER THEATER RL 1 1 ST & 2 ND REG RL 2 RL 3 RL 4 3 RD & 4 TH REG CREST HALL

8 United States Military Academy Cadet Hostess Office The Hop Light refreshments will be served (punch and cookies Music for dancing: DJ in ballroom; quartet in Benny’s Lounge Photographer will be on hand for photos Public displays of affection with guests or with other cadets are not permitted! Cadets may walk arm-in-arm with their dates – hand-holding in uniform is not allowed!

9 United States Military Academy Cadet Hostess Office Questions? Call or email the Cadet Hostess or 938-4681 Questions? Call or email the Cadet Hostess or 938-4681

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