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Food and Environmental Sampling Kits Katie Garman, MPH Lori LeMaster.

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Presentation on theme: "Food and Environmental Sampling Kits Katie Garman, MPH Lori LeMaster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food and Environmental Sampling Kits Katie Garman, MPH Lori LeMaster

2 Why are the kits needed?  Collect food/environmental samples without risk of contamination  Food/environmental samples are sent to the Tennessee State Public Health Lab (SPHL) appropriately

3 Keep in mind…..  Epi and SPHL must be consulted first before food/environmental samples are tested  Only outbreak-associated samples will be tested  More than 2 people from different households  Case linked to a multi-state outbreak

4 Kit contents….  Cooler  Insulated mailing boxes  Sterile spoons  Ice packs  Sampling bags  Swabs  Sampling cups  Gloves  Food/Environmental Sampling Form (NEW!)

5 Food/Environmental Sampling Form---DRAFT  The form will capture  Outbreak ID  Contact information of the collector  Organism to test for  Date of collection  Sample type/lot number  Temperature  Chain of custody

6 Just in Time Training  Review  Kits sent to regional/metro offices  1-2 per office  New Food/Environmental Sample Testing Form  Collection Instructions  How much to collect  What information needs to be recorded  How to send samples to SPHL

7 Questions?

8 National Voluntary Environmental Assessment Information System (NVEAIS)  Purpose:  To systematically collect, analyze, interpret and disseminate environmental data from foodborne illness outbreak investigations  Information collected will allow programs to:  Take food safety actions and assess effectiveness,  Develop or modify program policies or regulations based on sound epidemiologic data,

9 National Voluntary Environmental Assessment Information System (NVEAIS)  Train environmental health specialists about environmental causes related to foodborne illness outbreaks, and  Help prevent foodborne illness outbreaks associated with restaurants and other food venues (such as banquet facilities, schools, and other institutions).

10 Why use NVEAIS?  To help CDC public health determine and understand the primary causes of outbreaks  Users will submit data about foodborne illness outbreaks, which will improve response to and prevention of future outbreaks  Analysis of the data will help to determine how and why outbreaks occur. CDC will use data from NVEAIS to  Recommend actions for food safety programs  Share findings with food safety programs, food industries, and academia  The recommendations and sharing of findings should increase effectiveness of food safety programs, increase food safety, and decrease foodborne illness

11 When is NVEAIS Used?  When a foodborne (FB) outbreak is suspected  TN reports ~ 25 FB outbreaks per year  Important to collaborate with Epi to determine transmission mode  Not always black and white

12 Is it Foodborne??  Susan’s highschool reunion is catered by Stinky’s BBQ shop. 25 people become ill with N/V/D 18-24 hrs after the reunion. EH interviews of Stinky and his staff reveal that three of Stinky’s foodhandlers had been ill with N/V/D one day prior to the reunion. The epi study did not reveal any significant food items.

13 Is it Foodborne??  Amanda’s family reunion was held at Ingram’s Bar and Grille. 15 people became ill with N/V/D 18-24 hrs after the reunion. EH conducts and inspection and does not find any critical violations or ill foodhandlers. Epi interviews revealed Amanda’s 8 year old nephew was ill with N/V/D the day before the event. The epi study did not reveal any significant food items.

14 NVEAIS Needs?  Training?  Data entry support?  Other?

15 Thank you!!

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