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1 Do Not Copy or Duplicate. Contains Copyrighted Material. Advance Slides by Mouse Click.

2 PowerPoint slides and Photos by Patrick Lana, MMR unless otherwise noted. Photos have been compressed to reduce file size so quality may vary. Friends of the Burlington Northern RR 2012 Convention Amarillo, Texas This PowerPoint presentation shows some of the highlights of the June 13-16, 2012 FOBNR) annual convention in Amarillo, Texas. N-Joy! Patrick Lana This PowerPoint presentation shows some of the highlights of the June 13-16, 2012 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR (FOBNR) annual convention in Amarillo, Texas. N-Joy! Patrick Lana

3 Six of us Coloradans attended the 2012 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR annual convention in Amarillo, TX. Mike Danneman and I rode with Travis Searls from his Parker, CO home to Amarillo. We caravanned with John Parker who had Rodney Black and Mike Spahn in his car. We left Travis’ house about 7:45am, June 13, for Amarillo and the FOBNR Convention. We arrived around 4:30pm at the Ambassador (convention) Hotel and met with other attendees for supper at the BIG TEXAN. It was a time to renew acquaintances and meet new friends. After supper, we returned to the hotel for slides and videos. Introduction There were 22 attendees from 10 states.

4 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday morning June 14, 2012 We began Thursday by carpooling to Borger, TX, the headquarters of the Panhandle Northern Railroad (PNR). We were given an overview briefing and tour of the PNR offices by Joe Walker, Trainmaster, grey shirt with coffee cup. Then we toured the yard and various industrial parts of the town.

5 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday morning June 14, 2012 The Boot Scrapper. Standard equipment at most buildings in the Texas Panhandle.

6 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday morning June 14, 2012 OmniTrRAX GP10 rebuilt from a Illinois Central GP9 and SW1200 of unknown heritage. Insert: Dave Poplawski organized the convention and all the tours.

7 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday morning June 14, 2011 Central Kansas Railway GP7u and OmniTRAX GP35 Switching Yard. Insert: The crew (3 guys to right in safety vests) came over to give Mr. Walker (left in vest) a hard time because his radio was on voice-activated and interrupting their communications.

8 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday morning June 14, 2011 Switching Yard. OmniTRAX PNR #2254 is a GP35 (former DRGW 3042) and Central Kansas Railway #2230 is GP7u rebuilt from ATSF GP7. Insert: Yard Scale.

9 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday morning June 14, 2012 After a drive-through tour of a local refinery, we stopped in the parking lot of one of the Carbon Black Industries in Borger. Almost immediately the plant manager confronted us in his parking lot, asking that we not take photos of his plant which we complied with. He then proceeded to enthusiastically tell us about how carbon black is made and shipped. This is a photo of the other carbon black plant across the street.

10 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday morning June 14, 2012 A carbon black railcar parked on a siding in town. The car is loaded through the roof hatches and unloaded through the hoppers on the bottom. The three small valves on the side are for testing the quality of the carbon black. Although carbon black is flour-like, it is shipped in BB sized pellets.

11 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday morning June 14, 2012 Mike Danneman getting a shot of the Carbon Black railcar. The ends of the same cars. Note carbon black on the ground between cars. Mike Danneman and I were riding with Pat Hiatte in his newly detailed BMW– a beautiful machine. After touring the railroad and photographing various locations around the yard and carbon black industries, I looked down at what used to be Pat’s tan floor mats. They were now black from the carbon black. I apologized to Pat for messing up his floor mats but he just shrugged if off by saying the mats were already dirty. However, the proof was there as the black imprint of my hiking boots’ tread was evident on the floor mat. I hope he got them clean!!

12 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday morning June 14, 2012 On our return trip to Amarillo, we stopped in Panhandle, TX to get some shots of the station. This is on the BNSF “Transcon” mainline from Chicago to Los Angeles. The Panhandle Northern interchange point is here.

13 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday morning June 14, 2012 While taking this exterior shot, a lady came out of the station and asked if we wanted a tour of the interior. The station has been converted to city offices but some of the original equipment is still inside. This scale in the baggage area still works and read about 695 pounds. I gave Mike Danneman a hard time since he was standing on the scale.* * But there was also a motorcycle on the scale.

14 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 After a quick lunch at a local MacDonalds, we headed for Fred Theiss’ fine HO scale layout in Canyon, TX. This is the aisle furthest back in the layout room. The layout is in a separate building from his house. Fred Theiss’ HO scale layout

15 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 The first aisle as you enter the layout room, with the door being off to the center right. A huge double track helix is just to the right of this photo. Fred Theiss’ HO scale layout

16 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 Above is Fred’s turntable and roundhouse and to the right is his engine facility. Fred Theiss’ HO scale layout

17 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 In the shop area, our Colorado contingent was waiting for the cookies! Fred Theiss’ HO scale layout

18 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 Eastbound Manifest on Transcon at Canyon, TX Canyon, TX Depot

19 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 The Amarillo RR Museum Layout Helix. For a track plan and more information see the website: Amarillo Railroad Museum layout

20 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 Looking down from the balcony onto the layout “roof”. The layout represents the Santa Fe Railway from Canadian, Texas, to Clovis, New Mexico, in HO-scale. Amarillo Railroad Museum layout

21 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 This CTC panel is on the balcony overlooking the layout. Long-term plans call for rehabilitating the panel for use as the control for the layout. Pat and Dave give it a close inspection as it is made of hundreds of 1” square modules that can be rearranged into various track plans. Amarillo Railroad Museum layout

22 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 Bob Roth presented a comprehensive PowerPoint show on the white train composed of Department of Energy (USDOE) Nuclear Weapons Transport Cars. The museum has 11 cars of the retired train. For more photos and information on this train see: Amarillo Railroad Museum Pantex facility and white train. Bob Roth slide

23 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 The Museum has 3 of these coaches. See for the White Train complete roster. Amarillo Railroad Museum White Train Escort Coach

24 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 Amarillo Railroad Museum White Train Escort Coach The Interior of an Escort Coach from left to right: kitchen area, sleeping quarters and cupola end.

25 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 Amarillo Railroad Museum White Train Power Buffer Car This car was the same shape as a cargo car but had all the equipment necessary to power and serve the escort coaches. It was placed between the coach and cargo cars in the train.

26 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 Amarillo Railroad Museum White Train Cargo Car This car carried the nuclear weapons. It is the only cargo car the museum has. Note the only outward appearance difference between the power buffer car and the cargo car is the lack of vents.

27 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 Amarillo Railroad Museum White Train I assume the cars had been stenciled by USDOE; DO NOT ALTER RAILCAR OR REMOVE PARTS SAVE FOR HISTORICALPURPOSE. This would be a nice detail on a model railroad.

28 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 Amarillo Railroad Museum Helium Car According to the Museum’s website; “ “This car is historically interesting in that Amarillo was the only helium depository in the US, and the history of helium tracks not only the history of toy balloons, but of warfare, the atomic age, and now our leap to the stars!” For some reason, Pat was speaking in a high-pitched, squeaky voice. Pat Hiatte in front of the museum’s first donation: a former Bureau of Mines Helium Transport Car.

29 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 Amarillo Railroad Museum This ALCO S2 was donated to the museum by the USDOE from the Amarillo Pantex Plant.

30 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday afternoon June 14, 2012 Amarillo Railroad Museum What a great way to end the Museum tour with rides on the ALCO S2. Just look at those smiles! Thanks, ARM!

31 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday evening June 14, 2012 Membership meeting and Slides and Videos Thursday evening was the membership meeting where members could provide suggestions and feedback to the board. Attendees also showed their own PowerPoint or videos including a special showing by Mike Danneman of BN slides he had taken in the Midwest in the 1970’s.

32 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Morning June 15, 2012 Tour of BNSF facilities in Amarillo Our tour guide this morning was Mr. Jason McBride, BNSF Terminal Manager (in green shirt) for Amarillo.

33 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Morning June 15, 2012 1 Tour of BNSF facilities in Amarillo All decked out in our Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)– safety glasses and vests. Our tour guide Mr. McBride is explaining North Yard.

34 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday morning June 15, 2012 Group shot taken during the BNSF Amarillo tour at the North Yard. BNSF gave us the reflective vests and eye-protective sun glasses. Thank You! Jason McBride photo.

35 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Morning June 15, 2012 Tour of BNSF facilities in Amarillo The Yard tower is no longer open but the building is used for a crew change point. We were allowed to climb to the top of the 5 story tower and macho-me, I did. It was a small circular staircase (elevator not working). I paid for it the rest of the trip with sore legs!

36 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Morning June 15, 2012 Tour of BNSF facilities in Amarillo The view looking South from the Yard Tower. The interstate at the bottom of this photo is the reason the tower was closed.

37 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Morning June 15, 2012 Tour of BNSF facilities in Amarillo The view looking North from the Yard Tower. Hey, if I had to climb it, you have to look at the photos! Note engine facility on far right.

38 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Morning June 15, 2012 Tour of BNSF facilities in Amarillo Looking at the Trainmaster’s panel showing trains in the Amarillo area.

39 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Morning June 15, 2012 Tour of BNSF facilities in Amarillo Back on the bus to travel to the locomotive facility. Normally I wouldn’t dedicate a whole slide to this but I must point out that Rodney Black is resplendent in his PPE safety glasses, Kansas Division cap and safety vest. He is the only one of us wearing a vest with yellow reflective stripes. We can only deduce that he was wearing a student vest to denote his position. Back on the bus to travel to the locomotive facility. Normally I wouldn’t dedicate a whole slide to this but I must point out that Rodney Black is resplendent in his PPE safety glasses, Kansas Division cap and safety vest. He is the only one of us wearing a vest with yellow reflective stripes. We can only deduce that he was wearing a student vest to denote his position.

40 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Morning June 15, 2012 Tour of BNSF facilities in Amarillo Fueling Pad at Loco Facility BNSF 2818 is a GP39M, former GP30 UP 871.

41 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Morning June 15, 2012 Tour of BNSF facilities in Amarillo Turntable at Loco Facility. By this time we were running late so I shot this from the bus window as we sped past.

42 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday noon June 15, 2012 Railfanning Amarillo On our way to the Friday afternoon tour, I was riding with Dave and John when seconds before I took this shot a car ran the crossing gates. I wish I would have gotten the license number.

43 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday afternoon June 15, 2012 Progress Rail Services Tour Our next stop was Progress Rail Services railcar repair shop in Amarillo.

44 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday afternoon June 15, 2012 Progress Rail Services Tour Here they are shortening well cars.

45 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday afternoon June 15, 2012 Progress Rail Services Tour These high cubes were in for repairs and repainting. The insert shows the interior painting process.

46 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday afternoon June 15, 2012 Progress Rail Services Tour Interior painting and lettering of High Cube box cars. If cargo is stacked higher than the line, the shipper has to recalculate the center of gravity to make sure the car is not top heavy.

47 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday afternoon June 15, 2012 Progress Rail Services Tour Overall Shop View

48 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday afternoon June 15, 2012 1 Progress Rail Services Tour Newly painted tank car in “drying booth.”

49 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday afternoon June 15, 2012 Progress Rail Services Tour Experimental Fire Suppression Cars. BNSF did not buy.

50 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday afternoon June 15, 2012 Railfanning Amarillo After the Progress Rail Services tour we headed downtown to see the old depot. It is privately owned so it is difficult to get good overall photos. This is a front view.

51 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday afternoon June 15, 2012 Railfanning Amarillo These horse statues must be a trademark of Amarillo as they can be see all over the city in various paint schemes. This one was in front of the Amarillo Depot.

52 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday afternoon June 15, 2012 Railfanning Amarillo Westbound stack train east of town on Transcon.

53 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday evening June 15, 2012 FOBNR Board annual meeting President John Adams* presiding (at far end of table). Not all the board members could attend so they were teleconferenced in. Here VP Dave (to the right of John) is talking to the board members. *Sorry Doctor, I just could not help myself!

54 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday evening June 15, 2011 Jerry Michels of the Amarillo RR Museum shows slides of BN in Amarillo to round out the day’s activities. Other attendees also presented their slides.

55 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 15, 2011 Track side of Amarillo Station The agenda called for us to carpool to the Canadian River Bridge Saturday morning but others had explored the area earlier and told the group you could not get close to the bridge. So we all split up in carloads and railfanned the whole day. The day started out cloudy.

56 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 15, 2012 Amarillo Railfanning Eastbound stack train, location unknown but the sky is clearing. There are 3 main lines here and we were told that 97 trains went through Amarillo on Saturday.

57 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 15, 2012 Amarillo Railfanning Westbound Grain Train, location unknown. I was riding with Pat Hiatte again. Mike Danneman and Kent Charles were with us.

58 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 15, 2012 Amarillo Railfanning Eastbound Grain Train leaving Canon, Texas. This was as far South as we got Saturday. From here we returned to Amarillo, stopped at a hobby shop and then went on for lunch.

59 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 15, 2011 Amarillo Railfanning After lunch, Westbound Coal Train. Kent and Mike in the lower left. We found out in the evening that the Amarillo Terminal Superintendant had notified the railroad police and train crews that a number of us would be out photographing so not to be concerned.

60 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 15, 2011 Amarillo Railfanning I took this photo to show that South of Amarillo, the Transcon is composed of three mainline tracks.

61 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 15, 2011 Amarillo Railfanning This last photo seemed to summarize the whole railfanning day for me. Many trains, lots of photo locations and good friends. From left to right, Pat, Mike, Kent and the BNSF.

62 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 15, 2012 FOBNR Banquet This is one table of three that was set up for us in our hotel meeting room. We ordered from the hotel menu.

63 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 15, 2012 FOBNR Banquet This is table two of three that was set up for us.

64 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 15, 2012 FOBNR Banquet John and Kent discussing the photo ops of the day. “If I hold this skewer just right…”

65 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 15, 2012 FOBNR Banquet Dave Poplawski introducing the banquet speaker, Jason McBride. On behalf of the Colorado contingent, thank you to Dave for putting on such a great convention and to Mr. McBride for showing us the BNSF in Amarillo in such detail and with such wonderful hospitality. THANK YOU FOR A GREAT TIME!

66 The next morning, June 17, 2012, our Colorado contingent of Travis, John, Rodney, Mike, Mike and me left the hotel about 7:30am local time for the trek home. I arrived home about 3:30pm. Travis figures he put about 1700 miles on his car. Of the four days we were on the road, it never rained while we were touring or railfanning. I managed to take over 350 photos so what you see here is only a sample. My thanks to Kent Charles for identifying various locos in this presentation. All in all, it was a great trip… Overall Trip Notes: BUT IT IS GOOD TO BE HOME! The Author Not Trespassing. Kent Charles Photo

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