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Act three scene three. Lines 1 - 17 How does Shakespeare use the opening scene to remind us of Antonio and Sebastian’s evil? What structural techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Act three scene three. Lines 1 - 17 How does Shakespeare use the opening scene to remind us of Antonio and Sebastian’s evil? What structural techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Act three scene three

2 Lines 1 - 17 How does Shakespeare use the opening scene to remind us of Antonio and Sebastian’s evil? What structural techniques does he use to remind us that time is running out? AO2: Language and structure

3 The Banquet – lines 18 - 52 What ideas do you have about Shakespeare’s use of the banquet? How it is used to reveal more about the characters onstage?

4 How does Ariel’s speech – lines 53 – 82: Emphasise the base sin of Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio? Demonstrate Prospero’s absolute power over the island? Present Prospero as an innocent victim? Stress the life the men need to live on leaving the island? BUT: Why is the harpy not actually a symbol of divine justice? What does it really represent? AO2 – language and structure AO2 – alternative interpretations

5 The end of the scene (from line 83 – end) How does Shakespeare show: Prospero’s power? Alonso’s despair? Gonzalo’s compassion? Prospero’s love of Miranda?

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