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Biomed Associations State of the Profession ICIS Patrick Lynch, CBET, CCE Global Medical Imaging Charlotte, NC ICIS Ogden Weber College March 10, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomed Associations State of the Profession ICIS Patrick Lynch, CBET, CCE Global Medical Imaging Charlotte, NC ICIS Ogden Weber College March 10, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomed Associations State of the Profession ICIS Patrick Lynch, CBET, CCE Global Medical Imaging Charlotte, NC ICIS Ogden Weber College March 10, 2010 1

2 Associations 2

3 Who am I? 704-941-01163 35 years (1975) BMETCBETCCE Manager - - - -Managed large hospital system in Atlanta Managed 130 BMETs and Engineers in 140 hospitals nationwide Former - - - - -Chair of BMET Bd of Examiners (CBET) Chair of Clin Eng Bd of Examiners (CCE) 1 st President of NCBA in 1980 Current - - - - -Membership Secretary of NCBA Treasurer – FMESA Board – Alabama Advisory Committee – Ohio, Utah, Virginia Author, Presenter, Organizer General pain in the a_ _.

4 4

5 National Associations 5

6 6  Not-for profit  Over 40 years old  Pioneer of certification  Writer of standards  Most revenue comes from manufacturer members  Most members are Biomeds  Lots of money, lots of resources

7 Formed in 2002 Originally anti-AAMI Funded by Masterplan Great idea, mission Lack of implementation, follow through 702 members 7

8 American College of Clinical Engineering Runs the only Clinical Engineering certification program Moved annual meeting from AAMI to HIMSS Engaged in high-level, forward thinking activities 8

9 FMESA 9 Link:..\..\_FMESA\FMESA Vault\2009\Announcements, Ads, Promos\FMESA promo.ppsx..\..\_FMESA\FMESA Vault\2009\Announcements, Ads, Promos\FMESA promo.ppsx

10 Local / Regional Associations 10

11 CMIA Serves California over 500 members 8 regions Chapters control own meetings, frequency, locations, content Annual Statewide Meeting – –Single Day (Saturday) –Banquet on Saturday evening –LA or San Diego - 125 attendees –Good Web site with Chapter Pages 11

12 Serves NC over 500 Members no chapters, but holds statewide educational seminars based on need and location of interested persons Annual Statewide Meeting –Fall (September – Dec) –3 days plus Golf –300 attendees 32 years in operation 12

13 Annual Meeting –in January –in Indianapolis Membership directory booklet given at Annual Meeting One Day - Saturday Great turnout – 140 people 13

14 Starting up Based in Nashville Serves Middle Tennessee and So. Ky Incorporated Jan 15, 2010 14

15 FBS Serves Florida 4 Chapters Chapters control own meetings, Location, frequency, content. Annual Meeting –Orlando or Tampa –October 200 attendees at Disney 15

16 OCEA Serves Ohio 4 Chapters Chapters control own meetings, Location, frequency, content. Great Board Communications Annual meeting (sporatic) Statewide Tour (4 cities in 4 days) 16

17 BMETS Baltimore Medical Equipment Technician Society Great logo Serves Baltimore metro area Excellent Newsletter Monthly meetings Sept thru April May meeting is a big social bash 17

18 Serves Wisconsin 5 Regions Chapters control own meetings, Location, frequency, content. Annual Meeting - rotates between all regions annually –Milwaukee –LaCrosse –Green Bay –Madison 18

19 What they do Educate Network Promote 19

20 Problems lack of volunteers lack of attendees to events 20

21 Opportunities companies want to support local associations to have visibility to members. training is cheaper locally. much to be learned from others in the local area. 21

22 Work to be done 22

23 Startup and Ongoing Work 23

24 Incorporation Registered Agent Address Incorporators Small Fee 24

25 IRS Status Does not need to be done for up to 2 years. 25

26 Bylaws 2 major types Chapter – more complex State System - simpler 26

27 Board of Directors Elect up to 14 from at large members Serve 2 year terms Can be reelected once 27

28 Officers Elected from the Board Board elects officers each year Serve I year Ex-President is ex-officio 28

29 Web Site Recommend Wild Apricot Easy, cheap, no special skills needed Manages memberships, meetings 29

30 Newsletter / Communications Electronic newsletter Listserv or Facebook for members 30

31 Membership Perks Local Training Membership certificate Lapel Pin Educational discounts Automatically become a member whenever you attend an ICIS event State Listserv / local communications Access to other members 31

32 Ongoing Regular Membership Meetings –Location –Frequency Regular BOD Meetings –Location –Frequency Educational Seminars –Location –Frequency –Topics 32

33 Ongoing (2) Annual Symposium –Annual banquet to other networking event. –revenue from vendors –Educational presentation Fun Events –Summer Picnic –Family-oriented Culture –good-ole-boys –equality –openness –trust among members –addressing tough topics directly 33

34 34

35 35

36 36

37 The success of the Intermountain Clinical Instrumentation Society is in YOUR hands. How successful will you make it? 37

38 38 (704)941-0116

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