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IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands A Look Back at Amsterdam NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky 21-23 September, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands A Look Back at Amsterdam NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky 21-23 September, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands A Look Back at Amsterdam NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky 21-23 September, 2009

2 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky IUVA 5th World Congress Location Two days of three concurrent technical sessions… …plus lots of food!

3 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Natascha Lentze and Diana Schoenberg at the Registration Desk IUVA President, 2007-2009, Linda Gowman, Ph. D., P.Eng. Plans for 2009 – 2011 IUVA President Bertrand Dussert, Ph.D.

4 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Technical Sessions Guest Speaker, Don Bursill Thought provoking content!

5 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Session Moderators, hard at work Beautiful views Delicious locally-made speaker gifts, and gifts with a UV flair

6 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Welcome Reception From Left to Right: Jim Bolton, Ph.D., Prof. Jim Malley, Ph.D., President Bertrand Dussert, Ph.D. IUVA Executive Director, Paul Overbeck

7 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Welcome to the IUVA Banquet! Pictured: Cosima Sichel Cocktail hour with good friends, prior to dinner at the banquet

8 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands A toast! Pictured: Diana Schoenberg & Prof. Jim Malley, Ph.D. From Left to Right: Margarete Bucheli, Diana Schoenberg and Prof. Dr. Regina Sommer, World Congress Technical Committee Chair

9 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Inder Singh presents the UV Engineering Project of the Year Award… …to Orange County Water District and Orange County Sanitation District for their Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) System

10 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands IUVA 2008-2009 UV Light Award for Volunteer Recognition Christopher Schulz, CDM IUVA Treasurer

11 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Prof. Jim Malley. Ph.D., presents the UV Lifetime Achievement Award… …to Hank VanderLaan, Founder of Trojan Technologies

12 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Bertrand thanks Linda for her incredible two years in office… …and shares his goals for the next two years, during his Presidency

13 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands From Left to Right: World Congress Speakers Joop Kruithof, Ph.D. and Don Bursill From Left to Right: Alison Gowman, Guus IJpelaar, Ph.D., and President Linda Gowman, Ph.D., P. Eng. CHEERS!

14 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands From Left to Right: Jim Bolton, Ph.D. and Cosima Sichel From Left to Right: Rob Van Esch, President Bertrand Dussert, Ph. D., and Keith Bircher Live music throughout dinner

15 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Wednesday’s IUVA Regulatory Workshop Hosted in partnership with EAWAG Speakers Pictured: Andreas Kolch and Margarete Bucheli

16 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands A GREAT group of attendees… …and phenomenal speakers, from around the world.

17 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Our technical tour began with Evides in Berenplaat Water taste feedback from their customers, before and after UV… what an improvement!

18 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Our host, Bram Van Der Veer, explaining the UV system… …up close!

19 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Answering questions……and taking pictures

20 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Bram Van Der Veer and President Linda Gowman Bram Martijn and President Linda Gowman

21 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Our Second Tour Location, Heemskerk, with PWN – presented by our host, Bram Martijn, during a lovely lunch Explaining PWN’s conservation efforts

22 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands How UV fits into PWN’s processes… …& a diagram of PWN’s system

23 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands How PWN has blended back into the landscape Touring the facility

24 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands A closer look at Ultrafiltration membranes

25 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands Producing pure drinking water with multiple filtration methods President Linda Gowman and Bram Martijn

26 IUVA 5 th World Congress – Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Regional Workshops, worldwide, 2010 - 6 th UV World Congress - Paris, France, 2011 - North American IOA / IUVA Regional Conference Toronto, ON, Canada, September 2011

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