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Butterflies fluttering By: Anna, Sydney, Isaac, Evan, Dylan.

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2 Butterflies fluttering By: Anna, Sydney, Isaac, Evan, Dylan

3 Life cycle of a Butterfly The caterpillar is in the egg for two week After the egg hatches it is only 1/12 th of a inch long. After that it eats the egg and hides from predators. The caterpillar eats milkweed.

4 Life cycle continued A full-grown caterpillar forms a chrysalis around its body. Soon the butterfly pushes out of the chrysalis. Then it can fly.

5 Different Kinds of Butterflies in Indiana Swallowtails Metalmarks Brushfooted Skippers Whites` Harvesters Sulphurs Gossamer wing Longwings Milkweed Snouts Truebrushfoots Speardwing

6 Migration Monarch butterflies are born in the fall and they migrate to Mexico in the winter Female monarch butterflies lay eggs across the southern United States. Sometimes butterflies are out in the winter.

7 Plants that Attract Butterflies Oregano Marigolds Dogbane Catnip Any flowers blooming during the summer Birdbaths

8 So the next time you see a butterfly try not to hurt it.

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