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Feudalism Class Notes. Monarch The king or queen of the land. The king or queen of the land. They take power through inheritance (from parent’s death).

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1 Feudalism Class Notes

2 Monarch The king or queen of the land. The king or queen of the land. They take power through inheritance (from parent’s death). They take power through inheritance (from parent’s death). Economic: Wealthy; job is to rule kingdom Economic: Wealthy; job is to rule kingdom Political: They make the laws of the land. Political: They make the laws of the land. NOBLES/LORDS: Own the local lands from the monarch. NOBLES/LORDS: Own the local lands from the monarch. Economic: Collect taxes from the local people. Economic: Collect taxes from the local people.

3 Lords Political: Protect the serfs and grant the knights land for protecting the people. Political: Protect the serfs and grant the knights land for protecting the people. KNIGHTS (Vassals): Answer directly to the local lord. KNIGHTS (Vassals): Answer directly to the local lord. Economic: Given land for offering protection Economic: Given land for offering protection Political: Will go to war in the name of the monarch to protect the larger kingdom Political: Will go to war in the name of the monarch to protect the larger kingdom

4 Knights Social: Have a code of honor, bravery, and to do what is right. SERFS/PEASANTS: They are the poorest people. Economic: They work the lands and do jobs no one else would want. Poor. Political: They do not have rights, they pay taxes to the local lord, and are given produce, animals, and a place to live on the lord’s land.

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