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Model of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

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2 Model of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Non-linear differential equations formulated in the magnetic field-fixed d,q co-ordinate system describe the permanent magnet synchronous motor and form the basis of the control system development.

3 Control System Structure for PM Synchronous Motor

4 Master & Slave Control Laws
Demanded dynamic Motor equation for id=0 1. Vector control condition MCL produces demanded values of the current components 2. Linearising function B. Slave control law


6 The pseudo-sliding mode observer These terms are treated
together as a disturbance vector The remainder of the motor equation forms the basis of the real time model of the observer.

7 The Sliding Mode Observer and Angular Velocity Extractor
The basic stator current vector pseudo sliding-mode observer is given by: The required estimates are equivalent values where is a high gain unfiltered angular velocity estimate can be extracted: For the purpose of producing a useful formula for perfect constant parameter estimates may be assumed:

8 The Filtering Observer
Filtered values of and are produced by the observer based on Kalman filter Load torque is modelled as a state variable where design of: needs adjustment of the one parameter only or as two different poles: Electrical torque of SM is treated as an external input to the model

9 Original control structure of speed controlled synchronous motor
ua ia_dem Slave control law Master control law id_dem POWER electronics Transf. dq /α,β and α,β/a,b,c ib_dem ub iq_dem SMPM ic_dem uc ia ib ua,b,c Discrete two phase oscillator ia ib Transf. abc / a,b and a,b / d,q ic cosq sinq id iq ud uq id iq id vd_ekv Sliding mode Observer Filtering observer iq Angular velocity Extractor vq_ekv

10 (of closed-loop system)
MRAC outer loop Reference model (of closed-loop system) Inner & Middle Loop (real system) correction loop Model TF Parameter mismatch increases a correction Mason’s rule

11 Experimental Verification
Parameters of the PMSM: Pn=475 W; wn=157 rad/s; Tn=0,47 Nm Equivalent Circuit Parameters: Rs=1,26 W; Ld=9,34 mH; Lq=9,2 mH; p=2; J=0,0005 kg.m2; YPM=0,112 Vs Parameters of IGBT Semikron 6MBI-060 are as follows: nominal voltage: 1000 [V] , nominal current: 6x10 [A]. Current sensors are as follows: LEM LTA 50P/SPI.

12 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 1 Rotor Speed without MRAC without MRAC

13 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 2 Rotor Speed including MRAC

14 Simulation results without outer loop and with outer loop
b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) stator currents, b) rotor mg. fluxes, c) applied torque and estimated torque and rotor speed from filtering observer d) rotor speed and ideal speed from transfer function

15 Experimental Results without outer loop and with outer loop
b) b) a) ideal speed and estimated speed from filtering observer and b) ideal speed with real rotor speed from speed sensor.

16 Acceleration Demands for Three Various Dynamics
First Order Dynamic Second Order Dynamic Constant Acceleration

17 Experimental Results for Synchronous Motor Drive
Constant Acceleration wd= 600 rpm, Tramp= 0.05 s First Order Dynamic wd= 800 rpm, Tsettl= 0.3 s Second Order Dynamic wd= 600 rpm, Tsettl= 0.3 s

18 Second Order Dynamics for Various Damping Factor
-0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 60 -10 10 20 30 40 50 z=0.5 z=2 z=1 Tsettl=0.15 s , wd = 40 rad/s

19 Conclusions: A new approach to the control of electric drives with permanent magnet synchronous motors, when original forced dynamics control system was completed with outer control loop based on MRAC, has been developed and experimentally proven. Three various prescribed dynamics to speed demands were achieved and beneficial influence of added control loops was observed. Application to the vector controlled drive with PMSM is possible. Further improvement of this control technique can continue via application of more sophisticated PWM strategy.

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