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Family and Social Health

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1 Family and Social Health
Unit 2

2 A Close Look at Relationships Lesson 6

3 Life Skills I will show respect for all people.
I will encourage other people to take responsibility for their health.

4 Lesson Objectives Talk about ways to show respect for others.
Explain how to earn the respect of others. Talk about ways to encourage other people to take responsibility for their health.

5 Vocabulary Relationships Respect Honest talk Mutual respect Role model

6 Relationships The connections you have with other people

7 Respect Thinking highly of someone

8 Honest talk The open sharing of feelings

9 Mutual respect The high regard two people have for one other

10 Role Model A person whose behavior other people copy

11 How Can I Earn the Respect of Others?
Choose responsible behavior Treat others with respect Expect others to treat you with respect Know when to draw the line

12 How can I encourage other people to take responsibility for their health?
You can talk to others about healthful behaviors You can support others who are trying to develop the habit of practicing a new life skill You can share with others the efforts you make to practice life skills

13 Lesson 6 Assignment: Page 45 1-5 Vocabulary words Sentences

14 Making Peace Lesson 7

15 Life Skill I will settle conflict in healthful ways.

16 Lesson Objectives Explain how settling internal conflict protects your health. Explain how settling conflict with others protects your health. List and discuss ways to settle conflicts.

17 Vocabulary lesson 7 Conflict Peace Violence Productive Argument
Conflict Resolution Skills

18 conflict A disagreement

19 peace Being without unsettled conflicts within yourself or with others

20 Violence An act that harms oneself, others, or property

21 Productive Argument A discussion of different viewpoints without fighting

22 Conflict Resolution Skills
Steps you can take to settle disagreements in a responsible way

23 How does settling conflict within yourself protect your health?
You are less likely to be anxious and upset, therefore you are less likely to experience the body changes from being stressed out.

24 How does settling conflict with others protect your health?
Being able to settle conflicts helps reduce the risk of harm from violence. Being at peace with others improves relationships. They know they can be honest with you, because you will be willing to work things out.

25 How do you know if a solution is a peaceful one?
A peaceful solution must result in actions that are healthful, safe, follow rules and laws, follow your family guidelines, show respect for you and others, and show good character.

26 What are ten steps you can take to settle disagreements? P. 48
1. Remain Calm 2. Set the tone 3. Talk about what happened 4. Be honest 5. Use I-messages to express your feelings 6. Listen to the other person’s feelings 7. List and talk about solutions 8. Agree on a solution 9. Keep your word and follow through 10. Ask a trusted adult for help if needed

27 What are three suggestions for setting the tone before talking about conflict?
Do not blame Do not interrupt Do not use put-downs

28 What Counts in Friendship Lesson 8

29 Life Skill I will work to have healthful friendships

30 Lesson Objectives Discuss reasons why you need friends
List and discuss guidelines for friendships Discuss reasons to avoid being in a clique

31 Vocabulary Bonding Social skills clique

32 Bonding A process in which two people develop feelings of closeness for one another

33 Social Skills Skills that help you interact with others

34 Clique A group of people who keep other people out of their group

35 Why do you need friends? The ties of friendship improve the quality of your life You can share thoughts, feelings, and activities Friends can help you develop other parts of your personality Encourage you to learn new skills

36 What are six guidelines for friendship?
1. Make responsible decisions with friends 2. Talk over your disagreements 3. Keep promises that you make 4. Encourage each other to grow 5. Keep confidences 6. Allow each other time to be alone and time for family members and other friends

37 When should you talk to an adult about a secret a friend has told you?
When their actions can be harmful or illegal

38 Why should you avoid being in a clique?
A clique can keep you from developing social skills. You will not have the opportunity to interact with different kinds of people, who could give you new ideas or improve your thinking

39 How can you say YES to social skills and NO to cliques?
Include new people in your group of friends Go out of your way to meet people who are not in your group of friends Say no if your group of friends wants to leave out others for no good reason

40 The Family Bond Lesson 9

41 Life Skills I will work to have healthful family relationships
I will adjust to family changes in healthful ways

42 Lesson Objectives Explain why you need to follow family guidelines
Discuss ways your family influences your health List and Discuss changes that occur in some families

43 Vocabulary Family Family guideline Character Heredity Habit
Family value

44 Family The group of people to whom you are related

45 Family guideline A rule set by your parents or guardian that helps you know how to act

46 character The effort you use to act on responsible values

47 heredity The traits that you get from your natural parents

48 habit A usual way of doing something

49 Family value The worth or importance of something to your family

50 What are three reasons why you need to follow family guidelines?

51 Whey does a loving parent or guardian correct you if you break a family guideline?

52 What are five ways your family influences your health?

53 Why are you more likely to choose healthful behaviors if you are close to your family?

54 What are three changes that can occur in families?

55 Avoiding Risk Behaviors Protect My Future---Lesson 10

56 Life Skill I will practice life skills for health
I will use resistance skills when necessary

57 Lesson Objectives Explain why you are learning about risk behaviors
List and discuss reasons to avoid risk behaviors List and discuss skills that help you avoid risk behaviors

58 Vocabulary Risk Behavior Reputation Guilt Resistance skills

59 Risk Behavior An action that can be harmful to you and others

60 Reputation The quality of your character as judged by others

61 guilt The bad feelings you have if you think or do something that you know is not right

62 Resistance skills Skills that help you resist pressure to make a wrong decision

63 What are two reasons you are learning about risk behaviors?

64 What are ten reasons why you should avoid risk behaviors?

65 Why do you want to show good citizenship?

66 What are seven resistance skills you can use to avoid risk behaviors?

67 How can you avoid being in a situation in which someone might try to get you to participate in risk behaviors?

68 TEST OVER UNIT 2 Lessons 6-10 Questions/ answers and Vocabulary

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