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▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 3 6 Issue & Debate in line with, agreed.

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Presentation on theme: "▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 3 6 Issue & Debate in line with, agreed."— Presentation transcript:

1 ▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 3 6 Issue & Debate in line with, agreed to, raise, covered by, settle disputes * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. counterpart2. exchange 3. security4. confidential 5. agreement6. systematic 7. intelligence8. nuclear 9. weapon10. provoke 11. provocative12. tension 13. logistics14. troop 15. conduct16. peacekeeping 17. humanitarian18. drill 19. ally20. provocative 21. Defense chiefs of Korea and Japan recently seek closer military ties between the two countries. 한국과 일본의 국방장관들이 양국간 보다 긴밀한 군사 협력을 추진하기로 합의했다. 22. Both are the General Security of Military Information Agreement and the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement. 이는 군사비밀보호협정과 상호군수지원협정에서 다루어지게 된다. 23. This is Washington’s urge to push two of its Asian allies into seeking stronger military ties. 이것은 아시아의 두 우방국들 사이에 보다 긴밀한 군사 협력이 이루어 지도록 독려하고 있는 미 국의 입장과 궤를 같이 하고 있다. 24. Japan’s pacifist constitution strictly prohibits the use of force to outside Japanese territory. 일본의 평화헌법은 일본 영토 밖의 분쟁을 해결하는 데 있어 무력의 사용을 엄격하게 금지하고 있다. 25. Opponents also say closer military ties with Japan will military tension in the region. 반대론자들은 또한 일본과의 긴밀한 군사 협력은 이 지역의 군사적 긴장을 높일 것이라고 말한다.

2 ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Korea-Japan Military Ties Defense chiefs of Korea and Japan recently agreed to seek closer military ties between the two countries. Korea’s Minister of Defense Kim Kwan-jin met with his Japanese counterpart Toshimi Kitazawa in Seoul to exchange views on various defense and security issues. The two top military officials also reached agreement to protect confidential military information and share military supplies and services. Both are covered by the General Security of Military Information Agreement and the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement. Under the agreements, the two neighboring countries will be able to systematically exchange intelligence on North Korea’s nuclear program and weapons of mass destruction development. The two militaries will also have a legal basis to share logistics supplies such as food, fuel and means of transporting troops when conducting peacekeeping and humanitarian operations as well as military drills. Defense officials see the agreements as new steps toward the development of military ties between the two countries. This is in line with Washington’s urge to push two of its Asian allies into seeking stronger military ties as threats in the region grew, following North Korea’s provocative actions including the shelling of R.O.K. Marines and civilians on Yeonpyeong Island last November. Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, had already proposed high-level military cooperation, including joint military drills involving Korea, Japan and the U.S., as a measure to increase deterrence against North Korea. On the other hand, criticism has been voiced due to bitterness over Japan’s harsh conduct during its colonial rule on the peninsula (1910 - 1945). Technically, Japan’s pacifist constitution made after the Second World War strictly prohibits the use of force to settle disputes outside Japanese territory. Critics also cite bad feelings over the lingering territorial dispute with Japan over Tokyo’s territorial claims on Dokdo Islands in the East Sea. Opponents also say closer military ties with Japan will raise military tension in the region, provoking Cold War politics and a strong backlash from Beijing. Meanwhile, amid the growing controversy, defense ministry officials insist that the issue will be approached cautiously, considering the sentiments of some Koreans. 2 3 6 Issue & Debate 26. Which of the following was NOT a result of the meetings between the Defense chiefs of Korea and Japan? ① They agreed to settle the dispute over territorial claims to Dokdo. ② They agreed to exchange intelligence on North Korea's nuclear program. ③ They agreed to share military supplies and services between the two armies. ④ They agreed to share logistics supplies, such as fuel, food and transportation.

3 ☞ Write True(T) or False(F). Composition ☞ Translate the sentence into English using the given words. 33. 외국어를 배우는 것은 흥미롭다. =. (it, is, to, interesting, learn, foreign languages) 2 3 6 Issue & Debate 27. What is the purpose of the joint military drills conducting by Japan, Korea, and the United States? ① The United States military is highly advanced and is using the drills as a way of training the Korean and Japanese armies. ② They three countries are conducting the drills to increase deterrence against North Korea. ③ The United States felt that by conducting joint military drills, it may help to ease tensions between Japan and Korea. ④ The three countries feel that by conducting joint drills together, it may encourage Beijing officials to sway China into joining forces with them. 28. Which of the following words most closely means 'prohibit' in the article? ① To permit ② To allow ③ To favor ④ To ban 29. Why are some people criticizing Korea and Japan's agreement to seek closer military ties? ① Some Asian countries fear that if Korea and Japan combine their militaries then they will become too strong of a force. ② Critics fear that North Korea will immediately respond with military action as a sign of deterrence. ③ Critics say that this will raise military tension in the region and could provoke Cold War politics as well as heavy backlash from China. ④ Some critics feel that it will be impossible for Japan and Korea to overcome their history and differences to form a cohesive unit. 30. Japan's pacifist constitution allows the use of force to settle disputes outside of Japanese territory. _____ 31. North Korea's latest provocations have led to the U.S. urging Japan and Korea to seek closer military ties. _____ 32. The territorial claim on Dokdo is still being heavily disputed between Korea and Japan. _____

4 ▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 3 6 Issue & Debate in line with, agreed to, raise, covered by, settle disputes * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. counterpart [ 상대자 ]2. exchange [ 교환 ] 3. security [ 보안 ]4. confidential [ 비밀의 ] 5. agreement [ 협정, 합의 ]6. systematic [ 체계적인, 조직적인 ] 7. intelligence [ 정보 ]8. nuclear [ 원자력의 ] 9. weapon [ 무기 ]10. provoke [( 특정 반응을 ) 유발하다 ] 11. provocative [ 도발적인 ]12. tension [ 긴장 ] 13. logistics [ 병참 ]14. troop [ 병력, 군대 ] 15. conduct [( 특정활동을 ) 하다 ]16. peacekeeping [ 평화 유지의 ] 17. humanitarian [ 인도주의적인 ]18. drill [ 훈련 ] 19. ally [ 동맹국 ]20. provocative [ 도발적인 ] 21. Defense chiefs of Korea and Japan recently agreed to seek closer military ties between the two countries. 한국과 일본의 국방장관들이 양국간 보다 긴밀한 군사 협력을 추진하기로 합의했다. 22. Both are covered by the General Security of Military Information Agreement and the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement. 이는 군사비밀보호협정과 상호군수지원협정에서 다루어지게 된다. 23. This is in line with Washington’s urge to push two of its Asian allies into seeking stronger military ties. 이것은 아시아의 두 우방국들 사이에 보다 긴밀한 군사 협력이 이루어 지도록 독려하고 있는 미 국의 입장과 궤를 같이 하고 있다. 24. Japan’s pacifist constitution strictly prohibits the use of force to settle disputes outside Japanese territory. 일본의 평화헌법은 일본 영토 밖의 분쟁을 해결하는 데 있어 무력의 사용을 엄격하게 금지하고 있다. 25. Opponents also say closer military ties with Japan will raise military tension in the region. 반대론자들은 또한 일본과의 긴밀한 군사 협력은 이 지역의 군사적 긴장을 높일 것이라고 말한다.

5 ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Korea-Japan Military Ties Defense chiefs of Korea and Japan recently agreed to seek closer military ties between the two countries. Korea’s Minister of Defense Kim Kwan-jin met with his Japanese counterpart Toshimi Kitazawa in Seoul to exchange views on various defense and security issues. The two top military officials also reached agreement to protect confidential military information and share military supplies and services. Both are covered by the General Security of Military Information Agreement and the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement. Under the agreements, the two neighboring countries will be able to systematically exchange intelligence on North Korea’s nuclear program and weapons of mass destruction development. The two militaries will also have a legal basis to share logistics supplies such as food, fuel and means of transporting troops when conducting peacekeeping and humanitarian operations as well as military drills. Defense officials see the agreements as new steps toward the development of military ties between the two countries. This is in line with Washington’s urge to push two of its Asian allies into seeking stronger military ties as threats in the region grew, following North Korea’s provocative actions including the shelling of R.O.K. Marines and civilians on Yeonpyeong Island last November. Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, had already proposed high-level military cooperation, including joint military drills involving Korea, Japan and the U.S., as a measure to increase deterrence against North Korea. On the other hand, criticism has been voiced due to bitterness over Japan’s harsh conduct during its colonial rule on the peninsula (1910 - 1945). Technically, Japan’s pacifist constitution made after the Second World War strictly prohibits the use of force to settle disputes outside Japanese territory. Critics also cite bad feelings over the lingering territorial dispute with Japan over Tokyo’s territorial claims on Dokdo Islands in the East Sea. Opponents also say closer military ties with Japan will raise military tension in the region, provoking Cold War politics and a strong backlash from Beijing. Meanwhile, amid the growing controversy, defense ministry officials insist that the issue will be approached cautiously, considering the sentiments of some Koreans. 2 3 6 Issue & Debate 26. Which of the following was NOT a result of the meetings between the Defense chiefs of Korea and Japan? [1] ① They agreed to settle the dispute over territorial claims to Dokdo. ② They agreed to exchange intelligence on North Korea's nuclear program. ③ They agreed to share military supplies and services between the two armies. ④ They agreed to share logistics supplies, such as fuel, food and transportation.

6 ☞ Write True(T) or False(F). Composition ☞ Translate the sentence into English using the given words. 33. 외국어를 배우는 것은 흥미롭다. = It is interesting to learn foreign languages. (it, is, to, interesting, learn, foreign languages) 2 3 6 Issue & Debate 27. What is the purpose of the joint military drills conducting by Japan, Korea, and the United States? [2] ① The United States military is highly advanced and is using the drills as a way of training the Korean and Japanese armies. ② They three countries are conducting the drills to increase deterrence against North Korea. ③ The United States felt that by conducting joint military drills, it may help to ease tensions between Japan and Korea. ④ The three countries feel that by conducting joint drills together, it may encourage Beijing officials to sway China into joining forces with them. 28. Which of the following words most closely means 'prohibit' in the article? [4] ① To permit ② To allow ③ To favor ④ To ban 29. Why are some people criticizing Korea and Japan's agreement to seek closer military ties? [3] ① Some Asian countries fear that if Korea and Japan combine their militaries then they will become too strong of a force. ② Critics fear that North Korea will immediately respond with military action as a sign of deterrence. ③ Critics say that this will raise military tension in the region and could provoke Cold War politics as well as heavy backlash from China. ④ Some critics feel that it will be impossible for Japan and Korea to overcome their history and differences to form a cohesive unit. 30. Japan's pacifist constitution allows the use of force to settle disputes outside of Japanese territory. [F] 31. North Korea's latest provocations have led to the U.S. urging Japan and Korea to seek closer military ties. [T] 32. The territorial claim on Dokdo is still being heavily disputed between Korea and Japan. [T]

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