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Ministry of Agriculture Consultant Arthur Zalmijn Paramaribo, May 24, 2012.

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1 Ministry of Agriculture Consultant Arthur Zalmijn Paramaribo, May 24, 2012

2 Introduction The ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, has developed white papers on subsectors of the agricultural sector These are: - Horticulture - Rice - Banana - Livestock - Fisheries - Hinterland development - Agribusiness - Agricultural Health Care and Food Safety

3 Introduction (2) The white papers are based on the Strategic Policy Document formulated in 2011

4 Objectives, interventions and budget SubsectorsObjectivesInterventionsBudget for 5 years in (000) US$ HorticultureIncrease of production -increase of diversification of export Substitution of imports -application of quality standards through improvement of technology and management -stimulation of agribusiness -capacity building, training and educationn.a. -encouragement of cooperation amongst hort. farmers and between farmers and exporters RiceIncrease of productivity -improving infrastructure volumes and export quantity -improving availability of sowing seed -improvement of access to credit -investment for machineries and implements -establishment of a Commodity association263,000 -revitalization of existing and establishment of new Water Boards -training and education -improvement of market access a.o through installment of a Market Information System

5 Objectives, interventions and budget Subsectors ObjectivesInterventionsBudget for 5 years in (000) US$ Banana Production and export quantities increased -increase foreign exchange earnings - increase efficiency18,000 -position the banana industry in a liberalized world market Livestock Food security improved and substitution of imports -reverse of process of mass slaughtering female animals -improvement of breeding material -Establishment veterinarian lab -Continuation of Survey on Animal Decease 15,675 -Training and education -improvement of credit facility Fishery and Aqua culture Food security improved -by- catch from trawl fishing activity export increased -strengthening private sector organization -implementation Fishery Management Plan - maintaining eco-system & bio- diversity - stimulation of aquaculture development n.a. -improved management of fishery resources -Training and education

6 Objectives, interventions and budget SubsectorsObjectivesInterventionsBudget for 5 years in (000) US$ Agricultural development in the Interior Improvement of food security and increase of - implementation of soil fertility activities Food Surpluses for marketing-stimulation of vegetable production 5,575 -processing -credit facility -training and education Agribusiness development Food security and food safety guaranteed -Supply of fresh and processed food for the local and export market -intensified training and extension -improved healthcare and food safety9,330 -stimulation of chain concept -enhancement of entrepreneurship Healthcare and Food safety Encouragement of institutional strengthening and capacity building -development of legislation requirements for production facilities -inspection and control with regard to food safety procedures 8,475

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