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Level E Ad ver sar’ y (noun) an enemy, opponent Sentence: A best friend off the tennis court can also be a fierce adversary on it. Synonyms: antagonist,

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2 Level E

3 Ad ver sar’ y (noun) an enemy, opponent Sentence: A best friend off the tennis court can also be a fierce adversary on it. Synonyms: antagonist, rival, foe Antonyms: friend, ally, supporter, confederate

4 A’ li e nate (verb) to turn away; to make indifferent or hostile, to transfer, convey Sentence: Gossiping and back biting are bad habits that are bound to alienate friends. Synonyms: separate, drive apart, estrange Antonyms: befriend, attract, captivate, reconcile

5 Ar’ ti fice (noun) a skillful or ingenious device; a clever trick; a clever skill; trickery Sentence: Even the most renowned art experts were completely taken in by the forger’s artifice. Synonyms: ruse, stratagem, contrivance

6 Co erce’ (verb) to compel; force Sentence: Dictators try to coerce their subjects into obedience by threatening them or their families with punishment. Synonyms: pressure, bully, intimidate, constrain Antonyms: persuade, cajole

7 Cra’ ven (adj.) cowardly; (noun) a coward Sentence: Those who urged Great Britain to make peace with Hitler were criticized for their craven attitude. (adj.) Sentence: It is a mistake to assume that everyone who refuses to go to war is a craven who lacks patriotism. Synonyms: (adj.) fearful, fainthearted, pusilanimous Antonyms: (adj.) brave, courageous, valiant

8 Cu’ li nar y (adj.) of or related to cooking or the kitchen Sentence: Cooking shows on television have helped many people to master the secrets of the culinary art.

9 De lete’ (verb) to erase, wipe out, cut out Sentence: Crime labs can determine whether an attempt has been made to delete material from audiotapes. Synonyms: remove, cancel, expunge Antonyms: insert, add, retain, include

10 De mise’ (noun) a death, especially of a person in a lofty position Sentence: Traditionally, the tolling of church bells has announced the demise of a monarch. Synonyms: decease, passing away Antonyms: birth, beginning, commencement

11 Ex hil’ a rate (verb) to enliven, cheer, give spirit or liveliness to Sentence: The first landing on the moon, in the summer of 1969, exhilarated the nation. Synonyms: stimulate, excite, gladden Antonyms: discourage, dispirit, dishearten, inhibit

12 Fal’ low (adj.) plowed but not seeded; inactive; reddish-yellow (noun) land left unseeded; (verb) to plow but not seed Sentence: After a month without a date, I decided that my social life was definitely in a fallow period. (adj.) Sentence: In the drought-stricken region, there were millions of acres of fallow. (noun) Sentence: Farmers often fallow a third of their fields each year to restore the chemical balance of the soil. Synonyms: (adj.) unproductive, inert, dormant Antonyms: (adj.) productive, fertile, prolific

13 Ha rass’ (verb) to disturb, worry; to trouble by repeated attacks Sentence: The judge repeatedly cautioned the prosecuting attorney not to harass the witness. Synonyms: annoy, pester, bedevil, beleaguer

14 In clem’ ent (adj.) stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action Sentence: During an inclement New England winter, heavy snowfalls may bring highway traffic to a standstill. Synonyms: blustery, tempestuous, implacable Antonyms: mild, gentle, balmy, tranquil

15 muse (verb) to think about in a dreamy way, ponder Sentence: Philosophers have always mused on the meaning of life. Synonyms: meditate, contemplate, daydream

16 Neg’ li gi ble (adj.) so unimportant that it can be disregarded Sentence: After taxes are deducted, a small raise in salary may result in a negligible increase in take- home pay. Synonyms: trivial, inconsequential, insignificant Antonyms: significant, crucial, momentous

17 Per pet’ tu ate (verb) to make permanent or long lasting Sentence: In most cultures, people try to perpetuate the customs of their ancestors. Synonyms: continue, preserve, prolong indefinitely Antonyms: discontinue, abolish, abandon

18 Prec’ e dent (noun) an example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action Sentence: We hope that students at other schools in our city will follow our precedents in volunteer work and charitable contributions. Synonyms: guide, tradition, model

19 Pu’ ni tive (adj.) inflicting or aiming at punishment Sentence: The general led a punitive expedition against the rebel forces. Synonyms: penalizing, retaliatory

20 Re dress’ (verb) to set right; remedy (noun) relief from wrong or injury Sentence: An apology can go a long way to redress the hurt feelings caused by an insensitive comment or thoughtless act. (verb) Sentence: The accident victims will seek redress for the injuries they suffered in the train crash. Synonyms: (verb) rectify, correct, mitigate

21 So’ journ (noun) a temporary stay (verb) to stay for a time Sentence: No matter how short your sojourn in Paris, you must take time to see the Louvre. (noun) Sentence: Many American graduates sojourn abroad before they begin working full-time at home. Synonyms: (noun) visit, stopover, brief stay

22 Ur bane’ (adj.) refined in manner or style, suave Sentence: an urbane host puts guests at ease by appearing totally confident and unruffled no matter what happens. Synonyms: elegant Antonyms: crude, uncouth, boorish

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