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Department of General Services May 12, 2014. Briefing Overview Future vision City owned cemeteries Cemetery responsibilities First steps towards improvement.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of General Services May 12, 2014. Briefing Overview Future vision City owned cemeteries Cemetery responsibilities First steps towards improvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of General Services May 12, 2014

2 Briefing Overview Future vision City owned cemeteries Cemetery responsibilities First steps towards improvement Current condition of cemeteries Current maintenance and operations budget Current challenges Mount Calvary Cemetery Complex

3 Future Vision Revitalize cemeteries by creating park-like settings that invite visitors –Install park benches –Install historic signage –Install water fountains –Install matching trash receptacles –Increase overall lawn-care maintenance

4 Future Vision (continued) Capitalize on the historic significance of our cemeteries Tap into a new tourism market with our Path of History

5 Current City Cemeteries Cedar Grove Cemetery Oak Grove Cemetery Olive Branch Cemetery Mount Calvary Cemetery Complex –Mount Calvary –Mount Olive –Fishers Hill (will take “ownership” in July 2014) –Paupers Field

6 Cedar Grove Cemetery

7 Oak Grove Cemetery

8 Olive Branch Cemetery

9 Mount Calvary Cemetery Complex

10 Mt. Calvary Fisher’s Hill Mt. Olive Pauper’s Field Mt. Calvary Cemetery Complex

11 Brief History Prior to 1960 – City owned & managed the following cemeteries: –Cedar Grove –Oak Grove –Olive Branch 1960 – City sold all of its vacant grave sites to a private entity and entered an agreement with Wimbrough and Sons to manage burial operations at all cemeteries 1964 – City sold the land east of Olive Branch Cemetery to Wimbrough and Sons and adopted an ordinance designating this land the Olive Branch Cemetery Annex

12 Current Cemetery Responsibilities Contractor – Wimbrough and Sons –Sale of vacant graves –Digging of graves –Record Keeping –Scheduling interment services with funeral homes City –Grass cutting –Removal of flowers –Road maintenance –Repair of grave sites –Trash and debris removal

13 We have reorganized the cemetery operations and created a Cemetery Superintendent using an existing position Worked with the Sheriff’s Office to develop an agreement for regular grass cutting and weeding Developed partnerships with private groups to improve our historic cemeteries Developed a plan to reach the goal of a 7-day cut cycle for all cemeteries First Improvement Steps

14 First Improvement Steps (continued) Major clean-up of old brush, debris and old flowers Regularly remove old flowers and memorials Reviewing the existing City Code and looking toward developing a reasonable schedule for enforcement Installing signage that clearly states what is acceptable in our cemeteries under the existing code

15 Current Conditions In City Cemeteries Cedar Grove –Grass is on a 7-10 day cut cycle. –Replacing historic markers –Remade the Scatter Garden –Regularly repairing historic graves –Regularly repairing cave-ins –Very good staff relationship with the Cedar Grove Cemetery Foundation

16 Current Conditions (continued) Oak Grove Cemetery –Grass is on a 7-10 day cut cycle. –Completed major clean-up of old brush and overgrowth –Replaced fencing where needed –Ordered new signage

17 Current Conditions (continued) Olive Branch Cemetery –Grass is on a 7-10 day cut cycle –Completed major clean-up of old brush and overgrowth –Regularly removing old flowers –Moved grave-digging equipment out of sight –Covering work areas with appropriate fencing –Ordered new signage

18 Current Conditions (continued) Mount Calvary Cemetery Complex –Grass is on a 7-10 day cut cycle. –Completed a topographical survey –Removing brush, debris and overgrowth –Removing un-necessary trees –Developing a plan to repair cave-ins –Meeting with ERC to discuss drainage issues –Improving roadways using old crushed asphalt from High Street re-paving (a temporary fix)

19 Current Funding The perpetual care fund currently totals $1,544,083 Should appropriate annual earnings from the investment of these funds to cemetery maintenance Current earnings are insufficient to cover total cost of cemetery maintenance Current 2013-2014 budget (cost) is $220,420 Ideal annual budget is $470,000±

20 2014-2015 Proposed Budget The proposed budgeted funds for cemetery maintenance is $280,0000 which incorporates several improvements in efficiency: –Cemetery Superintendent –Lower contract price by utilizing the Work Release Program –Certain infrastructure improvements

21 Current Challenges Compliance with the City Code Mt. Calvary, Mt. Olive, Fisher’s Hill and Pauper’s Field condition “Serious Drainage issues are persistent at this cemetery…. A complete drainage plan should be done for this area. The amount of work to be done is far beyond what the Perpetual Care Fund will ever be able to address…There is no way this project could be handled within the Perpetual Care Fund or General Operating Budget. This will be a large project and will take numerous years to complete.” Excerpt from the November 16, 2006 City Cemeteries Perpetual Care Fund 10-Year Master Plan, page 16

22 City Code on Enclosures and Decorations Section 9-47 and Section 9-48 No enclosures, flower beds, hedges or borders of any kind will be permitted around or alongside of any grave. Nor ornaments or decorations other than cut or artificial flowers shall be placed on any grave Flags may be place on graves on Memorial Day Floral designs may be used at burials, but shall be removed from lots within ten days thereafter.

23 City Code on Monuments and Gravestones Section 9-41 and Section 9-42 A monument is any stone that projects more than 24 inches above the ground A gravestone must be between 4 and 12 inches thick and no more than 24 inches wide A gravestone can be nor more than six inches above the ground A grave can have only one stone. All stones and monument foundations must be at least 4 feet into the ground






29 Mount Calvary Cemetery Complex: Mt. Calvary Mt. Olive Fisher’s Hill Pauper’s Field

30 Future Goals Restore the cemetery and the sanctity that it deserves Have the cemetery placed on the National Register of Historic Places –Through the National Park Service –Develop the documentation that will identify the cemetery as one of America’s historic and archeological resources

31 Future Goals (continued) Have the cemetery become a part of the “Network to Freedom” –Through the National Park Service –Develop the documentation to support the identification of the cemetery as a place associated with the Underground Railroad and thereby allowing it to become part of a network of Underground Railroad historical sites Expand the cemetery with additional grave sites to support the Perpetual Care Fund

32 Mt. Calvary Fisher’s Hill Mt. Olive City of Portsmouth Pauper’s Field Current combined cemetery boundaries Proposed “new” boundaries for cemetery and sale of grave sites

33 Collaborative Community Efforts African American Historical Society is the supporting foundation - Mae Breckenridge Application for the National Register and Network to Freedom historical documentation – Nadia and Brenda Orton Grant writer – Margaret Windley Volunteerism and clean-up champion – Christina Carlton

34 Timeline of Activity December, March, April: Volunteer and City Staff meetings April: –Successful grant of $4,000 to remove decaying trees / trees that are damaging grave sites –Completion of aerial survey and first step in developing design for remediation of drainage problem

35 Timeline of Activity (continued) July – Notice of Hearing for the City to officially take possession of Fisher’s Hill Cemetery Next step – submit applications for the National Register and Network to Freedom Fall – Completion of design documents for solving the drainage issue and development of new grave sites to support perpetual care


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