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S.R. 690 (118th Avenue) (C.R. 296). Agenda Introduction Alternative Analysis –Comparison of Compressed ROW and Viaduct –Why the Viaduct –Flyover Alternative.

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Presentation on theme: "S.R. 690 (118th Avenue) (C.R. 296). Agenda Introduction Alternative Analysis –Comparison of Compressed ROW and Viaduct –Why the Viaduct –Flyover Alternative."— Presentation transcript:

1 S.R. 690 (118th Avenue) (C.R. 296)

2 Agenda Introduction Alternative Analysis –Comparison of Compressed ROW and Viaduct –Why the Viaduct –Flyover Alternative Selection at US-19 WB SR 690 to NB US-19 (Interim) WB SR 690 to NB US-19 Flyover (Ultimate) –Staging Menu/Travel Time –Summary of Recommendations Introduction Alternative Analysis –Comparison of Compressed ROW and Viaduct –Why the Viaduct –Flyover Alternative Selection at US-19 WB SR 690 to NB US-19 (Interim) WB SR 690 to NB US-19 Flyover (Ultimate) –Staging Menu/Travel Time –Summary of Recommendations

3 Alternative Analysis Viaduct at 49 th St. Compressed at 49 th St. Compressed Ramps Viaduct Ramp SR 690 COMPRESSED ALTERNATIVE (without EB Zipper) SR 690 VIADUCT ALTERNATIVE (without EB Zipper)

4 Compressed ROW vs. Viaduct

5 Why the Viaduct? No roadway right of way required East of Progress Energy Corridor Reduces or eliminates impacts to businesses east of 49th St. Less maintenance cost over 50 year period. Avoids potentially contaminated sites northeast of 49th St. Existing drainage system remains in place. Simplifies permitting. Existing underground utilities can remain in service without impact. Construction duration is 150 days less than compressed.

6 WB SR 690 to NB US-19 (Interim) Provides an interim free flow right turn lane from WB SR 690 to NB US-19 Minimal Additional impact to Calvary Cemetery identified in PD&E Calvary Catholic Cemetery

7 US-19 & SR 690 Flyovers Provides free flow movement from SR 690 & US-19 Ramps can be constructed independently with staged construction West to North ramp avoids cemetery property Provides free flow movement from SR 690 & US-19 Ramps can be constructed independently with staged construction West to North ramp avoids cemetery property Calvary Catholic Cemetery

8 Staging Menu CURRENT FUNDING Fiscal YearFDOTCountyTotal 2012$0.7 2013$2.6 2014$1.0$20.0$21.0 2015 $20.0 2016 $25.0 TOTAL:$4.3$65.0$69.3

9 Construction Staging Options Sequence 1 & 2 Construct WB Express lanes from 28th St to 40th St and tie to existing 118th Ave. Includes improvements at 43rd St, 34th St and 31st Court. Includes improvements to Ramps P and P1. Sequence 1 & 2 Construct WB Express lanes from 28th St to 40th St and tie to existing 118th Ave. Includes improvements at 43rd St, 34th St and 31st Court. Includes improvements to Ramps P and P1. Estimated 2035 Travel Time (minutes) SequenceAM EBPM EBAM WBPM WB 1 & 253.845.526.846.6

10 Construction Staging Options Sequence 3 & 3a Construct EB/WB SR 690 Frontage Rd and Viaduct from US- 19 to past 43rd St including interchange at 49th St. Includes ramp from EB Frontage to I-275 Ramp at 31 st St. and addition of third lane to EB SR 690 Frontage Rd from 40th St to 31 St. Sequence 3 & 3a Construct EB/WB SR 690 Frontage Rd and Viaduct from US- 19 to past 43rd St including interchange at 49th St. Includes ramp from EB Frontage to I-275 Ramp at 31 st St. and addition of third lane to EB SR 690 Frontage Rd from 40th St to 31 St. EB Ramp Estimated 2035 Travel Time (minutes) SequenceAM EBPM EBAM WBPM WB 1 & 253.845.526.846.6 3 & 3a35.226.717.226.1

11 Construction Staging Options Sequence 4 Construct EB SR 690 Express lanes from 40th St to 28th St. Sequence 4 Construct EB SR 690 Express lanes from 40th St to 28th St. Estimated 2035 Travel Time (minutes) SequenceAM EBPM EBAM WBPM WB 3 & 3a35.226.717.226.1 412.310.820.828.6

12 Construction Staging Options Sequence 5 & 6 Construct WB SR 690 to NB US-19 and SB US-19 to EB SR 690 Flyovers. Sequence 5 & 6 Construct WB SR 690 to NB US-19 and SB US-19 to EB SR 690 Flyovers. Estimated 2035 Travel Time (minutes) SequenceAM EBPM EBAM WBPM WB 412.310.820.828.6 5 & 63.7 4.36.5

13 Summary of Recommendations Viaduct Alignment Stage Construction Add Interim free flow right at US-19 Construct SB US-19 to EB SR 690 Flyover and add a WB SR 690 to NB US-19 Flyover Viaduct Alignment Stage Construction Add Interim free flow right at US-19 Construct SB US-19 to EB SR 690 Flyover and add a WB SR 690 to NB US-19 Flyover

14 Thank You

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