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The North Takes Charge.

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1 The North Takes Charge

2 The Tide Turns Lee’s army defeated the Union army of the Potomac at Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville, Virginia. Stonewall Jackson was accidentally shot by his own troops. He had his left arm amputated.

3 Stonewall Shot by own troops

4 The Tide Turns Lee exclaimed, “He has lost his left arm, but I have lost my right.” Jackson would soon die of pneumonia.

5 The Battle of Gettysburg
Most decisive battle fought. Confederate soldiers encountered several brigades of Union cavalry. 90,000 Union troops under the command of Gen. George Meade had taken the field against 75,000 Confederates, led by Gen. Lee.

6 The Battle of Gettysburg

7 The Battle of Gettysburg
Second Day the Confederates had driven Union troops from Gettysburg and taken over the town. Confederate forces marched across farmland, when suddenly Union artillery renewed its barrage.

8 The Battle of Gettysburg
Devastated the Confederates. Lee gave up any hopes of invading the North. 23,000 Union men and 28,000 Confederates killed or wounded.

9 Gettysburg Cemetery

10 The Gettysburg Address
November 1863, a ceremony was held to dedicate a cemetery. Lincoln spoke for two minutes. Gettysburg Address remade America. The speech helped the country to realize that it was not just a collection of individual states; it was a unified nation.

11 The Gettysburg Address

12 Grant Wins at Vicksburg
Vicksburg, one of the last Confederate strongholds on the Mississippi River. Food supplies ran so low that people were reduced to eating dogs and mules. The city fell on July 4. Five days later Port Hudson, Louisiana fell. Confederacy was cut in two.

13 Vicksburg

14 Total War Lincoln appointed Grant commander of all Union armies.
Grant in turn appointed William Tecumseh Sherman as commander of the military division of the Mississippi. Total War: Destroy the will to fight, the Confederates would collapse.

15 William T. Sherman

16 Total War Grant wanted to decimate Lee’s army in Virginia.
Sherman raided Georgia. He burned most of Atlanta.

17 Sherman’s March Sherman’s forces turned north.
They were followed by 25,000 former slaves to help Grant “wipe out Lee.”

18 Election of 1864 Lincoln was pessimistic of his chances.
News of Sherman’s victories inspired the North and helped Lincoln win reelection.

19 Surrender At Appomattox
April 3, 1865, Union troops conquered Richmond, VA. Southerners had abandoned the city before, setting it afire to keep Northerners from taking it. Appomattox Court House- Lee and Grant met at a private home to arrange a Confederate surrender. Civil War was Over

20 Surrender At Appomattox

21 Political and Economic Changes
The Civil War greatly increased the federal government’s power and authority. (income tax, conscription) The Northern economy boomed. The Southern economy was devastated. Ended slavery as a labor system, but also wrecked most of the regions industry and farmland.

22 The Thirteenth Amendment
Lincoln believed that the only solution was a constitutional amendment abolishing slavery. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the U.S.”

23 The Thirteenth Amendment

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