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Milan Srskic, CCM, FHFI Acting Chief, Project Management Service Office of Construction and Facilities Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Milan Srskic, CCM, FHFI Acting Chief, Project Management Service Office of Construction and Facilities Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Milan Srskic, CCM, FHFI Acting Chief, Project Management Service Office of Construction and Facilities Management

2 Mission Planning, design, construction and lease management for major projects (over $10M) Develop design & construction standards for VA Historic preservation, NEPA compliance, etc. High quality, cost effective facilities

3 Vision/Goals Business leadership, expertise, advice for facilities projects; CFM is VA’s in-house CM “firm” Focus resources to support VA asset management Promote continuous improvement

4 Human Capital Strategies A major transformation and improvement, moving to an enterprise-wide, rather than fragmented model for facility management Moving more functions to field offices, including contracting, planning, tech support All project management to be done in field offices; Program Management (PM) in Central Office.

5 Opportunities & Challenges VA using Agency CM firms since FY2006 Constructability reviews, market surveys, estimates, value engineering, phasing, construction administration; local market knowledge essential Individual CM firms for very large projects. Six IDIQ CM contracts. Exploring other options for CM/PM use

6 Project Delivery Methods Evaluated during planning process and acquisition strategy development Design-Bid-Build most utilized method, and likely to remain so. Best Value (FAR 15) selection – no sealed bid utilized

7 Design-Build Usually for less complex projects, but have done an operating room renovation by DB. One- and two-step processes used Currently re-evaluating to improve DB Constraints on use of DB – lack of full funding, NEPA and historic compliance requirements, site acquisition issues, etc.

8 Integrated Design/Construct FAR 16.403.2, fixed price incentive (successive targets) contracts Constraints –Complying with competition requirements –Meeting socio-economic goals –Availability of trained VA staff Contractor selection at end of schematic

9 FY 2011 Budget $1B for major construction, including: –New Orleans medical facility, $310M –Denver facility, $450.7M –Palo Alto polytrauma/ambulatory, $30M –Alameda Point, outpatient clinic and columbarium, $17.3M

10 FY 2011 Budget Major construction (cont’d) –Omaha replacement facility, $56M design –L.A. National Cemetery, $27.6M –Indiantown Gap, PA cemetery, $23.5M –Tacoma, WA, cemetery $25.8M

11 Future Funding & ARRA No major construction projects in ARRA CFM not affected by reporting requirements. Anticipate future funding at around $1B per year.

12 BIM VA wants to use and reap benefits – required on all major projects since FY2009 VA required Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) compliant parametric BIM “Major” construction = >$10M New VA BIM Guide online soon at:

13 Commissioning Federal mandates apply for sustainability and energy reduction VA requires compliance with VA Directive 0055 (April 2010) available at: LEED Silver or two Green Globes VA uses independent commissioning agent

14 Electronic PM & Tech No current unified electronic project management system Various systems now in use VA exploring enterprise-wide solutions as part of the transformation initiative

15 Doing Business with VA A/E Opportunities are listed at Construction opportunities are listed at Current contracts on FedBizOps.

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