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How do small settlements grow into big cities and what challenges do they face.

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Presentation on theme: "How do small settlements grow into big cities and what challenges do they face."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do small settlements grow into big cities and what challenges do they face


3  The year is 1725.  You have settled in a new location. You have a river, 2 bridges, 4 main roads, and 15 houses have been provided for you…this is YOUR town!! Please map the river, the 2 bridges, the four main roads and the 15 houses.

4  Each one of you get to select one house and shade it in…this is YOUR house  Select a name for your village  The year is 1725. Your population is growing and you need some supplies.  DRAW (with foundations on road) 1 Church 1 Cemetery 2 Stores 1 Pub

5  It is 1745:For the last 300 years, people in this village have earned their living through farming. They supplemented their wages with domestic labor, primarily the spinning and weaving of cloth by hand.  Most farmers own small parcels of land. While people work long, hard hours in the fields and at home, poverty is widespread. Most people are religious. The crime rate is very low. The few stores carry very little variety of luxury or household goods.  In the next 100 years, radical changes will come to this village.  Remember: "Change comes quickly, and waits for no man!"  10 Houses  1 Protestant Church  1 Pub  1 Road  1 Bridge  1 Store

6  Now it is 1765. There is a population explosion, for a variety of reasons [such as, soap and sanitation].  Draw  10 more HOUSES [#26-35]  1 more CHURCH  1 more PUB  1 more ROAD  1 MORE RIVER BRIDGE  1 more STORE

7  The people in your village need more food and goods to meet their survival needs. Also, there is a new demand for more sources of employment.  Coincidentally, a number of mechanical inventions for farms are invented, as well as new, more productive farming practices are adopted. Because credit is available with lower interest rates and because money is available for investment due to trade profits, this new farm machinery is purchased.  Wealthy landowners start buying large tracts of land  Draw a BROKEN LINE around an area on your paper [the area needs to be as large as your hand] to show large land are  WRITE in this area "For Agricultural Use Only".  Nothing else will be allowed in this area

8  It is 1785 and the first wave of Industrialization occurs. A wealthy entrepenour moves into the town and wants to build a factory.  1 Factory- on the river  1 Capitalist Estate

9  1800-With the factory built, more people are moving into your area. You need to expand.  15 Houses  5 Tenements  1 Church  1 Pub  1 Store  Additional roads

10  1820---Business is booming…you need to expand.  Draw 10 Factories- Some factories are on river Some are on canals  Canals are man made rivers

11  It is the 1870s and the factories are running 2-12 hour shifts a day. You need a place to put all the workers  10 Houses  20 Tenements

12  Need to continue to expand your city  4 Stores  1 Church

13  Second phase of the Industrial Revolution—Iron and Steam make factories able to be anywhere  10 Factories  15 Houses  Add one more road

14  It is the 1890s—Railroads and factories are booming.  5 Houses  10 Tenements  5 Stores  2 Cemeteries  5 Pubs  1 Church  3 Schools  2 roads

15  1890s—oh snap,with all the pollution from the factories people are getting sick and dying. We need something:  2 Cemeteries  2 Hospitals  Think about placement

16  People keep coming into your factory town. Crime is up, we must adjust. Need more homes, stores, churches, and now jails! Draw:  5 Tenements  5 Stores  1 Church  3 Jails

17  Let’s share our city maps…  What did you come up with? What would you have done differently? Are you happy with your result?

18  People did not always plan how cities were built  It led to lots of pollution, disease, and corruption  This opened the door for political bosses to run cities (not always legally) and make life easier for people

19  The Progressives emerge as folks who want to enact change Improve working conditions and wages Improve sanitation in cities (sewers, running water, building codes, etc) This changes politics as we enter the late 1800s and early 1900s.

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