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ASDAR State Constitution Week Chairman and ASDAR State Regent Constance Grund Presentation to student winner at the ANNE PHILLIPS CHAPTER’S Constitution.

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Presentation on theme: "ASDAR State Constitution Week Chairman and ASDAR State Regent Constance Grund Presentation to student winner at the ANNE PHILLIPS CHAPTER’S Constitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASDAR State Constitution Week Chairman and ASDAR State Regent Constance Grund Presentation to student winner at the ANNE PHILLIPS CHAPTER’S Constitution Week Student Awards Program


3 Bigbee Valley: Lucy Gallman, Regent

4 Captain William Bibb Chapter Grave marking of Sabra Floyd Pope in Luverne.

5 Coweta Town at its Alabama Day Program

6 Emassee-Robert Grierson Chapter Co-sponsor of Wreaths Across America Placing of wreaths on veterans graves.

7 Fort Dale Regent, Annabel Markle and ASDAR State Regent, Constance Grund Celebration of the 50 th Anniversary of the Fort Dale Chapter

8 Francis Marion Regent, Lee Anne Wofford and member Jane Gordon Celebration of Jane Gordon’s 90 th Birthday.

9 Light Horse Harry Lee Chapter Celebrating Constitution Week Signing of the Proclamation with Auburn Mayor

10 Lt. Joseph M. Wilcox, Jean Styles, Regent The chapter marked the grave of Janet Liddell Phillippi a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution at the Cook Hill Cemetery.

11 Martha Wayles Jefferson Chapter has had as its largest project its support of the VA in Tuskegee. Photo shows the members visiting with Veterans.

12 Oliver Wiley’s favorite event was the Good Citizenship Recognition Program. Rebecca Skibba, Regent

13 Peter Forney Chapter, Sue Jaworowski, Regent, Angels in Action. This chapter had 3 work sessions at the Oliver Winfrey/Brown Cemetery clearing graves and rubbish. This cemetery housing only 16 graves includes American Revolutionary soldier Thomas Brown and his wife.

14 Tohopeka Chapter, Sandra Wilson, Regent at the grave marking of Mary Malone Harrelson.

15 William Rufus King Chapter Members celebrating the 100 th birthday of Evelyn Youngblood, a DAR member of 64 years.

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