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A Project by John Echols Alexander Stuart and Mary Baldwin.

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Presentation on theme: "A Project by John Echols Alexander Stuart and Mary Baldwin."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Project by John Echols Alexander Stuart and Mary Baldwin

2 Our Area

3 = 2 graves = 1 grave

4  Consists of 111 graves.  In the northeastern section of Thornrose Cemetery  Is in Section 19 of the cemetery, just east of the Confederate Cemetery section.  Is located on the eastern side of a hill.




8  There are 111 people buried in our plot.  The modal age is 37.  The mean age is 41.  The median age is 34  It appears that the majority of the people buried in our section died at a relatively young age.

9 1. Unweathered 2. Slightly weathered-faint rounding of conrners of letters 3. Moderately weathered-rough surfaces, letters still legible 4. Badly weathered-letters are difficult to read 5. Very badly weathered-letters almost indistinguishable 6. Extremely weathered-no letters left, scaling


11  Drapery= Mourning, mortality

12  Finger Pointing Up= Pathway to heaven, heavenly reward


14  W.O.W.= Woodsmen of the World

15  Weeping Willow= Perpetual Mourning; Grief. Nature's lament.

16  Flying Dove= Resurrection

17  Fieldstones: 0  Granite: 67  Iron: 0  Marble: 34  Limestone: 0  Sandstone: 0

18 Mary Baldwin Alexander Stuart John Echols

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