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BE PREPARED…  Take out the Gettysburg packet (from yesterday)  Take a new battle chart TODAY WE WILL…  Evaluate the decision by Lee to attack the center.

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Presentation on theme: "BE PREPARED…  Take out the Gettysburg packet (from yesterday)  Take a new battle chart TODAY WE WILL…  Evaluate the decision by Lee to attack the center."— Presentation transcript:

1 BE PREPARED…  Take out the Gettysburg packet (from yesterday)  Take a new battle chart TODAY WE WILL…  Evaluate the decision by Lee to attack the center of the Union line at Gettysburg  Evaluate the results of the Battle of Gettysburg and the significance of the Gettysburg Address  Identify the significance of the capture of Vicksburg HOMEWORK:  T.A.S.K. (last day is Monday!)  Notebook Quiz (Tuesday)  Study for Finals (Social Studies is next Friday)

2 Q1: EXPLAIN what this picture shows happened on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg. The Union holds their flank on Little Round Top. A: The Union holds their flank on Little Round Top.


4 Robert E. Lee On the 3 rd day of the battle of Gettysburg, I make a bold move! I plan to attack the CENTER of the Union army! The Union will never expect such a daring move! Some of my men are questioning this decision …

5 View from Cemetery Ridge Towards Seminary Ridge Union’s View (high ground) Why is this such a daring move by the Confederates to attack across this field?

6 Day 3 = July 3, 1863  Lee orders Gen. George Pickett to lead 15,000 troops to attack middle of Union line (PICKETT’S CHARGE)  Marched 1,000 yards across an open field and up a steep slope  Confederates suffered huge losses

7 This is the UNION’s view of the field Lee’s men are going to walk through on “Pickett’s Charge”, which Pickett does not lead (fyi). 15,000 Confederates soldiers will march a little less than a mile, up a sloping hill with zero cover What could go wrong?!

8 View From Seminary Ridge Towards Cemetery Ridge Confederates’ View (open field) CONFEDERATE ARTILLERY FIRES TOO HIGH Hahaha… Your cannons are firing too high and aren’t doing a lot of damage!

9 The charge will fail. After the failure, LEE will be hurt muttering over and over, “It’s all my fault” and the Confederates will never recover from the loss. The causalities suffered at the Battle of Gettysburg totaled, Union = 23,000 Confederate = 28,000 “It’s all my fault”

10 PICKETT’s CHARGE As you watch the scene of PICKETT’s CHARGE, please write down what it is you notice during the scene. aka things that you find interesting, questions you may have, or simply a comment you want to share.

11 Pickett’s Charge (6::24-32:10)

12 Significance of Gettysburg (battle chart) TTurning point of the war CConfederates never invaded the North again OOver 50,000 men lay dead or were wounded


14 Gettysburg Address  November 19, 1863 – Ceremony dedicating memory of soldiers who died at Gettysburg  Lincoln delivered a speech  A test whether a democratic nation could survive  Only 10 sentences long  Took 3 minutes to deliver Hanging on Mr. B’s wall (don’t get any ideas…it’s not worth anything!)

15 Gettysburg Address (Delivered at Gettysburg Cemetery)

16 Victory in the West GGGGrant’s forces surrounded Vicksburg and blockaded the city for 6 weeks NNNNo food or supplies came in CCCConfederates ran out of food RRRResorted to eating dogs and rats CCCConfederates forced to surrender on July 4, 1863

17 Significance of Vicksburg (battle chart)  Union controlled the Mississippi  Cut off Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas from rest of Confederacy VICKSBURG, MS.

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