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 Schedule of Masses  Saturday, 4:30pm Average attendance over 5 counting periods from Oct 23, 2011-Oct 21, 2012- 199  Sunday, 8:00am Average attendance.

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2  Schedule of Masses  Saturday, 4:30pm Average attendance over 5 counting periods from Oct 23, 2011-Oct 21, 2012- 199  Sunday, 8:00am Average attendance over 5 counting periods from Oct 23, 2011-Oct 21, 2012- 165  Sunday, 10:30am Average attendance over 5 counting periods from Oct 23, 2011-Oct 21, 2012- 224  Weekday  Mon-Fri, 8am (9am once a month for school Mass)  Confessions  Saturdays-3:15-4:15pm  Devotions  Daily recitation of the rosary  Church Seating Capacity ~800

3  Sacramental Statistics 200020052011  Baptisms 41 24 25  First Com. 53 39 35  Confirmations 23 25 52  Marriages 7 10 5  Funerals 75 96 90  RCIA 2 0 5

4  Nursing Homes  Baldwinville Nursing Home  Legends Nursing and Rehabilitation Center  Wachusett Manor Nursing Facility  Housing For The Elderly  Binall House  Gar West/Highrise  Assisted Living Facilities  Heywood Commons  Hubbardston Manor  Number of Ordained/Lay Bringing Communion ~ 12  Ministry to the Sick-has it increased?  It has stayed relatively the same, over 600 a year. Institutions of care have expanded in Gardner.

5  Beyond Sacramental Ministry does parish have a regular visitation ministry to the homebound?  We have not developed a specific ministry of pastoral care for the elderly and homebound. Currently, the priests, deacons, and few lay men and women of the parish have been responding to home visitations. Some men and women of the parish have been helping out bringing communion to our nursing facilities as well. There is a great need for a Parish Nurse type ministry.  Ongoing responsibilities to facilities outside of parish?  Yes, we have the celebration of Mass on a monthly basis at the Legends, Wachusett Manor, Binall House, Heywood, Gar West/Highrise. The pastor of St. Vincent de Paul in Baldwinville has a monthly Mass at Baldwinville Nursing Home. Heywood Hospital, besides pastoral visits of the priests and deacon, has a deacon bringing communion to the patients.

6  List of Active Ministries in the Parish  Ladies of St. Anne  Liturgical  Annual Bazaar  St. Vincent de Paul  Religious Education and Formation  Respect Life  Pre K-8 School  Communion Ministry to the Nursing Homes/Elderly Homes  Monthly Hospitality Dinner for those in need

7  Survey Questions 1. Of the information that was just given, what: A. didn’t you know… B. surprised/shocked you… C. was missing… 2. Based on the size of the church would you say the Sunday 2. liturgies you attend are:  75-100% full in attendance  50-74% full in attendance  25-49% full in attendance  1-24% full in attendance 3. Besides the ministries listed, what other ministries would you like to see in your parish and of these ministries has there been attempts by you or someone else to create them? If there were attempts what held them back from being realized? 4. What in your opinion would make your church more active? 5. What would you say is the “vision” of your parish as it relates to the people and neighborhoods it serves? Do the people relate to that vision?

8  Do you have social groups or programs for youth? Youth programs and groupings come mainly through parish Religious Education Program and the Parish School. From time to time there are social outreach events and community building events. GroupNumber of MinistersNumber Served  Young Adult Group N/AN/A  Men’s Club N/AN/A  Ladies Guild~120~120  St. Vincent de Paul 11  Day Care 7116  Drop in Medical Clinic N/AN/A  Nursing Services 1262  Interfaith Housing Programs 3 75  Shelter N/AN/A  Food Pantry 12  Soup Kitchen N/AN/A  Bereavement Ministry N/AN/A  Other:  What immigrant groups exist within your parish boundaries? Are new groups coming in? Hispanic/Latino Asian

9  Survey Questions 1. Of the information that was just given what  Didn’t you know before  Surprised/shocked you  Was missing 2. In the last 10 years have you noticed your parish changing demographically? 1. If it has, have you noticed your parish’s ministries evolving to meet these changes? If so, how? 3. Do you need assistance? 4. Identify the strengths and challenges of how your parish is meeting its ministerial obligations to the area? 5. What activities draw people into the life of the parish? 6. Over the last 10 years, has your parish become more active or is activity shrinking? Please explain: 7. Do the same people participate in most activities or is there a broad range of participation? 8. Are the same volunteers running most activities or are there different core groups? 9. Are there ministries and/or programs you would like to implement to meet the Social Outreach needs? Do you have a plan to do so? If not, what are the obstacles?

10  Number of children in Religious Education  Grades 1-8 67  Grades 9-10 36  Number of children/youth in School 262  Do you have a Catechumenate? Yes  Are there adult education programs besides RCIA? Yes  What are they and how often are they offered?  CatholicismSpring  A Relook at SacramentsFall  The Bible and the ChurchSpring  How many participate? ~20

11  Who conducts these courses?  Priests, Deacon and Catechists  Do you have sacramental preparation classes? Who conducts them?  Baptism YesPriests & Deacon/wife  Eucharist YesPriests, Religious & Catechists  ConfirmationYesPriests, Religious & Catechists  MarriageYesPriests & Deacon/wife

12  Survey Questions 1. Of the information that was just given what  didn’t you know before  surprised/shocked you  was missing 2. Do you think there is sufficient staffing for religious education and faith formation? 3. Holy Rosary has Sr. Suzanne Picard serving as a paid Director of Religious Education (DRE) in the parish and the school. Sacred Heart has Jen Coxall serving as a volunteer Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE). Do you think this is enough, or should both our parishes explore a combined DRE, CRE, or Associate Religious Education (ARE) coordinator? 4. Do our facilities serve well the needs of religious education and faith formation in the parish? If yes, how? If no, what do we need? 5. If you were to hazard a guess, do you think there are children in our parish who are not participating in religious education and faith formation? If so, would say the percentage is: A. 75-100% B. 50-74% C. 25-49% D. 1-24%

13  Position# Full Time# Part Time#Volunteer  Deacon 1 1  Pastoral Assistant N/A N/A N/A  DRE 1  CRE N/A N/A N/A  ARE N/A N/A N/A  Youth Minister N/A N/A N/A  Pastoral Assistant Cor 1  RE Secretary N/A N/A N/A  Business Manager 1  Director of Music 2  Organist N/A N/A N/A  Book Keeper 1  Principal 1  School Teachers 18

14 Domestic Staffing  Position# Full Time# Part Time#Volunteer  Cook 1  Housekeeper 1  Janitorial 23  CemeterySee Janitorial  SchoolSee Janitorial

15  Survey Questions 1..Of the information that was just given what a. Didn’t you know before b. Surprised/shocked you c. Was missing 2. In your opinion, does the parish need more staff to accomplish its mission? If so, what additional staff needs to be put into place ( and for what purpose), if it was feasible? 3. The present staff consists of pastor, priest, deacons, religious sister, office manager, principal/school administrator, Day Care,, secretaries, teachers/Aides, book keepers, custodial/maintenance/cemetery care, who ought to be responsible for training of the staff?

16  Total Number of Households 928  When was the last parish census taken? May 1997  Over the last 10 years has the number of families increased? Yes  Over the last 10 years has the number of families decreased? Yes-Funerals  By how much? ~75 a year  Of your families, how many contribute on a regular basis? 325  How many contribute occasionally through the year? 100

17  Average Weekly Income: ~$5,000  Bingo Yes  Diocesan Expansion Fund loans No  Unpaid interest on Diocesan loans N/A  Are any DEF accounts “restricted?” Accounts are restricted according to function, that is, parish, school, cemetery  Is all church property in good repair? Fair The overhead exceeds the resources to maintain. Keeping up on repair and renovation is daunting with large old buildings.

18  Pending Capital Improvements ChurchPointing bricks$250,000 ChurchWater Damageundetermined ChurchLiturgical Space Renovationundetermined Conversion to Gas Heatundetermined RectoryFront Porchundetermined ConventExterior Repair/ Paintingundetermined Conversion to Gas Heatingundetermined Insulationundetermined SchoolRoof Repair$70,000 CemeteryRoad Repairundetermined Security/Main.Undetermined  Total Annual Fuel Cost $67,123.78 (12,015.50 gal. oil 18,983 units gas)

19  Survey Questions 1. Of the information that was just given what  Didn’t you know before  Surprised/shocked you  Was missing 2. Holy Rosary does not have a Pastoral Council, Sacred Heart does. Do you feel a Pastoral Council is needed? If yes, should each parish have its own council or should there be the establishment of a joint council for the planning of both parishes? 3. A number of years ago, Bishop McManus divided the diocese into cluster parishes to begin pastoral planning in the diocese. The clusters were to discuss one question in particular, “what would your cluster do if one or more priests were transferred /retired/died and not replaced in your parish?” The cluster in Gardner was Holy Rosary, Sacred Heart, St. Joseph, & Holy Spirit. A. Were you aware of this? B. If so, were you part of the discussion? C. If you were part of the discussion, what do you remember from the discussion concerning the future of the parishes in Gardner? 4. Given the projections of fewer priests and rising costs, how do you think your parish and the other parishes in the city of Gardner could be reconfigured to better meet the sacramental, educational, community and outreach needs of the population?

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