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Cattle Unit Ms Russell What You Will Learn: Breeds of Cattle Body Parts of Cattle Cattle Terms Different Types of Businesses You Can have with Cattle.

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2 Cattle Unit Ms Russell

3 What You Will Learn: Breeds of Cattle Body Parts of Cattle Cattle Terms Different Types of Businesses You Can have with Cattle


5 Types of Cattle Breeds Bos Indicus – American Bos Tarus – British – Exotic or Continental


7 American Cattle Brahman (Grey or Red) Brangus (Black or Red) Beefmaster Santa Gertrudis Simbrah Watusi They are insect and heat resistant. While they can be maternal they are not as maternal as British or Exotic Breeds. Most American breeds stem from the Brahman breed. They survive better in warmer climates.

8 Brahman Can be gray or red – Red and Gray Brahman have separate breed Associations They have apparent hump that differentiates them from other breeds All Brahman breed cows date back to the sire Manso SIRE- The father to an animal. DAM- Known as the mother to the animal. Bulls weigh 2000 to 2300 Cows weigh 1200 to 1400 All American breeds of cattle originate from the Brahman breed. Low birth weights Horned

9 Gray Brahman

10 Red Brahman


12 Brangus Can be black or red – They have separate breed associations. 5/8 Angus, 3/8 Brahman Having the Angus helps have a lower temperament and calmer animal usually. They are also more maternal due to the Angus. Low birth weights Good calving ease Horned or Polled – Normally polled POLLED-Born without horns and will not ever grow horns.

13 (Black) Brangus

14 Red Brangus

15 Beefmaster Vary in color (red, black, white, brindle) ½ Brahman, ¼ Hereford, ¼ Shorthorn Good disposition, fertility, weight, confirmation, and milking ability. Can be horned or polled BRINDLE-Brindle is a mix between red and black coloring. Almost as if the sun has changed its color. CONFIRMATION- This is how well an animal tracks or walks. One that doesn’t walk well will have problems throughout life whether it be carrying a calf or breeding. And this trait could be carried over to their calves.


17 Santa Gertrudis Originated at the King Ranch in Kingsville, Texas. Also called “Gerts”. Gerts all originated from the sire Monkey. Deep red in color 5/8 Shorthorn, 3/8 Brahman Good calving ease Good mothering ability Abundant milking ability Can be horned or polled.


19 Simbrah Can be black, red or have some white. – White is generally on belly or face, when on the face it’s known as a baldie or blaze face (stripe between eyes). Grow rapidly and gain efficiently Were developed to be the most functional and as sound as possible. Can be horned or polled. BALDIE- When a cow has white all on its face. Generally with composite breeds. COMPOSITE BREEDS- Breeds that are made up of more than one breed (most American breeds).


21 British Cattle Breeds Angus (black or red) Belted Galloway Hereford Scotch Highland Shorthorn Generally more maternal Thrive best in cooler climates

22 Angus Can be black or red – Both have their own breed associations. Originated in Scotland Known for: – Longevity – Maternal qualities – Ability to withstand harsh winters Bulls generally weigh 1800-2400 lbs Cows normally weigh 1200-1600 lbs LONGEVITY- How long an animal can survive.

23 Black Angus

24 Red Angus

25 Belted Galloway Black with white belt around center of body. Originally horned but that has since been bred out of them. Have 2 coats of hair – Soft undercoat that waterproofs and insulates – Outer curly layer that sheds water (can grow to 6 inches) Known for: – Tolerating harsh winters – Producing calves consistently into their teens – Docility – It is said that they will protect sheep or wild animals within their herd. Bulls weigh 1800-2200 lbs Cows weigh 1000-1300 lbs DOLCILE- Easy going temperment

26 Belted Galloway

27 Hereford Came from Herefordshire, England Are red with white face and white underline – Have curly hair Can be horned or polled – There are 2 different breed association for Polled Herefords and Horned Herefords Known for: – Docility – Maternal abilities – Natural ability to gain from grass – Good fertility Bulls weigh 1800- 2400lbs Cows weigh 1200-1700 lbs

28 Hereford

29 Scotch Highland Red in color Have long hair… – What could they be disease resistant from??? Known for: – Good temperament – Don’t stress easy – Lean meat, well marbled and flavorful Bulls weigh 1300- 1800lbs Cows weigh 900- 1000lbs – Very small…what does this mean??

30 Scotch Highland


32 Shorthorn Coloring varies – Known for having roan Known for: – Adaptability – Fertility – Calving and mothering ability – Feed conversion – Meat quality

33 Shorthorn



36 Continental or Exotic Cattle Breeds Charolias Chianinia Limousine Maine Anjou Simmental Known for producing good meat carcasses Survive best in warmer climates

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