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271 BOT. imbibitions  Imbibition is when the water goes inside the seed  imbibition is necessary for germination.

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Presentation on theme: "271 BOT. imbibitions  Imbibition is when the water goes inside the seed  imbibition is necessary for germination."— Presentation transcript:

1 271 BOT

2 imbibitions  Imbibition is when the water goes inside the seed  imbibition is necessary for germination.

3 AIM To demonstrate that water molecules attach to the molecules of colloids during imbibitions.

4  Water softens the seed coat  Therefore Root and Shoot comes out.

5 MATERIALS  Test tubes  Seeds  Filter paper  Weighing scale  Water

6 PROCEDURE 1. Take dry seeds. 2. Place them on a filter paper in Petri dish (A) With water (B) Without water 3. Weigh the dry seeds-- W 1 4. Add them to a test tube 5. Fill it with water. 6. Weigh again after 8-10 hrs—W 2


8 OBSERVATION The seed increase in size and weight.

9 INFERENCE Water moves by imbibition inside the seeds then helps movement of radicle and plumule.


11 AIM To demonstrate the principle of Osmosis with the help of a potato osmoscope (living system).

12 MATERIALS  Fresh potato  Concentrated Sucrose or salt solution  Petri dish  Water  Pin  Peeler  Cork borer

13 PROCEDURE  Peel the skin of a potato  One of its ends is cut to make it flat.  At the other end form a cup/hollow cavity with the help of cork borer.  Pour 5% or 10% sugar solution in to the potato cup up to a particular level.  Pierce a pin to mark the initial level.  This set up is called potato osmoscope or potato osmometer.  Place the potato osmoscope in a Petri dish containing water.  Leave the experimental set up undisturbed for about 30 minutes.  Observe for the change in the level of sugar solution in the potato cup.



16 OBSERVATION  You will be able to record an increase in level caused by osmotic movement of water.  You can repeat the experiment by reversing the situation. Take sugar solution in the container and water in the potato cup.  Mark the initial level. At the end of 30 minutes note the final level.

17 INFERENCE  water moves from weaken solution to stronger solution by osmosis, therefore the level rises.  potato work like a semi permeable membrane.

18 The end

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