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Process for Converting Kerogen into Petroleum by Thermo-Chemical Means.

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Presentation on theme: "Process for Converting Kerogen into Petroleum by Thermo-Chemical Means."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process for Converting Kerogen into Petroleum by Thermo-Chemical Means

2 2 Unstable Molecule Basic Building Block CHH

3 3 Methane CH 4 CHHHH

4 4 Ethane C 2 H 6 H H H C H H H C

5 5 Propane C 3 H 8 H H H C H H H C H H C

6 6 Butane C 4 H 10 H H H C H H H C H H C H H C

7 7 Basic Paraffin Series Formula C N H 2N+2

8 8 Liquids Pentane Hexane Heptane Octane These hydrocarbons continue to be liquids through C=17

9 9 Kerogen Any molecule with 18 or more carbons is Kerogen

10 10 C 32 H 66 Break point One of the infinitely possible molecules comprising Kerogen

11 11 Two Ethyl Alcohol Molecules C 2 H 6 O

12 12 Two Ethyl Alcohol Molecules Fractured by Heat

13 13 Breaking C 32 H 66 into Four Segments Each segment must have a hydrogen atom at both ends.

14 14 Conclusion The government survey states that the very best oil shale deposits will yield 25 gallons per ton. 1 25 gallons weigh approximately 150 pounds. This is a 7.5% conversion. This patented process yields 105% because the alcohol adds to the weight of the synthetic petroleum. Therefore, there are 9.4 times more synthetic petroleum available than previously thought. 1

15 15 Questions? Thank you.

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