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Mt. Hood Community College Market Enhancement Study 2008-2009 Student Body.

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Presentation on theme: "Mt. Hood Community College Market Enhancement Study 2008-2009 Student Body."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mt. Hood Community College Market Enhancement Study 2008-2009 Student Body

2 1 District Description

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4 MHCC Market Enhancement Study Analysis of MHCC Student Body by residence. Questions: 1.How well does MHCC serve district residents relative to population proportions within each zone? 2.Are there differences in enrollment patterns based on students’ zone of residence? 3.Who is coming to MHCC from outside the district? 4.What coursework are out-of-district students taking? 3

5 Methodology 1.Student Addresses for 2008-09 Academic Year. 2.Latitude and longitude (X,Y) coordinates obtained through an internet site. 3.The X,Y coordinates were plotted using mapping software. 4.Students residing outside the five zones identified as “Out of District – In State” or “Out of State.” 4

6 5 District Population by Zone

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31 Plot of Primary Residence of MHCC Students - Statewide 30

32 31 Plot of Primary Residence of MHCC Students – Portland Metro Area

33 District Student Body and Population Comparisons The population is evenly distributed between the five zones (approximately 20% of the 308934 people per zone). Zone 1 has the highest proportion of students. Zone 4 has the lowest proportion of students. 32

34 Over 1/3 of the student body (37.39%) are from out of district. Although the population is evenly distributed across the five zones, the proportion of the student body is different. The highest proportion of students live in Zone 1. Students living in Zone 4 are the lowest proportion of MHCC’s Student body 33

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38 Note: Missing gender data omitted from MHCC proportion calculations. 37

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105 Conclusions 1.How well does MHCC serve district residents relative to population proportions within each zone? 2.Are there differences in enrollment patterns based on students’ zone of residence? 3.Who is coming to MHCC from outside the district? 4.What coursework are out-of-district students taking? 104

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