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1 STAC6  STAC6 Family  Overview  STAC6/BLUAC/BLUDC match up  STAC6/Si5580/PDO5580 match up  “Under the hood”  P7000 some +’s & -’s  CONFIGURATOR.

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Presentation on theme: "1 STAC6  STAC6 Family  Overview  STAC6/BLUAC/BLUDC match up  STAC6/Si5580/PDO5580 match up  “Under the hood”  P7000 some +’s & -’s  CONFIGURATOR."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 STAC6  STAC6 Family  Overview  STAC6/BLUAC/BLUDC match up  STAC6/Si5580/PDO5580 match up  “Under the hood”  P7000 some +’s & -’s  CONFIGURATOR  Motor temperature rise ASP PRESENTATION

2 2 STAC6

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6 OVERVIEW  The STAC6 is a compact 6 amp/phase step motor driver with a 167 vdc bus (no transformer)  It uses sophisticated software to “tame” inherent problems with open loop drives  Existing AMP application software ie; Si Programmer, SCL and Q are seamlessly integrated into the design  A brand new, non-legacy application named CONFIGURATOR simplifies set-up


8 8 STAC6  Transformerless, light (2 lbs), small  167vdc BUS  Excellent step motor tuning  3 versions; S, Q, Si  Compatible with HUBS  Preconfigured motor files  Digital I/O; 7/3 or 15/7  Analog ins; (2) 12 bit resolution,+/-10v  List $795, $895, $995

9 9 BLUAC5  Transformerless, light, small  167vdc or 330 vdc Bus  Excellent servo tuning  3 versions; S, Q, Si  Compatible with HUBS  Preconfigured motor files  Digital I/O; 7/3 or 15/7  Analog ins; (2) 12 bit resolution,+/-10v  List $800,$1025,$1325

10 10 BLUDC  Light, small  24vdc or 48 vdc BUS  Excellent servo tuning  3 versions; S, Q, Si  Compatible with HUBS  Preconfigured motor files  Digital I/O; 7/3 or 15/7  Analog ins; (2) 12 bit resolution,+/-10v  List $535, $610, $680

11 11 PDO5580/Si5580  Stepdown transformer, heavy (8lbs), big  80vdc BUS  No resonance suppression  2 versions; PDO, Si  Compatible with HUBS  No preconfigured motor files  Digital I/O; 8/3  Analog ins; (1) 0 to 5 volt  List $750 PDO $980 Si

12 12 What the comparison shows  STAC6,BLUAC,BLUDC have identical flavors ie: S, Q, Si  STAC6,BLUAC,BLUDC have identical digital I/O’s  STAC6,BLUAC,BLUDC have identical analog inputs  STAC6,BLUAC,BLUDC have identical hub compatibility  RESULT: Choose the best prime mover for the application, let the electronics selection follow

13 13 STAC6  Let’s go under the hood

14 14 Under the hood  Low speed torque ripple reduction 4 th harmonic added to distort sine wave

15 15 Torque ripple reduction

16 16 Mid range resonance  Here comes the heavy artillery

17 17 Under the hood  Mid range resonance solution Dsp engine is running a model

18 18 Mid range resonance  Mid range resonance occurs in the 4 to 15 rev/sec range  Occurs at speeds when the drive is not capable of supplying full current  Occurs in natural resonant bands  Half stepping or microstepping often help  Type of coupling is important Some compliance was useful

19 19 Mid range resonance  Amount of load inertia is a factor  Sloppy gear boxes/backlash are bad  Viscous damping often helps Heavy grease in gearbox

20 20 Mid range resonance  Mathematical analysis shows insufficient “damping” is the culprit  How do you add damping without a feedback device?  Answer: Create a “model” of the plant and let it run in the background. Compare actual currents and the model currents. Inject a small “correction” signal from the model to raise the damping in the actual.

21 21 Mid range resonance  Model runs a plant that looks like a spring – mass combination.  Therefore we information about: The peak torque of the motor (spring) The total system inertia ie; Jr + Jl (mass)  Dsp engine then calculates the natural resonant frequency  Freq = sq. rt.{50Tmax/(Jr +Jl)} / 6.28

22 22 Mid range resonance  Result: Choose a motor from our preconfigured list and you only have to enter the load inertia

23 23 Mid range resonance  Use a non-listed motor and you have more info to enter!!!

24 24 Mid range resonance

25 25 Under the hood - Self Test  On power-up the drive verifies the resistance of the windings  On power up the drive verifies the inductance of the windings  The drive therefore needs this data File motors- no problem Non standard motors- You must enter

26 26 Under the hood - VERIFY  AMP has offered position verification on 3540i – very successful  STAC6 offers more Position verification Stall detect  Set the error window (just like a servo with following error) R&D project for “Stall prevention”  riding the Torque speed curve to lower speeds.

27 27

28 28 Configurator

29 29 We could have used Q.T.

30 30 SiProgrammer set-up

31 31 SiProgrammer set-up

32 32 Configurator

33 33 Select a motor

34 34 Use our wiring diagram

35 35 Select an Operating Mode

36 36 Oscillator mode- many options

37 37 Regen Clamp

38 38  Step motors have Class B insulation Class B means 130C winding temperature limit Classical approach to determine current rating  Suspend motor in free air  Adjust the current for a 80C winding temp. rise in a 40C environment (allows for 10C hot spot)  No iron losses to contribute to temp. rise MOTOR HEATING

39 39 STAC6 approach (motor losses are copper and iron)  Assumed a motor mounting plate 6” x 6” x.25” for NEMA 23 10” x 10” x.375” for NEMA 34  Verify motor winding temp. remains at or below 130C in a 40C environment  NOTE: This can result in case temperatures up to 95C MOTOR HEATING

40 40 Techniques that mitigate the temperature rise  Idle current reduction (factory default is 90%)  Motor losses vary with speed  10% reduction in running current causes a 21% reduction in temp rise. MOTOR HEATING

41 41  STAC 6 with Step Motors Thermal aspects are important now  Motors in indexing applications with some rest time (idle current reduction on) will exhibit Si5580 type temperature rises  Motors in constant speed applications will run hotter and need the mechanical mount to absorb some of the heat energy. MOTOR HEATING

42 42 STAC6

43 43 STAC6  NoTransf. light (2 lbs), small  167vdc BUS  Excellent step motor tuning  3 versions; S,Q,Si  Compatible with HUBS  Preconfigured motor files  Digital I/O; 7/3 or 15/7  Analog ins; (2) 12 bit resolution  List $795, $895, $995

44 44 PDO5580/Si5580  Transformer, heavy (8lbs), big  80vdc BUS  No reasonance suppression  2 versions; PDO, Si  Compatible with HUBS  No preconfigured motor files  Digital I/O; 8/3  Analog ins; (1) 0 to 5 volt  List $750 PDO $980 Si

45 45 BLUDC  Light, small  24vdc or 48 vdc BUS  Excellent servo tuning  3 versions; S, Q, Si  Compatible with HUBS  Preconfigured motor files  Digital I/O; 7/3 or 15/7  Analog ins; (2) 12 bit resolution  List $535, $610, $680

46 46 BLUAC5  Transformerless,light,small  167vdc or 330 vdc Bus  Excellent servo tuning  3 versions; S,Q,Si  Compatible with HUBS  Preconfigured motor files  Digital I/O; 7/3 or 15/7  Analog ins; (2) 12 bit resolution  List $800,$1025,$1325

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