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T HE W EDNESDAY W ARS G ARY D. S CHMIDT 2007 C OMING OF AGE - FICTION Nicole W. 4 th class period.

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1 T HE W EDNESDAY W ARS G ARY D. S CHMIDT 2007 C OMING OF AGE - FICTION Nicole W. 4 th class period

2 S ETTING The setting takes place during the Vietnam War in the year 1967. The setting is important because it is where the story takes place and occurs. The setting adds meaning because it was 1967 when kids were going to church afterschool on Wednesdays. If the setting was to be different the story would be different because it focuses on the Wednesdays he spends afterschool with Mrs. Baker.

3 C HARACTERS CharacterPhysical Characteristics Adjectives of Personality Text Evidence /Explanation of Adjectives Holling Hood Hood 1. He’s a 7 th grader. 1.Hardworking 1.He tries to impress for things he wants to strive for. 2.He’s Presbyterian. 2.Clever 2.He is always thinking a step ahead. 3.He’s tall.3.Wise 3.He thinks for the decisions he makes. Mrs.Baker1.She’s a teacher.1.Hateful 1.Treats Hood Hood rudely. 2.She’s tall.2.Kind-hearted 2.She does something nice for Hood Hood 3.She’s in middle age. 3.Mischevious 3.She can do something she shouldn’t

4 C ONFLICT Type of conflict: Man vs. Self The main conflict in this story is Holling Hood Hood having to stay afterschool on Wednesday because he doesn’t attend either Temple Beth El or St. Adelberts. He struggles through school and life dealing with issues.

5 S UMMARY OF P LOT In the year 1967 a young 7 th grader boy named Holling Hood Hood must stay afterschool on Wednesdays with his teacher who he thinks dislikes him. Hood Hood & Associates must compete with Kolwaski & Associates for Mrs. Baker’s Sporting Emporium contract. Mrs. Baker also must help Holling Hood Hood in one of his most desperate times of need.

6 T HEME Don’t let people who dislike you get the best of you. Text Evidence 1: “I didn’t do anything. She just hates my guts.” Page#7 Text Evidence 2: “And you don’t have to paint anything on your face to look stupid.” Page#37 Text Evidence 3: “You’re dead.”Page#69

7 P OINT OF V IEW The point of view is first person and helps the readers understand the person’s thoughts and feelings. If the point of view were to be different then you would then have to focus on more characters.

8 S YMBOLISM One thing that is symbolic in the Wednesday Wars is the contract that Hood Hood & Associates and Kolwaski & Associates must compete for. It shows that both family businesses are rivals and have competition between them.

9 R ECOMMENDATION This book is worth reading, and other readers can relate to it by maybe having a teacher that they think dislike them but really don’t or the kind of friends that Holling has in the book.

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