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SafeBuild for Critical Software Developments SIGAda’02, Houston, 10 December 2002.

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1 SafeBuild for Critical Software Developments SIGAda’02, Houston, 10 December 2002

2 Company Confidential Why do we sponsor SIGAda ?  TNI has been offering Ada code generation tools for many years  Ada 83 code generation from design modeling tools (HOOD)  Support of major European avionics & space projects: Airbus, Eurocopter, Thales, Alcatel Space, Hispano Suiza,...  Early support of Ada95  Technical collaboration with ENST-Bretagne  Full Ada95 code generation and reverse engineering  Co-organizing « Workshops on Method & Tools for Ada95 »  TNI-Europe is a sponsor of Ada-Europe  In 2001 TNI merged with Valiosys  Increase business worldwide  2 offices in the U.S. for sales and technical support

3 Company Confidential « To provide a comprehensive set of software and hardware system design solutions to enable designers of real-time applications in aerospace, automotive, semi-conductor, telecommunications and industrial automation to build better system-level models and implementations of their electronic products in less time. » TelecomAutomotiveSemiconductor Industrial Automation ADS STMicroelectronics Philips Texas Instruments Infineon Alstom Spie Trindel EADS, Airbus SNECMA Eurocopter Thalès France Télécom Alcatel NORTEL PSA TNI-Valiosys SafeBuild

4 Company Confidential  Enforce Software Engineering Best Practices  Model based approach  Modular Software Architecture and Low-coupling  Facilitate Reuse of Software Components  Ensure consistent Code and Documentation  Comply with Existing Environments and Projects Organization  Non intrusive capture of the Requirements  Reverse Engineering of Legacy Code  Compatible with any Configuration Management system  Multi-users capability  Unix/Windows interoperability  Support Industrial Standards:  DO-178B (avionics)  ECSS-E40 (space)  EN-50128 (railways)  ISO/IEC-12207 Requirements

5 Company Confidential SafeBuild/Reqtify Capture the Software Requirements and Coverage information where they are... Offer a full control of the Traceability Graph of the project Produce Traceability Matrix To manage requirements traceability across the project

6 Company Confidential SafeBuild/Stood  Powerful Architectural Design Model:  Complies with HOOD, AADL and UML 2.0 Components  Modular and Hierarchical for large projects  Specialized Components for Real-Time  Comprehensive Detailed Design Model:  Common framework for coding and documentation  Multi-language (Ada is preferred, of course)  Highlights the actual coverage of the requirements  Integrated verification tools (cross-references, design rules)  Predefined documentation layout  Configuration Management compliant data storage To find the best design framework before coding

7 Company Confidential SafeBuild Software Requirements Documents or Models Reqtify Stood Design Documents Legacy Code Requirements Traceability Matrix Top-Down Design

8 Company Confidential SafeBuild Software Requirements Documents or Models Reqtify Stood Design Documents Legacy Code Requirements Traceability Matrix Reverse Enginnering

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