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Western Region Drugs Task Force Chief Superintendent Patrick Diskin 12 th March 2015.

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1 Western Region Drugs Task Force Chief Superintendent Patrick Diskin 12 th March 2015

2 Western Region Divisions Four Divisions Galway - C/Supt. Tom Curley Galway - C/Supt. Tom Curley Mayo - C/Supt. Patrick Diskin Mayo - C/Supt. Patrick Diskin Roscommon/Longford – C/Supt. Padraig Rattigan Roscommon/Longford – C/Supt. Padraig Rattigan Clare – C/Supt. John Kerin Clare – C/Supt. John Kerin

3 Overall Strategic Aims Create a safer society through reduction of supply and availability of drugs for illicit use Create a safer society through reduction of supply and availability of drugs for illicit use Minimise problem drug use throughout society Minimise problem drug use throughout society Provide appropriate and timely substance treatment and rehabilitation services Provide appropriate and timely substance treatment and rehabilitation services Ensure availability of accurate, timely, relevant and comparable data on extent and nature of problem substance use in Ireland Ensure availability of accurate, timely, relevant and comparable data on extent and nature of problem substance use in Ireland Have in place an efficient and effective framework for implementing the National Substance Misuse Have in place an efficient and effective framework for implementing the National Substance Misuse

4 Overall Strategic Objective To continue to tackle the harm caused to individuals and society by the misuse of drugs through a concerted focus on the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research.

5 National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016 5 Pillars 1. Supply Reduction 2. Prevention 3. Treatment 4. Rehabilitation 5. Research

6 Resources DivisionGdaSgtInspSuptC/SuptA/CDrugs Clare243375214 Galway46781116118 Mayo243454415 Rosco/Longford227514315 Total118021424154122

7 Action Points Action point 5 – Develop a framework to provide an appropriate response to the issue of drug related intimidation in the community. Action point 5 – Develop a framework to provide an appropriate response to the issue of drug related intimidation in the community. Action point 7 – Develop an initiative to target adults involved in the drugs trade who are using young children to engage in illegal activities associated with the drugs trade. Action point 7 – Develop an initiative to target adults involved in the drugs trade who are using young children to engage in illegal activities associated with the drugs trade.

8 Action Point 5 In 2014 there were 3 reports of drug related intimidation in Clare Division – no formal complaints In 2014 there were 3 reports of drug related intimidation in Clare Division – no formal complaints

9 Action Point 7 September 2014 Mayo Division – male targeted who was suspected to be using children in the distribution of drugs. September 2014 Mayo Division – male targeted who was suspected to be using children in the distribution of drugs. Male apprehended with significant amount of heroin, ecstasy, cannabis herb and amphetamine - fled jurisdiction Male apprehended with significant amount of heroin, ecstasy, cannabis herb and amphetamine - fled jurisdiction Awaiting to be charged Awaiting to be charged

10 Underage persons involved in S&S of Drugs Underage persons do not feature greatly as suspected offenders in Section 15 MDA detections. Underage persons do not feature greatly as suspected offenders in Section 15 MDA detections. Mayo – November 2014 Mayo – November 2014 2 juveniles arrested in relation to sale & supply of cannabis herb in secondary school. Investigation being carried out into S&S of cannabis herb and ecstasy in two other secondary schools. Investigation being carried out into S&S of cannabis herb and ecstasy in two other secondary schools.

11 Types of Drugs Available Heroin (Diamorphine) Heroin (Diamorphine) Crystal Meth Crystal Meth Cocaine Cocaine Ecstasy Tablets (MDMA) Ecstasy Tablets (MDMA) MDMA (Powder Form) MDMA (Powder Form) Heroin Heroin Speed (Amphetamine) Speed (Amphetamine) Ketamine Ketamine Methadrone Methadrone Acid Tabs Acid Tabs Cannabis Herb Cannabis Herb Cannabis Resin Cannabis Resin

12 Source of Drugs Dublin Dublin Meath Meath Galway Galway Sligo Sligo Limerick Limerick Mullingar Mullingar

13 Grow House Discoveries in the Western Region January – April 2014 Division No.Value Clare11€1,800,000 (2,250 plants) Galway6€470,400 (588 plants) Roscommon- Longford 4€102,400 (128 plants) Total21€2,372,800 (2966 plants)

14 Statistics 2014 + 2015 to date GalwayMayoRos/LongClareRegion Cultivation2614172481 Sale & Supply 179294584337 Simple Possession 4521301803631125 Searches209550471411074420

15 Regional Drug Seizures Clare – December 2014 Operation Coronation 45kilos (€900,000) Cannabis Herb Clare – December 2014 Operation Coronation 45kilos (€900,000) Cannabis Herb Galway – 2014 148 detections for Sec 15 S&S. Cannabis valued at €120,000, €100,000 and €40,000. Heroin (numerous seizures) €5000 range. Galway – 2014 148 detections for Sec 15 S&S. Cannabis valued at €120,000, €100,000 and €40,000. Heroin (numerous seizures) €5000 range. Roscommon – 2014 Cannabis Herb - €123,220. Cannabis plants €91,200 Roscommon – 2014 Cannabis Herb - €123,220. Cannabis plants €91,200 Mayo – 2015 Cannabis plants - €79,200 Mayo – 2015 Cannabis plants - €79,200

16 Local Operations Galway Operation Sandman Operation Sandman target street dealers in Galway City – GNDU test purchases target street dealers in Galway City – GNDU test purchases Operation Turbo Charge Operation Turbo Charge monitor sale of heroin. In 2015 six (6) heroin dealers successfully targeted

17 Local Operations Roscommon/ Longford Operation Impede Operation Impede Target main suppliers of Drugs supplies. Operation Talamh Operation Talamh Drugs Unit, Traffic, Longford Garda personnel, Longford County Council target drug dealing in Ardnacassa area of Longford Town.

18 National Operations Operation Cogset – drug importation €4.7m Operation Cogset – drug importation €4.7m Operation Nitrogen – cannabis cultivation €23m Operation Nitrogen – cannabis cultivation €23m Operation Bill 2 – illicit drugs importation €1.3m Operation Bill 2 – illicit drugs importation €1.3m Operation Pallet – drug importation and distribution within the state €1.6m Operation Pallet – drug importation and distribution within the state €1.6m Operations Purse and Misspent – tactical operations which evolved into controlled deliveries €9m Operations Purse and Misspent – tactical operations which evolved into controlled deliveries €9m

19 Significant Convictions Clare – Heroin Dealer awaiting sentence Clare – Heroin Dealer awaiting sentence Galway – 2014 3 males sentenced to 7 years each for possession of €2.4m cannabis plants Galway – 2014 3 males sentenced to 7 years each for possession of €2.4m cannabis plants Mayo – 2014 Possession of cocaine for S&S 5 years Mayo – 2014 Possession of cocaine for S&S 5 years Rosc/Longford – 2014 Cultivation of cannabis plants value €213,600 – 5 years. Rosc/Longford – 2014 Cultivation of cannabis plants value €213,600 – 5 years.

20 Assaults Criminal Activity Domestic Disputes Drugs & Alcohol Root of Problem Psychiatri c Issues Public Order/Anti- Social Behaviour

21 Disposal of Incidents by Adult Caution Intoxication FCPS (Fixed Charge Penalty Notice) Fine not paid. Court Adult Caution No Conviction Majority do not re-offend. Conviction/Otherwise Disposed of

22 Drugs No Adult Caution Facility Conviction/Otherwise Disposed of Court Appearance

23 Courts play a significant role in Rehabilitation Court involves the Probation Services if appropriate Gardai Probation Service Advise on level of enagagement Advise on Co-operation Case disposed of accordingly

24 Initiatives Up-skilling of Gardai – CPD – Drugs Legislation Up-skilling of Gardai – CPD – Drugs Legislation Allocation of Gardai to Divisional Drugs Units on a rotational basis Allocation of Gardai to Divisional Drugs Units on a rotational basis Up-skilled Gardai share experience with district members Up-skilled Gardai share experience with district members Visits/Presentations to schools/colleges Visits/Presentations to schools/colleges Presentations to parents/teachers Presentations to parents/teachers Presumptive Testing – (Swift Justice) Presumptive Testing – (Swift Justice)

25 Underage Drinking/Discos Significant Operation put in place. Extra Resources Extra Resources Ambulance Service Ambulance Service Accident & Emergency Services Accident & Emergency Services Gardai Gardai Hotels Hotels Public Representatives Public Representatives Media Media Community Community

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