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Journal Club 埼玉医科大学 総合医療センター 内分泌・糖尿病内科 Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University 松田 昌文 Matsuda, Masafumi.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Club 埼玉医科大学 総合医療センター 内分泌・糖尿病内科 Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University 松田 昌文 Matsuda, Masafumi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Club 埼玉医科大学 総合医療センター 内分泌・糖尿病内科 Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University 松田 昌文 Matsuda, Masafumi 2014 年 11 月 20 日 8:30-8:55 8階 医局 Griebeler ML, Morey-Vargas OL, Brito JP, Tsapas A, Wang Z, Carranza Leon BG, Phung OJ, Montori VM, Murad MH. Pharmacologic Interventions for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: An Umbrella Systematic Review and Comparative Effectiveness Network Meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2014 Nov 4;161(9):639-49.

2 Drs. Griebeler, Morey-Vargas, Brito, Carranza Leon, and Montori: Department of Medicine, Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905. Dr. Tsapas: Second Medical Department, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki 54124, Greece. Dr. Wang: Knowledge and Evaluation Research Unit, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905. Dr. Phung: Western University of Health Sciences College of Pharmacy and Western Diabetes Institute, 309 East Second Street, Pomona, CA 91766-1854. Dr. Murad: Department of Medicine, Division of Preventive Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905.

3 Background: Multiple treatments for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy are available. Purpose: To evaluate the comparative effectiveness of oral and topical analgesics for diabetic neuropathy.

4 Data Sources: Multiple electronic databases between January 2007 and April 2014, without language restriction. Study Selection: Parallel or crossover randomized, controlled trials that evaluated pharmacologic treatments for adults with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Data Extraction: Duplicate extraction of study data and assessment of risk of bias.

5 Date of download: 11/19/2014 From: Pharmacologic Interventions for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: An Umbrella Systematic Review and Comparative Effectiveness Network Meta-analysisPharmacologic Interventions for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Ann Intern Med. 2014;161(9):639-649. doi:10.7326/M14-0511 Summary of evidence search and selection. RCT = randomized, controlled trial. Figure Legend: Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.American College of Physicians

6 Figure 1. Network of RCTs evaluating painful diabetic neuropathy within 3 mo, by drug class. Width of the lines is proportional to the number of trials for that comparison. ARI = aldose reductase inhibitor; RCT = randomized, controlled trial; SNRI = serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant.

7 キネダック(エパルレスタット)・・・アルドース還元酵素を阻害し、疼痛、しびれを抑える。 1 日 3 回毎食前 メキシチール(メキシレチン)・・・ Na チャネル遮断薬。糖尿病性神経障害に伴う自覚症状(自発痛、しびれ 感)の改善 サインバルタ(イミダプリル)・・・ SNRI 。糖尿病性神経障害の適応あり ワソラン(ベラパミル)・・・ Ca チャネル遮断薬。適応外 その他抗てんかん薬・・・適応外 マクロライド系・・・適応外 フロリネフ(酢酸フルドロコルチゾン)・・・適応外 リリカ(プレガバリン)・・・神経障害性疼痛の適応 麻薬系( トラムセット:トラマドール塩酸塩 / アセ トアミノフェン)

8 From: Pharmacologic Interventions for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: An Umbrella Systematic Review and Comparative Effectiveness Network Meta-analysisPharmacologic Interventions for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Figure Legend: Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.American College of Physicians Summarized risk of bias, by domains in the included RCTs. RCT = randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 2014;161(9):639-649. doi:10.7326/M14-0511 Date of download: 11/19/2014

9 From: Pharmacologic Interventions for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: An Umbrella Systematic Review and Comparative Effectiveness Network Meta-analysisPharmacologic Interventions for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Ann Intern Med. 2014;161(9):639-649. doi:10.7326/M14-0511 Agents for treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy compared with placebo, by class. Combined direct and indirect estimates. ARI = aldose reductase inhibitor; CrI = credible interval; SMD = standardized mean difference; SNRI = serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant. Figure Legend: Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.American College of Physicians

10 Data Synthesis: 65 randomized, controlled trials involving 12 632 patients evaluated 27 pharmacologic interventions. Approximately one half of these studies had high or unclear risk of bias. Nine head- to-head trials showed greater pain reduction associated with serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) than anticonvulsants (standardized mean difference [SMD], −0.34 [95% credible interval {CrI}, −0.63 to −0.05]) and with tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) than topical capsaicin 0.075%. Network meta-analysis showed that SNRIs (SMD, −1.36 [CrI, −1.77 to −0.95]), topical capsaicin (SMD, −0.91 [CrI, −1.18 to −0.08]), TCAs (SMD, −0.78 [CrI, −1.24 to −0.33]), and anticonvulsants (SMD, −0.67 [CrI, −0.97 to −0.37]) were better than placebo for short-term pain control. Specifically, carbamazepine (SMD, −1.57 [CrI, −2.83 to −0.31]), venlafaxine (SMD, −1.53 [CrI, −2.41 to −0.65]), duloxetine (SMD, −1.33 [CrI, −1.82 to −0.86]), and amitriptyline (SMD, −0.72 [CrI, −1.35 to −0.08]) were more effective than placebo. Adverse effects included somnolence and dizziness with TCAs, SNRIs, and anticonvulsants; xerostomia with TCAs; and peripheral edema and burning sensation with pregabalin and capsaicin.

11 Limitation: Confidence in findings was limited because most evidence came from indirect comparisons of trials with short (≤3 months) follow-up and unclear or high risk of bias. Conclusion: Several medications may be effective for short-term management of painful diabetic neuropathy, although their comparative effectiveness is unclear. Primary Funding Source: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

12 Message 65 件の無作為化試験(被験者 1 万 2632 人、介入 27 種)を対象に、糖尿病性末梢神経障害におけ る鎮痛薬の疼痛緩和効果を包括的システマティッ クレビューとネットワークメタ解析で検証。セロ トニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬 ( SNRI )、カプサイシン、三環系抗うつ薬 ( TCA )などでプラセボに比べ短期疼痛緩和効 果が増加した。


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